Chapter 386
After taking two bites, I felt that something was wrong. I obviously came to this guy to ask for a new knife, so why did I eat chicken wings.

After handing over the chicken wings to Wang Ding, Li Shimin sat by the stone table and said, "Li Zheng, do you think there is nothing I can do about you?"

"How could it be?" Li Zheng continued to roast the wild pheasant and said, "Your Majesty is benevolent, but the method of forging that new knife must not be difficult for Your Majesty."

Li Shimin was speechless for a moment, who else could make such a knife except Li Zheng.

This kid is really thinking that there is nothing I can do about him.

Li Shimin picked up the chicken wing and took another bite fiercely. Li Zheng seemed to be saying that as long as he didn't want to make one, there would be only one new knife, and there would be no more.

"Is asking you to make a knife wronged you?" Li Shimin asked again.

Wang Ding felt that Li Shimin's tone was very wrong, so he winked at Li Zheng vigorously. Li Zheng was frantically probing on the verge of death. When His Majesty really couldn't bear it, he might really kill Li Zheng.

From the looks of the world, Li Zhenggan and His Majesty are the only ones who are fighting against each other.

While adding firewood to the fire, Li Zheng said, "Your Majesty, my original intention of building the blacksmith shop was not to make weapons."

Li Shimin asked: "What is that for? Could it be to make money?"

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Everyone in the world thinks that iron should be used to make weapons. In my view, iron can also be used to produce and benefit the people."

"For the benefit of all people?"

"Yes, some production tools can be made."

Li Shimin smiled coldly, obviously he didn't believe Li Zheng's words, the biggest use of iron is to make weapons, could it be that Li Zheng wanted to use iron to make a chamber pot?

After thinking about it, it was a bit too wasteful to give Li Zheng the right to supervise the manufacture of weapons.

But after his compound bow and triangular thorn were delivered to the Hexi Corridor, the memorial sent by Yu Chigong said that these two new weapons were very easy to use.

"What if I let you only make weapons and not other things?"

Li Zheng put down the sauce in his hand and said, "Then I have no choice but to demolish the blacksmith's shop."

"You!" Li Shimin stared at Li Zheng, "Do you think I dare not kill you!"

"If your majesty kills me, you can only get a cold corpse, and the other majesty will get nothing."

You are right, if you kill Li Zhengzhen, you will get nothing.

Seeing Li Zheng's expression, Li Shimin gradually became apprehensive, and the first feeling in his heart was that this child had grown up.

"There are not many people who dare to challenge me, even if there are most of them, there will be no good end."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It's a compliment to be Your Majesty."

"I think you don't want to live anymore."

"Of course, if His Majesty doesn't want me to live, you can order the army to crush Jingyang and tear me to pieces."

"Then you still don't make weapons?" Li Shimin said coldly.

Li Zheng smiled dumbly, shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, I can't make it. If I continue to make new knives, Your Majesty will definitely kill me. If a person masters the sharpest weapon in the world, such a person will threaten His Majesty's country." .”

Li Shimin looked a little surprised.

Li Zheng went on to say: "A gentleman is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. If your majesty can let me not make such weapons, then I thank you for not killing me. If your majesty let me continue to forge those weapons, I would rather Go far outside the customs and never return to the Central Plains."

Li Shimin looked Li Zheng up and down, and what he said hit the nail on the head.

Indeed, if Li Zheng can not only manufacture a large number of weapons and have enough manpower, as long as Li Zheng is given time, Li Zheng might be able to raise an army of tens of thousands within half a year.

At that time, I must kill Li Zheng.

Now Lee Jung is also right not to forge new knives.

What kind of things can a child go through to have such a city.

At least he thinks farther than ordinary people. If it were another person, he might be desperately making weapons for my credit. The more he forges, the more dangerous he is.

Li Zheng went on to say: "I opened a blacksmith's shop to make tools to make everyone's lives better. My ideal is world peace, um! World peace."

Most of the anger in Li Shimin's heart was dispelled, at least it could be seen that Li Zheng had no ambitions at all, he just wanted to be a rich man, and even to be a rich man, Li Zheng was lazy.

"Peace? The arms trade between you and me and that Turkic businessman is not for peace." Li Shimin said in a low voice, "According to your idea, the West Desert area will be more chaotic in the future."

"You want peace? For someone like you who speaks nonsense without blushing, no one I have ever seen has your level."

"Your Majesty has given a prize."

Li Shimin smiled and said to Wang Ding: "Look, this kid still thinks I'm praising him."

Wang Ding forced a smile, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. It seemed that His Majesty's previous murderous aura had been wiped away by Li Zheng's few words.

Li Zheng continued: "Your Majesty, I just want to make some tools. As for what Your Majesty wants to make, it has nothing to do with me."

Li Shimin somewhat understood what Li Zheng meant.

Li Zheng said again: "Your Majesty, I want the land."

"How much?" Li Shimin asked.

"Not much, give me another [-] mu."

"[-] mu? Your tone is not small, [-] mu is a thousand acres of land."

Li Zheng brought the roast chicken in front of Li Shimin and said: "I just want to farm, as long as you give me the [-] mu of land south of Jingyang. Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish.”

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin said: "Li Zheng, now I think you can make a lot of money, and you can also make a lot of money. I was skeptical before, but now I think you, Li Zheng, can not only make a lot of money, but also live a long life." for a long time."

"Then take advantage of your Majesty's auspicious words and let me make a fortune."

Li Shimin stood up and said: "Li Zheng, I want your guards to never exceed 2000 people, and the weapons produced by the blacksmith shop must not exceed [-]. I will not stop you if you want to build anything, but once you have a private army outside .”

"My head fell to the ground." Li Zheng said with a bow.

Li Shimin continued: "Your printing shop is so busy, I will send a few people to help you, and I will reward you with the [-] mu of land, waiting for my edict."

Li Zheng nodded and raised his teacup and said, "Your Majesty is also waiting for His Majesty's craftsmen to come to learn the method of forging iron."

"I'm leaving." Li Shimin turned around and said, "Wang Ding brings the roast chicken."

Only then did Wang Ding come to his senses, smiled awkwardly at Li Zheng, and took the roast chicken with him.

After returning to Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin asked Wang Ding to talk about the conversation in the horse circle with Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, but of course he didn't talk about selling weapons.

 two more chapters

(End of this chapter)

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