Chapter 399 Tubo's Order

Cheng Chumo rode for more than two hours, and didn't give up until the guy was too tired to ride.

The tricycle is still intact.

This time Li Zheng was very satisfied, and this time he added the brakes.

The brakes made by Tie Da can only be used on the front wheels. If it is necessary to pull the brake pads of the rear tires, the iron wires with sufficient toughness are not available for the time being.

Today's technology is not good enough. We can only design a splint from the front of the car vertically to the front wheel, and use a lever to clamp the rotation of the front wheel to achieve braking.

It is still difficult to reproduce the tricycles of later generations.

At least the current level of craftsmanship needs to be improved, and it has not reached that point.

Li Zheng handed over the tricycle to Daniel, and then asked Daniel to ride it to pull the goods.

Seeing that Daniel put a lot of bellflowers on the back of the tricycle, it was much more convenient to ride all the way.

Kikyo stacks are taller than a grown man, and a ten-year-old child can ride them away.

Yan Liben looked at his results and said with satisfaction: "Maybe it's the so-called four or two thousand pounds."

Li Zheng said: "This is knowledge."

Yan Liben bowed slightly to Li Zheng and said, "Thanks to you, Li Zheng, I know that craftsmen still have so many mysteries."

"The fusion of craftsmanship and knowledge can create more things that benefit the world." Li Zheng also said to Tie Da: "Do you still feel sorry for Tie Da?"

Tie Da shook his head and smiled honestly, "I don't feel bad anymore."

Tie Er said: "In the past, the big brother who made weapons often couldn't sleep well, and he didn't know how many people the weapons he made would kill."


Tie Da scratched the back of his head and smiled honestly.

Li Zheng said to Tie Da: "It's just a matter of accumulating virtue. In the future, we will fight less weapons and build more things that can make money and bring convenience to the village. It can be regarded as a peace of mind."

Grandmaster Tie nodded vigorously.

It is September, the hottest summer, and the sun is shining brightly.

Li Zheng was wearing a jacket and sitting behind the house in the stable, hiding from the sun.

Li Tai took a sip of the cold water chilled with saltpeter, which made him feel much better.

"The case of the temple has not yet been found out in Dali Temple." Li Tai said with a sip of water.

Li Zheng shook the folding fan in his hand disapprovingly, "Then Dali Temple will continue to investigate?"

Li Tai explained in a low voice: "It's probably impossible to close the case, but this case will become an unsolved case. In fact, there were many unsolved cases when Grandpa Huang first came to the throne. These unresolved cases have not yet been resolved."

Li Zheng smiled self-deprecatingly, "Whether you want to close the case depends on whether your father wants to continue the investigation, right?"

Li Tai nodded and said, "You're right."

As long as Li Shimin wants to make a case an unsolved case, he is an unsolved case.

Li Shimin wants to close the case, he will ask the end.

For the emperor, many of his purposes were based on whether it was beneficial to him.

If Li Shimin didn't want people to know the whole story of a case, even if the result was found out, Li Shimin would erase the matter and make it an unsolved case.

And this kind of thing is not difficult for Li Shimin, it's just a casual sentence.

Although he doesn't like this kind of tyranny, what Li Shimin wants to do has little to do with him.

The matter of compiling Kuodizhi was left in Jingyang, but Li Tai was fine, as far as he was concerned, he didn't bother to go to Chang'an now.

All the things in Chang'an were taken care of, and Li Chengqian could make troubles as he liked.

In the past, Li Tai had always been competing with Li Chengqian in secret.

Now that Li Tai has experienced such a relaxed and comfortable life, he naturally doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of the court.

Li Tai went on to say: "Li Chunfeng has been in court for a long time and hasn't been out. It is said that he is in retreat."

"Still studying?"

Li Tai nodded, "Many ancient books in the imperial court were brought in by Li Chunfeng. I remember you urged him to do this."

Li Zhengchang sighed and said: "Don't worry, this matter is very useful for your Li family."

Glancing at the scorching sun in the sky, Li Tai took another sip of cold water.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

When Movo came to Jingyang again, there were already three tricycles in the village.

Li Zheng also received a reply from the system.

System progress: The territory is 300 mu and the population is [-].

Reward for completing the mission: three stages of crops

New mission: increase the population to [-].

Task reward: three stages of the library.

There are not many plant seeds in the three stages of crops, but they are all good things. There are cotton, oak trees, and even strawberries, carrots and figs.

Li Zheng put his mind away and said to Mo Wei: "How is the matter going?"

Mou took out two sheepskin scrolls and said: "When I returned to the county, the villain also went to contact the Tubo people, and some Tibetan nobles also wanted to buy weapons from the county prince."

Li Zheng picked up the Tubo sheepskin scroll, which was written with crooked Tang characters.

"This is what the nobles of Tubo want to buy? Isn't it Songtsan Gampo who wants to buy it?"

"Yes, these nobles want to resist Songtsen Gampo. They think that Tubo should not launch a war against the Western Turks, and hope to cease the war." Mou said.

Li Zheng put the Tubo sheepskin scroll aside, and said to Mou: "If you give this Tubo noble sheepskin scroll to Songtsan Gampo, it will be treated as a favor from you, and you can do better in the future." Do business with him."

"Here." Movo nodded in agreement.

Li Zheng said: "Don't you ask me why I sold my customer?"

Mou lowered his head, "The villain just knows that once the war between Tubo and Western Turks ceases, the villain will have no business with the county magistrate, and the villain will be useless to the county magistrate."


"The county marquis crosses the river, and villains are just some small cleverness. The county marquis is the great wisdom."

Mou continued: "The county lord actually thinks that the villain doesn't need to tell Songtsan Gampo about these Tubo nobles. The villain can help the county lord get rid of them."

"Get rid of them? Are you doing well in Western Turks and Tubo now?"

Mou hurriedly took two steps back and bowed and said: "The villain is dragging the blessing of the county lord. The villain is rich and appreciated by the nobles of Western Turks. There are many people who are willing to take refuge in the villain. If the county lord is not happy , the villain can dismiss them immediately."

"No need." Li Zheng took a sip of tea and said, "The bigger your power, the better, as long as you can control the Western Turkic court."

Silently vomits a mouthful of saliva, controlling the royal court of the Western Turks?It's also crazy.

"The villain only has 300 guards and 200 servants."

Li Zheng knocked on the stone table and thought for a moment, "You can definitely make it bigger, and I won't stop you. The more prosperous you are between the two parties, the smoother my business will be."

 Sorry, it's late, Xiao Zhang will sort it out, there are three more chapters in the second half of the night, it may be a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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