Chapter 337 Li Tai's Day

Li Tai held the wooden circle in his hand and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"This is called a hula hoop." Li Zheng explained: "Use the strength of the waist to make the hula hoop rotate continuously."

"Is this also weight loss?" Li Tai asked.

"That's right." Li Zheng was eating, "His Royal Highness King Wei can only rest and eat after [-] laps."

Li Tai tried to turn around twice and said, "This is so embarrassing, it looks like dancing."

"Just get used to it." Li Zheng distributed a piece of braised pork to the children.

"It's the same as Hu Xuanwu." Li Tai said with disgust.

Hu Xuanwu is a kind of barbarian dance, and I don't know what's so good about barbarians spinning around in circles. Sometimes I really can't understand the aesthetics of the ancients.

Li Zheng said to the children: "Eat more, His Royal Highness King Wei doesn't need to eat too much recently to lose weight."

The four children, Daniu, Dahu, Di Renjie, and Pei Xingjian, have already begun to feast on food.

According to the speed at which these children eat, if I don't hurry up, I'm afraid there won't even be food left.

Li Tai gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and began to spin the hula hoop.

After finishing eating, Daniel went to the kitchen to take a look and said, "Teacher, there is no more food."

Li Zheng asked, "Are you full?"

"I am full."

Several children nodded.

"When you're full, go to bed early."

Li Tai spun the hula hoop thirty times before sitting down.

Seeing that there are still many dishes on the table, I was relieved.

But when I came to the kitchen with the bowl, the pot was so clean that there was not a single grain of rice left.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Li Tai shouted and scolded: "Li Zheng, did you do it on purpose?"

Li Zheng looked at the book in his hand calmly and said, "If His Royal Highness King Wei could finish hula hooping earlier, he would have something to eat."

Li Tai looked at Li Zheng's appearance, and wanted to cry in his heart. As the king of Wei, since he was a child, when did he suffer such grievances.

"Eat vegetables, eat more."

Li Tai sat down aggrievedly and drank bone soup, losing weight was so hard.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Exercise well, eat and sleep on time, it's always right to live longer."

After the meal, the two soaked in the pool in the village.

This pool was built when I took an ice bath in summer.

Relaxing his body, Li Zheng said to Li Tai, "Do you feel that your breathing is much smoother now?"

Li Tai felt his breath, "After a few days, I really don't feel like I was struggling to breathe before."

"The thicker the fat on the body, the greater the burden on the body, whether it is internal organs or bones." Li Zheng said patiently: "For example, His Royal Highness King Wei weighs [-] jins more than me, and a stone weighing [-] jins is very heavy. "

Li Tai nodded, "It's really heavy."

"A person's physical load is limited. His Royal Highness King Wei's body bears the weight of thirty catties every day."

"Bearing these thirty catties every day."

Hearing this, even soaking in a warm pool is still a little scary, and I feel like I am carrying thirty catties of stones to live every day.

Li Tai whispered: "Li Zheng! I want to lose weight, I want to lose weight, and I want to live longer than the prince."

"Okay, I'm going to start hell mode next, His Royal Highness King Wei must bear it."

Li Tai nodded vigorously.

Li Shimin was very concerned about Jingyang, or it could be said that the person Li Shimin was really staring at was Li Zheng.

After the morning court on the second day, Li Shimin went to the outside of Chang'an to cultivate the land himself.

Naturally, the emperor's cultivated land was different from that of ordinary people. Li Shimin went to the field and picked up a hoe that only farmers would use.

There were eunuchs and ministers standing behind, and even the team escorting Li Shimin was [-] meters long at a glance.

It doesn't matter whether Li Shimin really wants to plow the land, what matters is how many people saw the current emperor plowing the land with their own eyes.

With the ostentation, there will naturally be crowds of onlookers. The appearance of Li Shimin stepping on the muddy field and driving an ox to plow the field was quickly remembered by people.

After almost plowing the field, Li Shimin waved the hoe to weed again.

Living Lang is recording Li Shimin's every move.

Li Shimin didn't start sowing the seeds until the acre of land was almost plowed.

After finishing his work, Li Shimin sat back in the carriage, and saw the expressions of these common people from the gap in the curtain of the carriage which was blown up by the wind.

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Wei is building roads in Lizheng."

As the carriage moved, Li Shimin asked in surprise, "Building roads? What is Qingque doing for Li Zheng to build roads?"

Wang Ding drove the carriage and asked in a low voice: "The old slave doesn't know, but now His Royal Highness King Wei is working like a group of laborers."

Let Li Tai raise pigs and chickens for Li Zheng first, and that's fine.

Now Li Zheng is going too far and let Li Tai raise chickens?

Li Shimin quickly said: "Changing to Jingyang, don't let so many people follow."

"Here!" Wang Ding waved his hand, and Li Shimin's car left the main force and headed for Jingyang with a small escort.

The car drove for more than half an hour before stopping, Wang Ding said: "Your Majesty, we are here."

Li Shimin lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the situation in front of him. This is the road construction site in Jingyang, and tens of thousands of laborers are busy here.

Wang Ding pointed to the person pulling the millstone in the distance and said, "Your Majesty, isn't that the King of Wei?"

Li Shimin looked up, and Li Tai was not far away.

This kid was wearing coarse linen clothes, watching him grit his teeth and drag the huge millstone, this is how a dignified prince would end up like this.

Since childhood, when did the blue sparrow suffer like this.

His daily life has always been no worse than that of the East Palace.

Li Zheng actually asked Li Tai to do this kind of rough and tiring work. It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel distressed when he saw his son's face flushed and pulling the millstone with all his strength.

After seeing this kid dragging the millstone to its place, he could still chat and laugh with those workers.

I can't help but feel relieved a lot.

Li Shimin put down the curtain and said, "Go back to Chang'an."

Wang Ding just nodded and drove the horses and carts to Chang'an.

Li Tai didn't notice the cars driving in the distance, and after talking to the workers, he went on to pull the millstone.

At the end of the day, Li Tai was so tired that he collapsed, so he simply took a shower and sat by the horse stable with no strength.

The sun was about to set, and Dui drove the horses back to the stables.

On weekdays, he can't sleep well most of the time, these days Li Tai can obviously feel that he sleeps better.

And after waking up, there will be no dizziness like before, and now I can feel refreshed when I get up every day.

Li Zheng didn't know what to do anymore, there was a chessboard carved on the stone table, and he didn't know why he wanted to carve a good stone table into a chessboard.

Pick up a book on the table, the title of this book is thick black study.

The time before Li Zheng cooks is idle.

Looking at the content of this book, I didn't think much of it at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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