Chapter 291
Seeing the hustle and bustle in Chang'an today, Xu Jingzong felt awe-inspiring that Li Zheng's method was really useful.

There are many smart people in this world, Xu Jingzong secretly remembered this method in his heart.

You can indeed learn a lot and understand a lot by working with Li Zheng.

Sitting in the restaurant, Xu Jingzong saw the people he was entertaining.

The visitor is a well-known ranger in Chang'an.

"Help me find out when the workshops in Chang'an open recently." Xu Jingzong handed him a silver cake.

The visitor nodded, took the silver cake, turned around and left.

Xu Jingzong was still drinking wine leisurely, and said to the young servant who was busy: "Add another pile of mutton."

Zhang Gongjin returned to his mansion, and the medical officers who came to the Imperial Medical Office for daily consultations came to see the loquat dew given by Li Zheng, and only then did they know that Li Zheng had also given such medicine to Empress Changsun.

"Li Zheng's medicine can indeed soothe the breath. The empress has also used it every time when the breath is not smooth. It is very effective. Now the empress is using it sparingly. I think it will be used up in a month." The medical officer continued. Said: "Superintendent Xu Zhaolin has also specially researched this formula, and it's fine to eat it. Duke Zou can use it with confidence."

"A complete cure requires careful recuperation."

"It's time to work." Zhang Gongjin said.

"Zou Guoping also needs to move less during the day and take care of himself more."

After bidding farewell to the medical officers of the Imperial Medical Office, Zhang Gongjin took a mouthful of loquat dew, and felt much better after eating.

As soon as the medical officer left, someone from the mansion sent something, "Patriarch, this is from Li Zheng, saying it is a doctor's order."

"Doctor's order?" After receiving the letter, Zhang Gongjin opened it and looked at the contents, walked around a little, stood up more, stayed in bed less, did not eat mutton, drank goat's milk, and lit candles less...

Like an order for daily life, Zhang Gongjin said to the servants in his house: "Remove all the mutton and goat milk. From now on, everything in our house will follow Li Zheng's doctor's order."

The servants in the mansion were very happy. In the past, Zou Guogong always looked like he didn't want to rule.

Now I am actively requesting to improve the food and the environment in the house.

The people in the house went up and down to do things immediately.

Zou Guogong finally wanted to heal his illness.

Zhang Gongjin wrote down on a piece of paper the problems that Li Zheng said before, the gate of life and the gate of death.

It is indeed a question worth pondering.

Compared to your own problems, if someone asked you to give up all your money one day, what would he do.

Look at Li Zheng's question of life and death.

Li Zheng's question is more thought-provoking and thought-provoking.

Zhang Gongjin smiled bitterly three times. If he couldn't understand this question, would he be willing to die like this in this life?

After copying this question, Zhang Gongjin said to his servants, "Submit this to Your Majesty."

The servant took Zhang Gongjin's letter while sobbing.

Seeing him crying, Zhang Gongjin asked, "Why are you crying?"

"The head of the family finally wants to cure the disease, and we are happy."

"Send it." Zhang Gongjin sighed.

Li Shimin was practicing sword, Wang Ding came with a memorial and said: "Your Majesty, the memorial of Duke Zou."

After the movement stopped, Li Shimin handed over the long sword in his hand to the guards around him.

After receiving Wang Ding's memorial, Li Shimin was also thinking about it after reading it, and asked, "Wang Ding, I want to ask you something."

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that the old slave is too dull to answer His Majesty's question."

"I'm asking you, just listen to me."


"There are two doors in front of you, one is the door of life, and the other is the door of death. There is a person guarding each of the door of life and the door of death, and among these two people, one can only tell the truth, and the other can only tell the truth." Will tell lies."

"Is there any way to know which door is the life door just by asking one of the goalkeepers a question?"

"This..." Wang Ding was also lost in thought, unable to answer for a long time.

Li Shimin looked at this question, and Zhang Gongjin's memorial said it was Li Zheng's question.

Zhang Gongjin asked Li Zheng to give up all his money because of a problem with Li Zheng.

This question was used to test Li Zheng.

Zhang Gongjin's intentions can be imagined.

Instead of answering, Li Zhengfei also threw a question.

The gate of life and the gate of death...

Li Shimin was thinking in his heart, he chose the wrong door after hearing the lies, and entered the door of death, and he would never recover.

It just catered to the question Zhang Gongjin asked Li Zheng.

Asking you to give up all your money is also a difficult question for Li Zheng.

It's like Lee Jung's chess.

There is a taste of being reversed.

If you can't answer the question of birth and death, why did Zhang Gongjin tell Li Zheng to give up all his money.

Thinking back carefully, life may be like this.

A major choice often determines the rest of one's life.

Be careful with every choice, and if you make a wrong step, you will never be able to recover.

There are also people who will lie to you in the process.

There are also people who will tell you the truth, tell the truth.

Li Shimin recalled the time when Xuanwumen changed.

Wasn't the situation at that time the same as this problem?

If you fail, you will never be able to recover, but if you succeed, you are now sitting on the throne.

If the Xuanwumen Incident is not launched, can Li Jiancheng tolerate himself?

At that time, many people were suspicious of each other, and people around them couldn't tell whether they were enemies or friends.

The servant in front of him wondered if it was Li Jiancheng's eyeliner.

At that time, after listening to the suggestions of Zhang Gongjin, Fang Xuanling, and Yu Chigong's confidantes, the location of the conspiracy was set at Xuanwu Gate.

If something went wrong at the beginning, someone might have revealed a word.

It was impossible to succeed back then.

In retrospect, I still feel a little scared, but I finally saved myself.

But he also lost the trust of many clan members.

The decision in the dilemma is precisely the door of life and death in this question.

Li Shimin looked at Wang Ding and said, "Do you want to understand this question?"

Wang Ding bowed and said, "The old servant is too dull to understand."

Li Shimin said with emotion: "Li Zheng's question is so profound, it pales in comparison to Zhang Gongjin's question."

Wang Ding stood aside quietly.

"It's really rare for a child who is not yet an adult to be able to ask such a thought-provoking question." The smile on Li Shimin's face grew stronger, "Wang Ding, what kind of person do you think Li Zheng is?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "This old slave thinks that Li Zheng likes money very much."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "This kid is smart because he doesn't want anything, he only wants money."

"The old slave is stupid, the old slave thinks that Li Zheng is just a fool who wants money."

Li Chengqian also received a question from Wang Ding from Li Shimin.

"The gate of life and death?" Li Chengqian pondered for a long time, and even summoned his staff to discuss it, wanting to know a suitable answer.

"His Royal Highness, the gate of life and the gate of death are not critical. The key is that of the two guards, one can only tell the truth and the other can only tell lies."

(End of this chapter)

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