Chapter 347 Blacksmith
Seeing the two brothers standing in front of the Lizheng Hall, Li Lizhi hastily stepped forward and said, "My mother has urged me several times."

Only then did Li Tai take a step back, and said to Li Chengqian, "My brother is going to see his mother right now."

Li Chengqian also nodded, "I still have a lot of things to do in the East Palace alone."

Li Chengqian turned and left, and Li Tai also walked into the Lizheng Hall.

Seeing that the two brothers who were at war with each other finally walked away, Wang Ding heaved a sigh of relief, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Li Tai walked into the Lizheng Hall and saw the empress who was mending clothes and saluted, "Empress."

Empress Changsun sewed the last stitch of the clothes under the sunlight, and then put the clothes in Li Tai's hands, "I know you have grown taller again, so the queen mother made a new suit for you."

Li Tai took the clothes and put them on immediately.

Looking at Li Tai in the new clothes, Empress Changsun sized him up for a long time, "Well, it fits very well."

When I was in Prince Qin's Mansion, the clothes were all made by my mother.

In Li Tai's memory, this habit has been kept by his mother ever since his father ascended the throne.

From time to time, he would make new clothes for his brothers and sisters, and Li Tai said, "Thank you, Queen Mother."

Empress Changsun said in a low voice: "I still have to go back to Jingyang, and get a good treatment. Even if I lost weight, I have darkened a lot."

Li Tai grinned and said, "It's all the same."

Empress Changsun nodded, "Get cured early and come back soon."

Li Tai nodded vigorously.

After talking to his mother about Jingyang, Li Tai walked out of the Lizheng Hall, and Li Zhi walked up the hall as soon as he stepped out of the hall.

Li Zhi asked in a low voice: "Brother Huang, is Li Zheng still accepting disciples?"

Holding Li Zhi's hand and walking aside, Li Tai whispered to Li Zhi, "You want to be Li Zheng's disciple? Do you know who Li Zheng is now?"

Li Zhi said stubbornly: "There is no distinction between teaching and learning."

Li Tai sighed, "Teaching without discrimination is not used in this way. You didn't listen carefully when the master lectured on weekdays. The Emperor Brothers will tell Li Zheng about this. Can you be Li Zheng's disciple? Do you understand what Li Zheng and his father mean?"

Li Zhi nodded, with a grievance in his expression.

When leaving, Li Taiduo looked at the East Palace and walked out of Chengtian Gate.

All the way out of the gate of Chang'an, Daniel was already waiting in the bullock cart.

Li Tai climbed into the bullock cart skillfully, and Daniel said: "Someone sent some packages, said to be for Brother Wei Wang."

Li Tai untied and took a look at the clothes, and said to the villager driving the ox cart, "Uncle, go back to the village."

The bullock cart moved slowly, and Daniel took out some dates, and the two of them talked and laughed while watching the scenery and eating the dates.

Li Zheng received the chain from the three brothers of the Tie family. The chain was made very strong, and the hardness was not bad after several tests.

The three brothers of the Tie family stood aside, watching Li Zheng seem to be measuring every gap in the chain.

Li Zheng put this gear on two gears of different sizes and tried to turn it.

Tie Da asked curiously: "Mr. County, our three brothers are relatively stupid and took almost two months to make it."

"It's okay the first time it was slow, but it's done anyway." Li Zheng tried the gears and the chain to rotate smoothly.

Tie laughed loudly and said, "As long as the county marquis is satisfied."

Li Zheng spread out the complete drawing of the tricycle in front of the three brothers, "Can you make this thing?"

Tie Da looked at the huge blueprint and said, "Is this a kind of car?"

"I call it a tricycle." Li Zheng grinned and said, "Can you do it?"

Tie Da nodded and said: "As long as we have the map of the county marquis, we can create it."

I brought these three brothers to the village. Now the village has a large population, and the population density of the village is almost saturated. If it continues to develop, it will need to expand the area.

Li Zheng took the three brothers to the rear of the guards. There was an open space here, "This is where we usually train the guards."


"It's my part." Li Zheng explained.

The three brothers of the Tie family nodded.

Li Zheng beckoned to Li Ke, who was supervising the guards standing in military posture.

Li Ke walked over and looked at the three brothers of the Tie family, who were dressed in some rough clothes, and asked, "Master of the county, who are these three?"

"They are the blacksmiths who came to make big iron for me. Didn't Chaozhong give me the right to supervise the manufacture of weapons? Now I can make ironware openly."

Li Ke knew that Li Zheng was going to make ironware before, "How do these three people arrange it?"

"The people of the guards built a blacksmith's shop here, and this is where we will cast and forge our own weapons in the future."

"Okay." Li Ke said a few words to the guards, and hundreds of people immediately rushed up to start building.

Seeing the quick movements of the staff, Tie Da said with some trepidation: "Your Majesty, we can do it ourselves."

"You're welcome, these people usually have the strength and no place to use them." Li Ke laughed.

"It's not this." Tie Da said: "There are a lot of specialties in casting iron, it's not just a random house."

Li Ke nodded suddenly, "That's okay, just let us know if there is anything that needs attention."

"Hey." Tie Da could only nod.

Li Zheng took the three brothers of the Tie family to find Li Yifu who was lazily lying under the tree.

When Li Yifu saw Li Zheng coming, he immediately stood up, "Your Majesty, I was just thinking hard about how to prevent Turkic people from entering the village."

"Really?" Li Zheng looked at Li Yifu suspiciously, this guy is also a person who talks nonsense without blushing.

Li Zheng said to him: "These are the three brothers of the Tie family. In the future, they will forge weapons for me, as well as for Chaozhong and His Majesty. Treat them well, arrange a few houses for them in the village, and give them some clean clothes." clothes."

"Understood." Li Yifu said.

Li Zheng said to the three brothers of the Tie family: "You can bring your family and live in Jingyang from now on. It's delicious and comfortable to live in. Now it's the probationary period and I'll give you ten guan a month's wages."

The three brothers of the Tie family knelt down in unison, "Thank you, the county lord, for taking me in. I don't need any wages, I just need a bite to eat."

"Get up quickly." Li Zheng helped up the three brothers of the Tie family, "Kneeling is not in our village, and everyone in our village must be paid as long as they work. This is the rule. If you don't accept Money breaks my rules."

The three brothers of the Tie family said in unison: "From now on, my Tie family will work hard for the county lord."

"It's not enough to risk your life." Li Zheng said to the three excited blacksmiths: "Go back to Chang'an and prepare to bring your family. You will live here in the future. You don't need to bring too much to salute. Here you have everything you need."


The three brothers said in unison.

This sound is a sense of obedience and loyalty.

The three brothers left with red eyes, Li Zheng looked at the backs of the three brothers and said, "Li Yifu, why do you think they are so excited?"

(End of this chapter)

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