People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 403 Li Zheng's distress

Chapter 403 Li Zheng's distress

Li Zheng wanted to train his children, so Li Shimin asked curiously: "I saw you trained some children, and you will also teach them some fighting skills? Or the art of war?"

Li Ke bowed and replied: "These are not taught."

"Then why did you pull it out for training?"

Li Ke kept his head down and said, "It's just to exercise these children's bodies, perseverance and discipline."

These days, Li Shimin has also noticed that he seems to have neglected Li Ke, "Since you are back, you should go back and see your mother, I have other arrangements for you in future battles."

"Your servant takes orders." Li Ke turned and left.

Li Shimin smiled and said to Wang Ding: "What do you think of Li Ke today?"

Wang Ding also said with a smile: "This old slave feels that His Royal Highness the King of Shu has grown taller again."

"Really?" Li Shimin looked at Li Ke's back and said, "This kid has never looked at these golds since he came to me."

Wang Ding said: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu is filial."

"Filial piety?" Li Shimin nodded slightly. Among his sons, Li Ke was the most well-behaved one.

Li Shimin put down his mood and told Wang Ding: "Increase Concubine Yang's expenses these days."

"Here." Wang Ding nodded.

When putting the gold in front of Li Ke, king of Shu, Li Shimin asked about Jingyang.

They sent many people to Jingyang, and now all the troubles in Jingyang are actually under the control of His Majesty.

Li Shimin asked a few more questions in order to find out the thoughts of Li Ke, king of Shu.

Now it seems that Li Ke, King of Shu, has not changed much from before.

At least it's still the same as before.

This is what Li Shimin is relieved of.

Wang Ding asked the eunuchs to bring all the gold into the inner treasury.

Li Ke stayed in Chang'an for three days before returning to Jingyang.

Villagers in Jingyang quickly adapted to the use of tricycles. Because Jingyang Fang City has a lot of business, the amount of goods coming in and out has always been huge.

In the past, people had always carried oxen and pulled them, but now with tricycles, everything is much easier.

The population has increased to [-], which is indeed not a small number.

The problem is where to find people to fill your own Jingyang.

Li Zheng thought carefully that he now has a lot of iron materials in his hands, and Li Shimin also gave himself the right to make ironware.

After the opening of the second phase of the library, there will be creations from heaven. Li Zheng wonders whether there will be books on the steel industry in the third phase of the library.

Lack of knowledge is a very embarrassing thing. A wise woman cannot cook without rice. At this moment, Li Zheng feels that he cannot cook without rice.

Ignoring this issue for the time being, Li Zheng stood up from the edge of the field and looked at the wasteland that had been reclaimed. Let's wait for the cotton to be planted first.

The population of Jingyang Village is not enough now, especially during the busy farming season.

Many people work in the fields during the day and work in the workshop at night.

In the past two years, Jingyang's original labor force has been exhausted.

Because the business in Jingyangfang City is so good, there is a shortage of manpower for soap, braised pork, and book printing workshops, whether it is papermaking or soap making.

Li Yifu had told himself all these things.

It's just that the people in the village didn't mention it to me. Even if they are busy, the aunts will work overtime until night to rush to make the goods that will be sold the next day.

Now that there is such a large piece of land, it almost doubles the size of Jingyang.

As a result, manpower becomes more and more insufficient.

Li Ke came back and said: "The gold has already been taken, and the father has already got your gold."

"I see." Li Zheng nodded and looked at the open fields that had been reclaimed. To the north of this land was a breeding farm covering hundreds of acres.

Today's farm is still expanding, and maybe there will be some extra land left by expansion in the future, which may be of great use in the future.

Li Ke said again: "Father and concubine increased the expenses, and also promised that future wars will be arranged by me."

"Good thing." Li Zheng nodded and said pertinently.

Li Ke whispered, "Thank you."

This sentence was said very lightly, and Li Zheng heard it clearly, "His Royal Highness, you are welcome."

Li Ke said to Li Zheng: "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "I need population right now."

"People? How much?"

Li Zheng said melancholy: "Not more than ten or twenty thousand."

"Twenty thousand? What do you want so many people for?"

Li Ke's gaze was very surprised, and the population of Jingyang County is already quite large.

In the past two years, Jingyang has grown from a small village with a few hundred people to a large county with a population of tens of thousands.

This is unique in the territory of Chang'an. Which county in the territory of Chang'an has such a large population.

I thought Li Zheng only had dozens or hundreds of people, but it is no small matter to have tens of thousands of people at once.

"I need to do a lot of things to get the population." Li Zheng explained to Li Ke: "There is a saying that economic development cannot be separated from construction, construction cannot be separated from population, and cannot be separated from labor."

These words were a bit esoteric for Li Ke, and some couldn't figure out the logical relationship among them. It touched on the blind spot of knowledge. Li Ke felt that it was best to keep silent.

Li Zheng propped his chin in his hands and said melancholy: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu has always been in the army before?"

Li Ke nodded, "Five years in the army."

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness the King of Shu should know people in the army. Generally speaking, there will be many veterans who have retired from the battlefield. After they come down from the battlefield, they need to find a new job to make a living."

Li Ke still nodded, "That's right."

Considering his situation here, Li Zheng said to Li Ke: "In the future, if there are veterans who have retired from the army, they can come to our Jingyang to find work, and I will pay them."

Li Ke nodded, "I know some people in the army. It's a good thing and I can help you."

"Thank you."

Li Ke glanced at Li Zheng again, turned around and left.

The Hexi Corridor to the west of Chang'an is very hot here. A group of Tubo soldiers endured the scorching heat on the Gobi Desert, waiting for orders from Songtsan Gampo.

Yuchi Gong rode his horse on a high slope, which was the rear of the Tubo army.

From here, you can see the Tubo people stationed there from a distance, and the number of them is about 1.

It has been a year since he was stationed in the Hexi Corridor, and Yu Chigong's face had obvious scratches.

Staring at the Tubo army in the distance, with a disdainful smile on his face, he praised that the soldiers under Ganbu's hands were too loose, and they were simply a group of mobs.

The scout came to report and said: "General, there are also large groups of Tubo soldiers thirty miles to the north and south."

After confirming the situation, Yu Chigong also had a rough idea in his mind.

This is similar to the situation where His Majesty sent someone to send it quickly.

Yu Chigong immediately ordered: "Divide the troops into two groups, encircle and suppress this Tubo army, move quickly, we will retreat after the fight."


(End of this chapter)

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