Chapter 366 Tricycle

Movable type printing is very simple, in fact, it is a flexible use of molds.

Tie Da of the three brothers of the Tie family came here carrying a tricycle that had already been built.

Except for the chain and transmission which are more difficult to make, other parts are not difficult to make.

Tie Da smiled honestly and said: "I don't know if it is the same as what the county lord thinks."

Li Zheng looked at the tricycle up and down, and after riding it, he stepped on the pedal and started to move.

After riding for a certain distance, I found that it is quite stable. Most of them are made of wood structure, and it feels that the load bearing will not be very good.

But this can be regarded as a technical breakthrough.

Li Zheng rode his bicycle all the way into the village.

Tie Da followed all the way, and even he himself didn't realize that the things he created were so miraculous.

Riding all the way into the village, the villagers almost dropped their jaws when they saw Li Zheng passing by on the three-wheeled thing.

The two or three aunts in the village who were drying their clothes were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Zheng rode all the way to the entrance of the academy, and a large group of children followed, and they all came to watch this monster that could move by itself.

When Cheng Chumo saw what Li Zheng was riding, he jumped up in shock, "Hey! What kind of monster is this!"

Li Zheng was about to stop the tricycle, only to realize that he forgot to brake on the design of the tricycle, and stopped when he hit a tree.

Cheng Chumo stepped forward and asked, "Li Zheng, what kind of monster is this?"

"I haven't seen it before." Li Zheng got off the tricycle and said, "This is not a monster, this is a tricycle."

"Tricycle? Isn't it just three wheels?" Cheng Chumo said with a look of surprise.

"That's right." Li Zheng nodded, "Look at it, it has three wheels. What a vivid name, I call this a Jingyang tricycle."

Cheng Chumo looked around the tricycle, "How is this thing made? It can move by itself without being pulled by animals."

Yan Liben, who is now a master craftsman in the court, naturally cannot let this kind of thing go.

He didn't even go to class, and hurriedly followed, Yan Liben, like Cheng Chumo, observed the tricycle that could move by itself.

Yan Liben said, "Li Zheng, how did you do it?"

"It's actually a transmission principle." Li Zheng explained to Cheng Chumo: "I step on the pedal, and as the pedal moves, it will drive the gears to rotate. The gears will drive the chain, and the chain will drive the rear gears, and at the same time drive the wheels to rotate. .”

"So it can move by itself?" Yan Liben asked.

"It's that simple."

Yan Liben scratched the back of his head, seeing that the structure of this tricycle was indeed very simple.

It is ridiculously simple, but such a simple thing has not been manufactured.

Yan Liben said with emotion: "The old man knows that the craftsmanship of the Mohist Gongshu back then was so ingenious, how many crafts have been lost in this world."

While speaking, Yan Liben's expression also became excited, as if yearning for the Mo family and Gongshu.

In ancient times, when the industry was not yet developed, many craftsmen would regard Gongshu and the Mohists as their ancestors.

They are the ancestors of the handicraft world, so there are so many handicrafts handed down to future generations.

Yan Liben asked: "Li Zheng, since it's so simple, why didn't you make this thing earlier."

"There was no demand before."


Li Zheng said: "Yes, it is demand. In the past, there was not so much goods to be pulled in the village, but now the business in the village is increasing, and there are only two cows in the village. Now it is more convenient to have this tricycle. "

After hearing Li Zheng's words, Yan Liben looked up to the sky and sighed, "It turned out to be for convenience."

Li Zheng said again: "Is it possible that I still want to take a walk?"

Yan Liben asked anxiously: "I don't know when the county magistrate will find it inconvenient."

Li Zheng looked at Yan Liben strangely, "Why did Master Yan say that?"

"If the county lord can create more wonderful things, I hope the county lord can let me know."

It can be seen that Yan Liben's desire for craftsmanship.

Li Zheng said with emotion: "In fact, these are all knowledge. I recorded it in the book of the academy. This is the use of a principle of power transmission. When we shake the tree, we can shake the trunk, and when the trunk shakes, the branches will also shake. Then The fruit on the tree will fall, I don't think I need to say more, Master Yan must understand this truth."

"This old man naturally understands, it's just..."

After Yan Liben finished speaking, he let out another long sigh, cupped his hands and said, "Your official didn't think about so much. Over the years, I have seen many craftsmen, and they are all satisfied with their exquisite craftsmanship, but why have they ever thought about making craftsmen?" What kind of things come out."

"I have known since I was a child that the purpose of making crafts is to benefit the world, but it has become a vanity fair for those craftsmen to compete in their craftsmanship. It is not a kind of sadness. It is really sad to only care about the fineness of the competition but not know how to make things."

Li Zheng comforted Yan Liben and said: "This is a matter of expanding knowledge. It is true to pursue exquisite craftsmanship. This is indeed something to be proud of."

Whether it is from the pre-Qin period to the present Tang Dynasty, craftsmen are the ancestors of all craftsmen in later generations.

Datang's horizontal knife technology is already very exquisite, and until more than 1000 years later, the manufacturing and forging technology of horizontal knife will still be talked about by later generations.

These are all the crystallization of wisdom left by the ancestors and the generation of Datang.

Although I know more advanced forging techniques, I can't forget where my knowledge comes from.

Cheng Chumo said excitedly: "Li Zheng, can I try?"

"Of course, Brother Chu Mo, I'll try the quality of this tricycle, and there are still many areas for improvement."

Cheng Chu smiled silently and got on the tricycle.

"Just try, brother Chu Mo, don't be polite."

"Okay!" Cheng Chumo took a deep breath, and stepped on the pedal vigorously.

Under Cheng Chumo's brute force, the tricycle travels very fast. This guy completely treats the tricycle as a horse, and blindly pursues speed. This is Cheng Chumo's three views. For him, there is no fine food, as long as he can eat enough is good food.

Strong enough wine is good wine, so now Cheng Chumo is still brooding over the first bowl of wine he gave him. It seems that the alcohol content of Cheng's winery is not very satisfying.

Yan Liben almost burst into tears when he saw the tricycle running fast without being pulled by a horse.

Tricycles don't need animals or people to pull them, they just need to step on the pedals to make them move.

Li Zheng noticed the way Yan Liben looked at him, as if in this guy's eyes, he was Lu Ban alive.

 There are two updates for the time being today. The follow-up plot needs to sort out the outline and check the progress. There will be five updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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