Chapter 326 Weapon Inventory
"Business." Li Zheng smiled.

Pointing to the route on the map, Li Zheng expressed his thoughts to Li Ji, Li Junxian and Cheng Chumo.

After listening to Li Ji, he pointed out several passes that were not easy to pass, and finally decided to take the Longyou Road. Li Ji and Li Junxian could also send someone to say hello to the pass guards and make an agreement in advance.

After the narration, Li Junxian wrote down all the conversations here, and these are all to be presented to His Majesty.

After listening silently, Cheng Chu probably knew what Li Zheng was going to do and said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Li Zheng put away the blueprint in his hand and said: "If someone from the court impeaches, ask your old man to stand in the way."

"It's easy to handle." Cheng Chu smiled silently and nodded.

I don't know why Cheng Chumo laughed so much, but Li Ji felt that Cheng Yaojin's job was the hardest.

If someone finds out what's wrong with this matter, it won't be so easy to solve it with just a few words.

After Li Junxian and Cheng Chumo left, Li Ji said to Li Zheng: "Come with me to Longwu Army, and you haven't brought today's food."

"I almost forgot." Li Zheng put the map away.

Taking Li Ji for a stroll around the village, Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "According to the food of our guards, ten times the amount will be sent to the stables."

"Do you want so much?" Li Yifu was a little surprised.

"You can arrange it." Li Zheng said to Li Ji: "General, is this okay?"

Li Ji thought for a while, "How about thirty times?"

"General, my small village hasn't escaped poverty yet, it's already getting worse."

"Really? I'm afraid the kind of business you just mentioned is difficult to handle." Li Ji looked up at the sky.

Depend on!Want to rip off!

For the sake of business, bear it!Li Zhengyi gritted his teeth and said, "Twenty times, no more."

"Okay!" Li Ji nodded and agreed, "Actually, you don't have to do this, it's His Majesty's permission. I can't be a hindrance from the left, right?"

"Then we must have the support of the general, and it is indispensable!" Li Zheng told Li Yifu again: "Take a few altars of high-quality spirits from the winery and send them to the stables."

"Hahaha!" Li Ji laughed and said, "It's all His Majesty's intention. You and I are all for making His Majesty's army the best of the best."

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu again: "Add another catty of soap."

Li Yifu took out the scroll he carried with him and recorded it.

Li Zheng sniffed a little bit aggrievedly. It seems that the scale of farming in the village should be increased in the future.

Li Ji then said: "Let's go, follow the old man."

Li Yifu watched Li Ji and Li Zheng leaving talking and laughing, a few jars of spirits and some meat and vegetables were not difficult.

It's just that I can't figure out when the relationship between the county marquis and General Li Ji was so good.

Walking all the way, Li Ji said: "You are really serious, but it's just a few pots of strong wine and some meat and vegetables. Is it necessary to hurt the spring and the autumn like this?"

"The general doesn't know something." Li Zheng held back his tears as he looked up at his head.

Li Ji sneered and said, "The old man knows all about you."

Li Zheng sobbed twice and said, "My family is poor."

"You are the only one from a poor family? Is this old man's family going to be reduced to beggars?"

Clearing his throat again, Li Zheng blinked vigorously and said, "You can't say that in the general's words. Youdao is hardworking and simple. Even if life is good, we can't forget it. We came from hard times."

Li Ji nodded in agreement, "It was really hard back then."

Li Zheng went on to say: "So, we must not forget the hard days along the way, we must maintain the good habits of hardship and simplicity, and put an end to extravagance and waste."

Li Ji nodded, "That's right, whoever dares to waste food in the military camp will be punished by military law in the future."

Li Zheng cupped his hands, "The general is wise."

Li Ji smiled boldly, "When dealing with military law, just say that you, Li Zheng, suggested that."


Suddenly, I feel that my life will be very difficult after hooking up with Li Ji.

This guy doesn't seem to be as easy to fool as Cheng Yaojin.

However, Li Ji is still a good general, and Li Ji is a person who takes care of himself in the wind.

There will be no meddling in the government and no factions in the court, and will not take the initiative to raise opinions.

Among so many generals who followed Li Shimin, Li Ji was a relatively down-to-earth person.

The military merits are not small, but he never takes credit for his pride. He belongs to the kind that the emperor tells him to do, and he does what he does.

Li Zheng still remembers that in the records, in the matter of bringing down Changsun Wuji and the Guanlong Group, in addition to Wu Zetian, Li Ji was also a great helper of Li Zhi later.

After walking for a while, Li Ji looked at the road construction site in the distance and asked, "I don't understand one thing, why are you so obsessed with building roads?"

"As the old saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first."

"Oh? Is there such an old saying? The old man has never heard of it."

"It doesn't matter who said it, anyway, the person who said it is very powerful." Li Zheng nodded solemnly.

Li Ji nodded thoughtfully, "The young people in Chang'an are all over their heads, but you are not interested in those fame."

"The general's words are wrong. In fact, brother Chu Mo is also very good. He can always show the momentum that he is willing to cut himself in order to get rid of the violence. Even if he is hung up by his father and whipped, he will go his own way."

Li Ji smiled coldly, "Because he's just a coward."

After walking for another half an hour, they came to the barracks of the Longwu Army. Now it is not the same as last time.

It was taken down by the ambushed scouts before it reached the last time.

Li Ji instructed: "In the future, when you have nothing to do, don't come to the Longwu army. As for those old men with weapons, they will be brought to your stables. If there is anything, just ask Duhu to bring news."

"I understand." Li Zheng thought to himself that I don't want to come yet.

Li Ji walked all the way: "Your previous proposal has been handed over to His Majesty, now I have to wait for His Majesty's reply."

Came to a corner of the Longwu army camp, where there are a lot of baggage.

Carts of weapons and knives were placed here. Li Zheng picked up a long knife and looked at it. There was still dark red blood on it, and it was obviously left unused after it was used up.

"The knife in your hand is well-used by the Turks." Li Ji picked up another rusty horizontal knife, "Even if these weapons can't be recast, throwing them away is a waste."

I took a rough look at the total of ten carts of weapons, roughly tens of thousands of them, piled up in piles like hills.

Datang's forging technology is neither good nor bad. Pig iron can be forged again, and some old weapons that have been forged several times are just consumables once they are used up.

Li Zheng put down the knife in his hand and said: "General, Your Majesty has given me the right to supervise the manufacture of weapons, so I can make weapons."

After speaking, Li Zheng took out a soldier talisman and handed it to Li Ji.

Li Ji checked and said: "Follow the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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