Chapter 368 Feed Problem
Whether Cao Cao's son Cao Pi wants to support the family or check and balance the family is not known.

However, Sima Yi handed over the right to recruit students from all over the world to the family of the five surnames. Since then, no matter who the emperor is, the five surnames in the world have stood firm.

Students all over the world look at the five surnames, which have lasted for hundreds of years.

The famous family is different from the five surnames. Most of the famous families start their careers by virtue of meritorious service. Of course, as long as these famous and powerful people are not interested in the court, the five surnames are also happy not to get involved in the affairs of the powerful.

A silent tacit understanding was formed.

Helan Sangha?It really didn't occur to Princess Yongjia that she had something to do with these old nobles.

Until dawn, when Li Tai got up, he saw that Li Zheng was still picking these volumes.

"Did you stay up all night?" Li Tai asked.

"It will be over soon." Li Zheng continued to select these volumes and categorize them.

"You can teach others these things."

"Let me do it myself." Li Zheng said with dark circles under his eyes. Some information may not be surprising to people today. The beginning of some things often determines some historical events, and only he knows these omens.

For example, when Tang Xuanzang will return to Chang'an, when Li Shimin will go to Jiucheng Palace to escape the summer heat, only you know.

For example, if you accidentally found the name Wang Xuance in these files, if you didn't read it yourself, you might have missed this character.

"Does His Royal Highness know the Helan Sangha?" Li Zheng asked.

"Helan Sangha? It belongs to Helan's family." Li Tai said, "I've heard of it, and now I'm on duty at the left guard."

"Do you know much?" Li Zheng asked again.

Li Tai thought for a while and then said: "I don't know much, so I know that there is such a person who came from a famous family, and the father and emperor just gave their children a false title. Most of the famous families and dignitaries have one in Chang'an." false title."

"Actually, my royal father doesn't like them very much. These were appointed by my grandpa when he was in power, and many of them were dismissed by my royal father. What do you ask him to do?"

"It's nothing, I'm going to make breakfast for His Royal Highness Wei Wang."

Li Tai was suspicious in his heart, Li Zheng would not ask about this matter for no reason, secretly guessing in his heart.

Li Zheng came to the kitchen and made a bowl of noodles and poached eggs.

It is understandable for Li Tai to work free of charge on the construction site, including food and lodging.

After eating the noodles, Li Zhi and Li Tai went to work on their respective affairs. Li Zhi has been doing experiments with Daniel and Di Renjie recently.

The fortification of the road construction is also coming to an end, and now it is the finishing stage.

Li Yifu came to report the situation of the farm and Jingyangfang City.

"Lord of the county, the supply of braised pork has been in short supply these days. The store asked if they could give more."

Li Zheng looked at the ledger and nodded, "We can do more, a promotion and package service for [-] copies a day."

"Promotion? What is a package service?"

Li Zheng explained: "It means that buying one bowl is the original price, and buying two bowls can be [-]% cheaper. In addition, our market is only this big, and the package service allows them to bring their own bowls and food. Put the braised pork away."

"This way, more people will come to buy braised pork." Li Yifu thought to himself, "The county lord's business methods are really superb."

Li Zheng's disapproval is just some marketing method for later generations.

The account book appeals to the changes in Jingyang's business today, and now Jingyang's soap is the best seller.

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "Sell all the leftover soap scraps we make to the Turkic people, and you can earn a little bit."

"Here!" Li Yifu nodded and said, "Also, there are more than 8000 eggs in storage now, and more than 6000 chickens, and the feed is used up every day."

Chicken feed is also grain, which is indeed a big problem. It is best to feed it with old grain.

Now Guanzhong has just survived the disasters of previous years.

It is the time to stabilize and restore vitality, and the food at this time is also very precious.

If you want to have enough feed, you must have enough grain.

There is enough food in the village, but now it is time to run out.

If the scale of the farm is increased in the future, there will be a shortage of feed.

Coupled with the fact that there are more and more chickens in farms today, the feed will only become less and less.

The bulk of the feed is still grains, so we can't always use vegetable leaves.

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "Go to Chang'an and find out if there is anyone from Lingnan that you know."


Li Yifu was very busy recently, so he didn't ask too many questions.

Feng An was sitting in his home, and some time ago, Cheng Chumo, the kid of the Cheng family, was lip-synced, saying that Li Zheng wanted to see him.

Feng An said with a smile: "A junior who doesn't come to visit, but still wants the old man to see him? The children in Chang'an are really getting more and more unruly."

After coming to Chang'an, Feng An had a very good life. As long as he was willing to hand over his military power, he could live like the dignitaries in Chang'an.

It was not as rumored at that time, with swords and axes added to the body.

Li Zheng?Li Zheng?
In other words, being able to come to Chang'an was also a hindrance to the boy Li Zheng.

Crown Prince Li Chengqian, Li Tai is also the son of the holy family.

Li Zheng was wandering between the two princes.

Feng Ang felt that Li was playing with fire.

Standing in line with the prince itself is very risky.

Feng An knew very well in his heart, would Li Shimin be kind to him this time?

If it wasn't for his willingness to surrender military power, it is very likely that troops will enter Lingnan again.

After all, Li Jing is still alive.

Like most of the powerful and famous families in the Central Plains, as long as Li Jing is still alive.

Who dares to make a mistake, even if Li Shimin is easy to provoke, as long as Li Jing is around, no one will make a big move.

No one dared to say that his art of war must be better than Li Jing's in such matters as marching and fighting.

There is also Li Zheng, who is now showing his talents.

Li Zheng is Li Jing's disciple, and now Li Zheng still has a military position in the Longwu Army.

The Longwu Army is directly under Li Shimin's army.

Plus the marriage between Li Zheng and Princess Changle.

Feng An wondered more than once whether Li Shimin wanted Li Zheng to become the second Li Jing, but Li Zheng, a child so far, had never led an army except for his own trilogy.

Moreover, Li Zheng's plays are said to be in charge of His Royal Highness the King of Shu.

That is to say, Li Zheng has nothing but money.

Li Shimin seems to have given Li Zheng the title of County Marquis, served in the Longwu Army, and made Li Zheng the youngest secretary of the Tang Dynasty.

But thinking about it carefully, Li Shimin actually gave Li Zheng nothing.

manor?The whole world belongs to Li Shimin, so you still need to talk about fiefdoms?
Maybe this is also related to Li Zheng's weird personality. This kid just refuses to be an official in the court, because he has the intention of asking Li Shimin to beg him to be an official.

(End of this chapter)

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