Chapter 328 He is the scapegoat

Wang Wu looked at Li Zheng's leaving back and unconsciously felt a little more troubled.

After returning to Jingyang, Li Zheng came to work in the field next to the stables, watching the peppers and sunflowers growing very well.

Looking at the huge flower plate of sunflowers, there will be melon seeds to eat in a few days.

After pulling out the weeds in the field, Li Zheng sat by the ridge for a while, resting while looking at the scenery around the horse pen.

Li Yifu came with silent vomiting, "His Majesty, he is back."

Mou said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have contacted a few Western Turkic people in Chang'an, and now I have become friends with them."

"Very good." Li Zheng nodded.

Mou bowed again and said: "I also ask the county magistrate to give me some more money so that I can go to Western Turks for a while."

"You still want money?" Li Yifu shouted immediately.

Mou explained: "Without money, it is difficult to get on the line with the nobles of Western Turks."

Li Zheng smiled and said, "How much do you want this time?"

Movo hesitated and said, "Just the same as last time."

"I'll give you ten times, but you must take care of things for me." Li Zheng said to him.

"The villain must live up to the entrustment of the county lord." Mou hurriedly bowed and said.

Li Yifu took Mou to withdraw the money, and was very curious when he left with the money.

When he came back to the stables and saw Li Zheng practicing Taijiquan, Li Yifu couldn't help asking: "Mr. County, why did you give him so much money?"

Li Zheng slowly made a move and said, "Are you confused? He came to ask for money before everything was done."

Li Yifu whispered: "I'm just worried that this person has other plans."

"If you feel confused, why not play Tai Chi with me, it's good for your body and mind."

Li Yifu stood behind Li Zheng and practiced Tai Chi following Li Zheng's movements.

Li Zheng made a move and said, "Do you think it is very unreasonable for a Turkic person to do things?"

Li Yifu replied in a low voice: "I just think that this Mou is not trustworthy, he is an outsider."

Li Zheng practiced Taijiquan slowly and said: "People outside the customs will not be burdened if they use it. If this Mou comes to me for money again, I will be more relieved, which means that he is really doing business."

"Then what if he takes the money and runs away?"

Li Zheng made a firm decision, "He is a shrewd Turkic businessman. If he ran away, I would only lose some money. At worst, I would change someone else. I knew very well in my heart that the silver cakes in his hand were more important than mine. His errands are important."

"As long as he wants to earn more money, he must follow me. If he doesn't follow me, the money may bring him a disaster or it will be used up one day. It depends on what he wants. I still want to go further.”

After speaking, Li Zheng sat down again, drank tea, held Tiangong Kaiwu and watched, "Besides, if there is any accident in the future, we need a scapegoat. It would be best to let this Turkic businessman be the scapegoat. You are right." ?"

Li Yifu nodded with a clear face, "The county marquis has thought of both the good and the bad, and I'm just stupid."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "The flattering skills are still a bit worse than Xu Jingzong's, and he needs to learn a lot."

Li Yifu nodded repeatedly.

"Don't delay the road construction." Li Zheng turned a page and said.

"Just go and watch." Li Yifu hurriedly left.

Tiangong Kaiwu has only a few pages on steelmaking technology, and only introduces some processes.

Not knowing whether it would work or not, Li Zheng turned another page to improve the level of steelmaking technology.

The system crops are still in the second stage, and it is not known whether there will be cotton, oak trees and other plants in the third stage of crops.

First, improve the level of steelmaking. In the era of no rubber, cork can be used instead of rubber to make tires. The hardness and structure of the steel frame determine how much weight it can bear.

Li Zheng rubbed his eyes. Looking at it like this, he must be nearsighted.

Myopia was a very serious problem in ancient times.

Relaxing his eyes, Li Zheng was still thinking about the manufacture of the tricycle.

The tricycle is a very landmark means of transportation.

It can carry people as well as cargo. In fact, the earliest tricycles existed in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

But pedaled tricycles did not become popular until the beginning of the [-]th century.

Looking at his system panel again: he took out some eye drops from the system pharmacy, dripped them in his eyes and relaxed his eyes.

Di Renjie, Daniel and Pei Xingjian have been studying the effect of force these days.

Friction, attraction, pressure, and more.

These are very simple mechanics. Daniel watched the rolling speed of the wooden wheels in front of him and recorded some data.

This is an experiment. Di Renjie and Daniel are thinking about how to make a car go faster.

This is a simple mechanics experiment, considering that there is weight, friction, and resistance.

There are still many experiments related to Newtonian mechanics. Di Renjie and Daniel are very talented, and they can always draw conclusions quickly in a few experiments.

Shangguanyi has been observing these children these days, seeing their growth.

On weekdays, Li Zheng just dialed a few words casually, and these children could learn quickly.

Although Shangguanyi didn't take this knowledge to heart, these children grew up too fast.

Sometimes even Li Chunfeng and Yan Liben would ask these children about physics.

Shangguanyi sighed, "What kind of monsters did Li Zheng teach?"

In the Chang'an Jinwu Guard's schoolyard, Yan Liben had spent a lot of effort to get the Ministry of Industry to imitate ten compound bows.

Li Shimin asked Chang'an's princes and old generals to try.

After watching the generals experiment several times, Li Shimin had a smile on his face.

The generals also had smiles on their faces, for them the role of this compound bow is very important.

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, this compound bow should be arranged for the leading guard of the last general first. It is not easy for the leading guard to guard Chang'an. Catch the gangsters in Chang'an."

Niu Jinda said hastily: "Old Cheng, who doesn't know that your leading guards are just making jokes all day long. You are just catching some little thieves and asking for compound bows."

Li Xiaogong also said: "If you want to give it, you must first give it to the Jinwu Guard. The Jinwu Guard is in charge of guarding the imperial city."

Cheng Yaojin said unwillingly: "Li Xiaogong, you say that you are a minister of the Ministry of Rites and you control what Jin Wuwei does."

Li Xiaogong smiled coldly, "Who doesn't know that Cheng Yaojin has a compound bow just to have fun."

"Okay, stop arguing." Li Shimin said: "First send it to Yu Chigong in the Hexi Corridor, and give the frontier army [-] compound bows."

Cheng Yaojin couldn't say anything more.

Li Shimin glanced at the generals and said: "You each have one of these ten compound bows, and I will give it to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

A group of generals saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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