Chapter 358
Xu Zhaolin went on to say: "Your Majesty, this kind of wound is too tricky. It will bleed and pus all the time. If it is stabbed in the limbs, amputation may be the cure. Once there is such a wound in the chest, it can only depend on the destiny."

"Only amputation?" Li Shimin asked again.

Xu Zhaolin explained: "This kind of wound is not easy to heal, and it is easy to fester. There will be continuous rotting flesh. If the festering wound is not amputated, people will get sick. This is fatal and cannot be underestimated."

After glancing at Li Shimin's solemn expression, Xu Zhaolin asked again: "Your Majesty, do you dare to ask if there are still animals like this? There are still people."

"There is no one and no other animals, that's it, you go back to the Imperial Medical Office." Li Shimin said.

Xu Zhaolin nodded, "I'm leaving now."

Back at the Lizheng Hall, Li Shimin thought about Li Zheng, and Cheng Chumo and Li Ke jointly signed a memorial.

It seems that what is said in the memorial is true, this kind of triangular stabbing is very lethal, and it seems that a small wound can easily kill a person.

Hurt Tianhe?

Li Shimin was uncertain.

Li Zhi returned to Chang'an today to visit his father and mother and talked about what he had learned in Jingyang.

Just like Li Zheng's strange abilities, Li Shimin was also very strange listening to Li Zhi's narration.

Li Zhi went on to say: "In fact, before Li Zheng sent people to heaven, he just used the principle of rising heat."

"Really?" Li Shimin disagreed.

"Also!" Li Zhi continued: "There is something called air pressure in our lives that presses all of us."

"Air pressure." Li Shimin felt for a moment that he didn't seem to feel anything pressing him down.

Li Zhi followed Li Zheng all day to learn some weird things.

Li Zhi said in a low voice: "Father, Li Zheng refused to teach my ministers to trade, saying that my ministers are not suitable for this."

Li Shimin sighed and said: "Li Zheng is right, you are a prince, how can you be a businessman?"

"But, my son wants to make money."

Li Shimin smiled coldly, "You are not that material."

"Hmph!" Li Zhi turned his head and snorted coldly.

Li Shimin smiled helplessly and didn't blame him.

However, Li Shimin was still very entangled.

I have always wanted to use my power to lure Li Zheng to enter the court, but this kid is not willing to enter, and now even Chang'an has not even set foot.

There are many strange people in this world, Yuan Tiangang is one, and so is Li Zheng.

But Li Zheng doesn't like this.

Li Shimin said patiently: "Since Li Zheng doesn't teach you how to trade, why don't you come back and learn from the master of the Imperial College?"

"My son must learn all of Li Zheng's skills, and earn a lot of money like Li Zheng to honor his father and mother."

Today's palace is not like before, and it is not so tight now.

At least now there is still a lot of fine salt in the inner warehouse, which are all refined by Li Zheng's fine salt refining method.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Since you learned your skills from Li Zheng in Jingyang, do you know why Li Zheng didn't become an official?"

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "Li Zheng is very lazy."

"Lazy?" Li Shimin shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, Li Zheng just doesn't want to serve me sincerely."

Li Zhi said in a low voice: "Actually, my son thinks that Li Zheng can't escape his father's Wuzhi Mountain."

"Five Fingers Mountain?"

Li Zhi said: "This is a story told among the children in Jingyang, and a monkey."

"A monkey can't climb Wuzhi Mountain?" Li Shimin smiled and said, "Li Zheng is not a monkey, he is a cunning little fox."

"Yes, Li is the very cunning fox." Li Zhi nodded vigorously.

Li Shimin smiled helplessly, watching a group of children playing in Lizheng Hall, Gao Yang and Li Lizhi were writing female celebrities together.

Apparently Gao Yang was a little absent-minded, and kept thinking about playing with the wooden frog that Li Zheng made.

Empress Changsun comforted her crying little son.

On the second day when the court was scattered, Li Shimin called Cheng Yaojin, Li Xiaogong, Qin Qiong and Niu Jinda several generals.

Li Shimin took out the triangular thorn and put it in front of several people, saying, "How about this weapon?"

Cheng Yaojin glanced at it and said, "This is a good awl."

Li Shimin drank tea with a smile on his face, watching these old generals guess.

Qin Qiong saw some tricks, "This one is for stabbing people."

Cheng Yaojin immediately said: "Isn't the awl just for stabbing people?"

Li Xiaogong held the triangular thorn in his hand and said, "Is this a new type of weapon?"

Li Shimin nodded, "This is indeed a new weapon forged by Li Zheng."

Cheng Yaojin was very disgusted with this triangular thorn, "It doesn't have the wide opening and closing of the Mo knife, nor the sharpness of the horizontal knife. Can this thing be called a weapon?"

The smile on Li Shimin's face grew stronger.

Qin Qiong said: "Your Majesty, the last general can't see anything famous."

Li Shimin sipped his tea and said, "Some weapons are powerful just by looking at them, and some weapons don't seem to have much lethality."

Qin Qiong observed the triangular thorn and said, "What does Your Majesty mean?"

Cheng Yaojin immediately said: "I understand what Your Majesty means. This weapon looks like nothing fancy, but it is very useful."

Li Xiaogong squinted at Cheng Yaojin, "Do you think we can't hear it?"

Li Shimin said: "This thing is called a three-edged thorn. After piercing the body, the wound is difficult to heal and will fester."

With these three veterans in the court, Li Shimin asked Wang Ding to bring a large piece of pork to demonstrate, and stabbed the three-edged thorn into the piece of pork before pulling it out.

Cheng Chumo looked at the wound pierced by the triangular thorn and said, "Why did it become a hole?"

Qin Qiong glanced at Li Xiaogong awe-inspiringly, and Li Xiaogong nodded as if understanding.

Li Xiaogong immediately stood up and said: "This thing can indeed enter the army."

Qin Qiong said: "Short combat is very useful."

Both Qin Qiong and Li Xiaogong were veterans in the imperial court. After looking at the wounds, they quickly understood that the three-edged thorn was severe.

The general had never been injured, and he had seen countless wounded soldiers in battle. They all knew in their hearts what kind of wound was the most fatal and what kind of wound healed quickly.

Although the horizontal knife is sharp, the wound cut by the horizontal knife will heal.

But the triangular thorn pokes a hole in the human body, it's no different than a small arrow, and it's no problem if it penetrates the chest with all its strength.

The composite bow cast by Li Zheng before can be said to be a sharp weapon for long-distance combat, so this three-edged thorn can be described as a nightmare for close combat.

Li Xiaogong thought that if these three-edged thorns were stabbed on his body, his spine would feel chilly, "I would rather be slashed by a horizontal knife than be stabbed by this thing."

Cheng Yaojin observed the wound curiously, "Do you want to find some death row prisoners?"

Li Shimin put down the triangular thorn in his hand and said: "I tried it with animals, but it's too cruel to death row prisoners. Let's forget it. Li Zheng, Cheng Chumo, and Li Ke jointly signed a memorial to let me use it with caution."

(End of this chapter)

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