Chapter 342 The Turks

Li Zheng turned the melon seeds with a target. The sun is good these days, so it's just right for melon seeds.

Peel a melon seed and eat it in your mouth, it's a bit astringent or too moist.

It seems that it will take a few more days, Du Hu asked curiously: "General Zhong Lang, is this delicious?"

"Delicious." Li Zheng handed one to Duhu.

Following Li Zheng's example just now, Duan peeled the melon seeds and ate one, then said, "It's not tasty at all."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It will be delicious after frying."

Although he is already the deputy general of the Longwu Army, Zhong Lang is also used to calling him Dahu, and it will not be easy to change it for a while.

This military position is also a false title, and Li Shimin just let himself raise horses here.

It's better to have nothing to do with things like military power.

too dangerous.

Looking at everything in the stable, Dui got up and comforted a horse that had just come running.

It seemed that the horses were frightened. There was nothing in the village that would frighten the horses. Even when they met the villagers, they were used to it now.

Looking at the mud on the reins, Li Zheng asked: "Digger, didn't I tell you to put the reins away on weekdays? Otherwise, the horse will easily trip over its own reins when it runs."

Du Hu looked at the situation and said: "The humble job is inspected every day, so it shouldn't be loose."

As he spoke, Dui put the rein away again and beat a knot.

There was some grass clippings and mud around the saddle and it looked like someone had ridden it.

Li Zheng said again: "Do people in the village know how to ride horses on weekdays?"

Du Hu laughed and said, "How can people in our village know how to ride a horse? Besides, even if they bump into a horse, they will feed something, so they can't ride."

Looking at the buckle near the horse's mouth, it was obvious that it had been pulled by someone. If it hadn't been for pulling the rein hard, there would be no such traces.

"Cheng Chumo and His Royal Highness the King of Shu probably wouldn't come to ride a horse, even if they want to ride a horse to relax, they will come to the stables to pick the best one."

Du Hu also became puzzled, "What does the county lord mean?"

The village has always been guarded by Li Ke's guards, and all roads around the village are guarded.

There shouldn't be any strangers coming here.

Li Zheng said to Du Hu: "Put on the compound bow and follow me to have a look."

"Here!" Dui ran into the room and took out a compound bow and a barrel of arrows.

Follow the horseshoe prints when the horse came, and go straight down.

The horses in Jingyang all wear horseshoes, and this special horseshoe print can be easily recognized.

Walking all the way to the back mountain of Jingyang, I saw a figure sneaking towards the farm.

Seeing the other party's attire from afar, Du Hu said, "General Zhonglang is a Turkic man."

After speaking, Duhu was about to raise his bow, but Li Zheng held him back and said, "Don't worry."

The two lay down in the jungle and watched the Turkic man's actions.

I saw him whistle and a few Turkic people appeared around him.

There were six people in total, and Li Zheng was curious about how they got into the village.

These people sat down in the woods and shared food with each other, as if they were going to sit down and rest. You can also see that these Turkic people are carrying knives behind their backs.

"Do it." Li Zheng whispered.

Dahu ran in another direction with the compound bow in his hand, and Li Zheng could tell that Dahu was trying not to reveal his position.

It seemed that the movement of the tiger had aroused the vigilance of these Turkic people, and they looked around.

Just when a gust of wind blew past to cover them, these Turkic people started eating cakes again.

Just as they let down their vigilance, an arrow shot straight through the Turkic man's throat.

His blood dripped on the naan bread in his hand, and he fell to the ground with a whimper.

A few strange screams came from the mouths of these Turkic people, and these Turkic people immediately followed the direction of the arrow and hid behind the tree.

Another arrow came from another direction and hit the palm of another Turkic man, piercing through the palm and nailing it to the tree.

Li Zheng retreated step by step. Jingyang is a place that Dug is familiar with. The compound bow with super long range is in Dug's hands. This back mountain is Dug's hunting ground.

After walking down the back mountain, Li Zheng said a few words to a passing villager, and the villager immediately reported to the guard.

There was a wail from behind, and a Turkic man who had been shot in the thigh ran up in a panic.

Seeing himself, a Turkic man, eyes glowing, as if he had found a way out.

Holding the knife, his steps became faster and faster. Li Zheng picked up a stone, and when he was close to him, he swung the stone and smashed it on his face.

The Turkic fell to the ground, covering his bloody face, and kept rolling on the ground.

Swinging the stone again, Li Zheng smashed his knee.

A wailing sound came from his mouth. Noticing the big tiger on the hillside, Li Zheng nodded to indicate that he was fine.

Duo went to hunt the remaining Turks again.

From here, you can see Dumb's skill is very flexible, but you can't see him when he re-enters the bushes.

Hearing the loud wailing of the Turkic man, Li Zheng picked up a rock and hit him on the back of the head again, knocking him unconscious.

Li Ke also came with the guards, "Li Zheng, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Li Zheng kept a distance from the Turkic man lying unconscious on the ground covered in blood, and said to Li Ke: "This man is alive, let's keep it first."

Li Ke looked at the blood on the Turkic man's face and the arrows on his thighs, and saw that his knees were still bloodstained, and his knees were limp at a very weird angle, obviously his legs were useless.

He glanced at Li Zheng in surprise, Li Ke was about to ask something more.

Li Zheng said to Li Ke: "Dahu is still fighting with the rest of the Turks in the back mountain, you go and arrest them."

"Okay!" Li Ke waved his hand immediately, and all the guards entered the back mountain.

On the mountain, Duo dragged four corpses to a Turkic man.

The Turkic man nailed his palm to the tree.

Dui drew his bow and pointed it at him.

Seeing the corpses of his companions, the Turkic man yelled, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was about to pull out the arrow nailed on his palm, intending to fight the tiger with his life.

Dumb let go of the bowstring expressionlessly.

The bowstring vibrated, and the unique string sound of the compound bow sounded, and the arrow shot out with the sound of piercing the air, and an arrow shot very accurately in one of the Turkic eyes.

Dui raised his bow again with a blank expression, and another silent arrow nailed the other palm of the Turkic man to the tree.

Dahu said to the Turkic man in Turkic dialect: "Leave you alive, but also know your origins."

Li Ke came with his people and looked at the corpse of the Huns lying on the ground, and a Turkic man whose palms were nailed to a tree and howling.

The scene is so miserable, and the appearance of the Turkic people is easy to identify.

Dui put down his compound bow and said, "It was these few Turks who sneaked into the village, including the six Turks who were defeated by the county lord in the back mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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