Chapter 406

After all, as long as Li Zheng uses his words, I can get [-] coins into my internal treasury.

Where to find such a good thing.

According to Li Ji's report, Li Zheng should have earned a lot.

After the upper and lower points are finished, it should be not much different from me.

So far, Li Shimin has begun to believe in this weapon business.

In the past, even if these weapons were rotten in the warehouse, they would not have thought of selling them to outsiders.

Now, because of Li Zheng's new method of forging iron, Datang's weapons can be made more sophisticated.

With the compound bow and the three-edged thorn, Datang's armament needs to be replaced from top to bottom.

Even if it is the next battle, even if the Western Turks and Tubo outside the pass hold the weapons sold to them by the Central Plains.

The army in Guanzhong has already used more sophisticated new weapons.

I have to say that I can earn money and watch Tubo and Western Turks fight. The more they fight, the more I earn. This feeling is very useful, and of course it is very cool.

The only fly in the ointment is that Li Zheng took part of it himself.

This kid can make a lot of money by coercing and luring him with his mouth.

Li Lizhi is also in a good mood recently, but seeing her father seems to be in a better mood than herself.

Li Lizhi asked in a low voice before walking forward: "What made the emperor laugh."

Li Shimin straightened his expression and said, "Did I laugh?"

Li Lizhi nodded and said, "Father did indeed smile."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Lizhi helplessly and said, "Have you decided on Li Zheng's concubine?"

Li Lizhi turned her head and said, "Not yet."

Li Shimin took a sip of tea and said, "You have already made up your mind and didn't write it down."

Li Lizhi let out a long sigh, turned around to leave and said, "It's really strange, why is Li Zheng's father more anxious than Li Zheng to take a concubine?"

The girl's voice didn't lower at all, Li Shimin supported her forehead and this little girl was scolding herself.

Li Lizhi is also 13 years old this year, and will be 16 years old when she gets married.

Unknowingly, Lizhi, Chengqian, and Qingque have grown a lot taller, as well as Li Zheng, a bastard.

Li Shimin thought about it carefully, the family tree should be filed in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Household.

But since the family tree is in Lizhi's hands, let her go.

In Jingyang, half a month later, Li Zheng received a letter from Mou.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Li Zheng was amazed, "This is a good way to vomit silently."

Standing beside Li Zheng, Xu Jingzong asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Li Zheng handed the letter to Xu Jingzong and said: "The Khan of the Western Turks led troops to fight outside, and the eldest prince of the Western Turks stayed behind. Mou helped the eldest prince of the Western Turks arrange an assassination and killed the Khan of the Western Turks. , and let the eldest prince sit on the position of Western Turkic Khan."

Xu Jingzong also looked at the contents of the letter and said: "This silent Central Plains character is very fast."

Mou sent people to assassinate the Western Turkic Khan, and let the eldest prince succeed the Western Turkic Khan, and even threatened the little prince's family to gain military power.

The eldest prince sealed Mou as a national teacher.

Xu Jingzong said: "Now it seems that the Western Turks are already under the control of Mou."

Li Zheng was drinking tea, feeling a little surprised that this silent vomiting can make things so big, or is it that Western Turks are really too stupid.

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "The lower officials thought that raising tigers would cause trouble."

Li Zheng pondered in his heart and said, "It's okay, the use of silent vomiting won't last long."

"Would you like to beat him up?"

"Let's talk about it when he comes back with the order next time." Li Zheng said with a smile.

People yearn for profit, Mou will not put a lot of money away, the weapon business can last for a long time, this is a big deal.

Li Zheng set fire to the letter in his hand and said, "You go to Taichang Temple to find a happy boy."

"Letong?" Xu Jingzong asked curiously.

"This man is called Yixin. You bought him from Taichang Temple and placed him in Chang'an to let him learn foreign languages, including Tubo, Turkic, and even Persian."

Xu Jingzong nodded, "The next official will arrange it right away, but what is the source of this satisfaction."

"To accumulate virtue for my father-in-law, you don't need to ask too much. In the future, he will also be made into a weapon dealer, just like Mou."

Xu Jingzong immediately understood, "The son-in-law means to let them check and balance each other, and he doesn't want his family to dominate."

"Let's do it like this. I'll be in direct contact with Movoi. I won't show up on the side of Xinxin, and I don't need to talk about me."

Xu Jingzong nodded repeatedly, "I understand."

What Li Zheng was going to do Xu Jingzong understood after careful thought.

It is for safety to prevent Yixin from knowing Li Zheng's existence, and only by cutting off contact can Mou and Yixin be wary of each other.

"The son-in-law is brilliant."

Come to the field and continue to grow cotton.

Cotton cannot be grown as a crop.

Li Zheng was in a good mood thinking that he would have real cotton to use in the future.

Li Zhi has learned how to make Kongming lanterns, and he can also skillfully use the abacus.

In October, Movo came to Jingyang again.

This time when I saw Mo Wei, this guy had already put on the clothes of a Guanzhong man. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't be able to tell that he was a Turkic man, but he was a little dark.

Mou took Li Zheng's antidote, swallowed it in one gulp, and took out a parchment scroll, "This is the food and weapons that Western Turks will buy recently."

Li Zheng looked at the contents on the sheepskin scroll, Damo Dao three hundred, a total of 30 guan, the price mentioned one thousand guan, six thousand arrows and one thousand crossbows, a total of [-] guan, six thousand stones for a total of [-] guan through.

A business of more than 40 yuan, Li Zheng typed the number and glanced at it with a silent expression.

"Aren't you very proud?"

Mou hurriedly bowed and said: "The villain dare not, the villain is just a person who helps the county lord to negotiate business, without the county lord, he can be a villain today."

Li Zheng grinned and said: "You have made such a big business, I should reward you well."

Mo Vo hurriedly said: "The villain dare not ask for the reward from the county lord."

"It is said that you are still the national teacher of the Western Turks now? You are really capable."

Movo smiled wryly and said: "People in Western Turks are relatively stupid, and besides, the magistrate's strategy is brilliant."

Putting away the parchment, Li Zheng said, "According to the current purchase volume of Western Turks, is this going to fight a tough battle with Tubo?"

Nodding silently, "Western Turks are about to counterattack."

Li Zheng said again: "When can I get the order from Tubo?"

"As long as the Western Turks can defeat Tubo this time, it should be there."

Li Zheng handed the parchment to Duhu beside him, and said to him, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's all what a villain should do, and die for the county Hou Xiao."

"We still have the old rules. I will give you [-]% of the profit after this event is completed."

"Thank you County Marquis, thank you County Marquis." Mou saluted repeatedly.

"Let's go, it will be the same tomorrow morning."

Mou took one more look at Li Zheng, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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