Chapter 361 Make waves again
Seeing Li Lizhi looking at herself in shock.

Li Zheng tightened his clothes in embarrassment, "Your Highness, don't look at me like that."

Li Lizhi said in surprise: "How do you know that the father has taken a fancy to the daughter of secretary Cheng Su Tan?"

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "I also know that your father is planning to hold the prince's wedding."

Li Lizhi stood up in shock, "You know all about this? My royal father and queen mother have indeed discussed recently whether to marry Su Shi in the near future, because she is still too young now."

Li Zheng waved the goose feather fan in his hand and said: "My servant gave me the nickname Half Immortal, I can calculate many things, I can even calculate what Her Highness the Princess will eat at noon today."

"Really?" Li Lizhi turned around and woke up again, "You liar, you are not the one who cooks, and you are not the one who decides what to eat."

Feeling that she was being teased to Li Lizhi, she raised her small fist and hammered Li Zheng.

The little girl's violent temper is still the same as his father's.

After Li Lizhi hammered Li Zheng, she thought to herself that Li Zheng really seemed to have the ability to predict.

The original snow disaster was calculated by Li Zheng.

When it was time for lunch, Li Zhi came back to eat. Li Zhi was very happy to see Li Lizhi here, "Sister Huang."

Li Lizhi pulled Li Zhi and asked in a low voice: "My sister asked you, what kind of vitamins is Li Zheng talking about?"

Li Zhi thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

During the meal, Li Zhi asked while eating, "Teacher, there is one thing the students don't understand."

Li Zheng drank tea and said, "Talk."

Li Lizhi was also eating. Li Zheng's cooking skills have always been good, but he was a little surprised that the teacher called the childish slave so naturally.

Li Zhi put down the bowls and chopsticks, "The teacher has a lot of secret recipes, but I just don't understand why the teacher wants to work with the Cheng family instead of doing it himself. Many businesses are run by the people in the village instead of the teacher." Run it yourself."

Let a kid like Li Zhi come to Jingyang to study, this kid is still full of business.

Li Zheng reluctantly said: "Let me tell another story to His Royal Highness King Jin."

Li Zhi sat upright and said, "Teacher, please tell me."

"Once upon a time, there was a man who planted a jujube tree. This jujube tree could only bear ten dates a day. Usually, when the dates were ripe, he gave one to each of the others and got one for himself. In this way, he got One out of ten, in terms of business, is [-]% of the ten floors."

Li Zhi nodded.

Li Zheng went on to say: "But the person who planted the jujube tree was dissatisfied. He thought that he only got [-]% of the jujube tree he planted, and then he removed the branches of the jujube tree, and tried every means to keep the jujube tree from growing." Let the jujube tree grow tall, so the jujube tree can only bear five dates at a time."

"At this time, he got one out of five, that is, two out of ten layers. Although he was complacent and thought he had obtained two layers of benefits, he still only got one."

Li Zheng went on to say: "On the other side of the land, there is another person who also planted a jujube tree, but he did not do like the previous one. He let the jujube tree grow vigorously until the jujube tree can bear fruit. A thousand dates."

"He still only took [-]% of the dates, but what he got was a hundred dates out of a thousand."

The profit is still only [-]%, but the amount is different.

This is a financial problem, very easy to understand.

After listening to the story, Li Zhi asked, "Teacher, what kind of jujube tree can bear a thousand dates?"


Li Zheng explained: "This is just a story, and such a jujube tree can only be in the story."

"Oh." Li Zhi nodded, "So the teacher's spirits business is jujube trees. If you want to earn more, you need to make the business big enough, just like making jujube trees grow big enough."

"It seems that His Royal Highness King Jin is not too stupid." Li Zheng nodded in relief.

Li Zhi said with some displeasure: "Sister Huang, Li Zheng said I was stupid."

Li Lizhi replied: "Don't worry, I'll let my father and queen mother teach him a lesson later."

After lunch, Li Zhi went to the academy for class again.

Li Lizhi asked in a low voice, "Li Zheng, do you think the childish slave knows how to do business?"

Li Zheng said to her while cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks: "The skill of doing business is simple and easy, just do it in a down-to-earth manner, but to make the business bigger, you need to understand everything in the world."

"For example, I don't know how to deal with the world. It's better to let others take care of the business by myself. If I run the business by myself, I might offend people if I disagree. Instead of doing this, it's better to let others deal with it. It's better to let others do it. Say the wrong thing and let others offend others."

"The so-called dead fellows don't die poor people. If it's easy to offend people, let others do it. I'll be responsible for collecting money and counting the money. What a beautiful thing, why make yourself unhappy."

Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng with disgust, "It obviously sounds a bit wicked, why is my princess so confident when I hear you say it."

"This is the difference between people. Sometimes it's good to be thick-skinned and live, just like I handed over the business to Cheng Yaojin's family, and I know Cheng Yaojin is a master of it when I look at Cheng Yaojin with my eyes like pearls. Speaking of thick-skinned, I am still inferior to General Cheng, I admit it."

Li Lizhi lifted her chin and skillfully knocked a melon seed.

Li Zheng sat aside and began to wash the dishes.

"So you hand over the business to General Cheng."

While washing the dishes, Li Zheng nodded and said: "That's the thing, General Cheng is very dark, and the spirits business will definitely shine in his hands, and finally flourish. , benefit together, and everyone is happy.”

Li Lizhi nodded and said, "Li Zheng, you will get rich."

"Then accept the good words of Your Royal Highness, and wish me an early retirement before the age of 30."

Jingyang is calm and calm, everything is developing in an orderly manner, and the road construction is coming to an end.

The children in the village have also gained a lot of weight recently, and are no longer the skinny and malnourished appearance they used to be.

Li Daxiong took out the armor that he hadn't made and worn for many years, it was so rotten that he couldn't wear it now.

Now that he has joined the army, it is only appropriate to wear armor. Since his son is his general, do he want to stand guard for his son in the future?
Seeing that summer was coming, it was already the summer solstice and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Xu Jingzong returned to the stables and said to Li Zheng, "Something happened to the county marquis. A monk who was beaten by General Cheng before died in the dungeon of Dali Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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