People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 335 The Secret of Making Money

Chapter 335 The Secret of Making Money

Looking at several people, Li Zheng asked, "What do you call them?"

There were three blacksmiths in total, and the leader bowed and said, "I have met the Marquis of Jingyang County. He worked as a blacksmith in Xiatie University, both in the army and in the workshop. He has been blacksmithing for more than 20 years."

Another blacksmith also introduced himself: "I met the county lord, I was in Xiatie Er, and I made a living with my brother, Datie, forging iron since childhood."

Seeing that the third blacksmith wanted to introduce himself, Li Zheng said, "Your name is Tiesan, right?"

The man smiled awkwardly, "In Xiatiesan'er, the youngest in the family, three generations of our family have made a living from cast iron."

The ancients used relatively simple names, like Li Daxiong. Li Zheng wondered if he still had a relative named Li Erxiong, and he had never heard his father mention it. As for why he was a bear, maybe he was more bearish.

Since coming to this era, in Li Zheng's cognition, Li Daxiong is just a relatively down-to-earth farmer.

To say that Xiong might be a little stunned.

Clearing his throat, Li Zheng said to them, "Can you make small objects?"

"May I ask the county lord how small the object should be?" Tie Da asked.

From his own room, Li Zheng took the design drawing of the iron chain of his tricycle, "Can you make this thing? I deliberately enlarged the size."

The blueprint was very unfamiliar, and it was the first time they saw such a blueprint. The three brothers of the Tie family gave Li Zheng a strange look.

For so many years, I have always listened to other people's descriptions for blacksmithing. If it wasn't for someone else to take a shape, I would build it according to the shape.

Even if it is a drawing, many of them are just a painting.

It's the first time I've seen such a drawing.

And the drawing is very detailed, the three brothers who have been cast iron for many years can understand what is drawn on the drawing at a glance.

Like an iron chain connected one by one, the simple and easy-to-understand drawings have drawn many important things.

If there is such a drawing, it will be clear at a glance what will be cast in the future.

Seeing that the three brothers did not speak, Yan Liben asked: "How is it? Can it be cast?"

Tie Da stepped forward and asked, "Dare to ask the county lord, is there any such blueprint?"

"Yes!" Li Zheng nodded, "We in Jingyang are using these blueprints now, and many of them basically draw like this."

The elder brother of the three brothers of the Tie family, Da Tie immediately saluted and said: "It is rumored that the craftsman of the county Hou is exquisite and knows all kinds of crafts. We are willing to worship the county Hou as our teacher."

The other two brothers from the Tie family also saluted.

Li Zheng was a little surprised. It seems that the ancients were also very thirsty for knowledge.

After thinking for a while, Li Zheng said to them: "I can accept you as disciples, but you are all older than me, and I will call you brothers. You can learn how to draw blueprints in the village on weekdays, but you How about casting something for me?"

"Thank you, County Marquis." The three brothers of the Tie family immediately knelt down.

Yan Liben explained: "These three brothers are honest and diligent in their work. They also served in the army two years ago. It is not bad to accept them as disciples."

Tie Da said: "However, we have an unfeeling request, and we ask the county marquis to agree."

Li Zheng quickly helped the three kneeling people up and said, "Tell me, what kind of merciless request."

The three brothers glanced at each other, and Tie Daxian said: "I have three brothers and three people. I have a family and a child to take care of. I'm afraid I won't be able to live in Jingyang for a long time. The wives of the second and third brothers have been pregnant for six months. Eldest brother doesn't dare to delay."

"Although I intend to offend the county magistrate, I still want to say it."

"It's also necessary to take care of your wife's family." Li Zheng nodded and said, "Well, you can bring your family members to Jingyang to live with them for a long time. We still have a lot of vacant houses here."

"Really?" Tie Da was in a daze.

"As long as your skills can make my parts, I will pay you."

The three brothers immediately saluted together, "We will live up to the expectations of the county lord, and we will definitely be able to cast it."

"I know this thing is not easy to make, don't worry too much, just do your best." Li Zheng said.

Yan Liben also persuaded: "Okay, okay, this old man also knows that it's not easy for you. Those who take care of your family are all for one bite to eat. Work hard. The county marquis is generous as long as you are good at craftsmanship, you will definitely not treat you badly."

Generous?Li Zhengxin wondered when he would become an upstart in their eyes.

Yan Liben comforted the three brothers, and took them back to Chang'an first.

Li Tai asked curiously: "There are quite a lot of good blacksmiths in the army, why don't you let the army forge them?"

Sitting down again, Li Zheng drank tea and said: "Craftsmanship is very important, besides, I don't want to have too much contact with the army. I'm afraid that your father will think that I have the suspicion of recruiting the army, and he will chop me up if he is in a bad mood." , I'll find someone to reason with."

Li Tai said casually: "Don't worry, if you die, I will definitely burn paper money for you."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "His Royal Highness Wei Wang is also relieved, I will bite my last breath, climb to Chang'an and die at the door of your house."

Li Tai waved his sleeves and said, "Damn it!"

"Damn it?" Li Zheng put one foot on the bench and said leisurely: "His Royal Highness Wei Wang does not pay back the money, and your father does not pay back the money. Zhang Shi, you said how many days I haven't received my salary, since I received your father's order, I haven't received a day's salary, and you still don't let me resign, it's really deceiving."

"But don't worry, Your Highness Wei Wang." Li Zheng looked serious, "I keep all these accounts in a small notebook, and I will ask you to pay back the money one day?"

Li Tai smiled wryly again and again, saying that Li Zheng never went to the court to make peace with his salary, let alone the salary, from the captain of the Flying Battalion of the Longwu Army to the general of Zhonglang, it seemed that Li Zheng had never been given a salary.

In this way, the father really never gave Li Zheng a salary.

By saying this, Li Zheng also knew that it was difficult to ask Li Shimin for money.

Also consider whether Li Shimin will chop himself up for his reputation.

After thinking about it, it was a crime to pour red paint on Chengtianmen to ask the royal family to pay back the money.

It still seems a bit too risky.

Datang's soy sauce is fermented with raw meat. Of course, the taste of that kind of soy sauce is not good, and it is easy to deteriorate.

Li Zheng opened the lid of a water tank next to his house, and it was full of soy sauce.

This kind of soy sauce is fermented from soybeans and bran. Although the taste is a little better than that of later generations, it can be regarded as the only one in Datang.

Using soy sauce to make pork into braised pork can become a delicacy in Jingyangfang City.

Pork itself is not worth much in this era, but food is.

The original pork price can be doubled and sold.

Development requires money, and the economy cannot be separated from development.

Getting rid of poverty and becoming rich and living a good life are still far from my plan of retiring before the age of 30.

The Cheng family recruited Dalan to buy a lot of pigs, Cheng Yaojin looked at these sows with a smile on his face, as if the Cheng family was not far from getting rich.

 There will be more changes in the second half of the night, thank you brothers and sisters for monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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