Chapter 435 Prophecy
"You can do whatever you want."

Yuan Tiangang looked nervous, as if he was thinking about whether to write Taoism in the book.

After a long time, Yuan Tiangang seems to have made a very important decision, "Not everyone can learn Taoism. Even if I write it in books, many people will not understand it. This requires talent."

"Well, in fact, the most desperate thing to learn is that you only need talent. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you old man to find an heir for many years."

Yuan Tiangang coughed, and took a sip when Li Zheng poured tea for him.

"It's a bit bitter, isn't it?" Li Zheng asked after watching Yuan Tiangang take a sip of tea.

Yuan Tiangang nodded stiffly.

Li Chunfeng also picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Although the taste is bitter, the aftertaste is good. Perhaps this is the taste of life."

"Drinking tea can taste all the flavors of life. This is a high level." Li Zheng said, knocking on the melon seeds.

Yuan Tiangang put down his teacup and looked at Li Chunfeng.

After receiving his gaze, Li Chunfeng took off the burden on his shoulders and took out two jugs.

"Pindao made big data, His Majesty rewarded you with two pots of grape wine, saying that it was a tribute from the Western Regions, and ordinary people can't drink it."

"Really?" Li Zheng smiled awkwardly. In fact, Li Chunfeng's big data is far from the real big data.

Withdrew the tea and poured the wine, and asked Dui to take some pig ears and peanuts.

The combination of red wine, peanuts and pig ears is not very good.

However, the three of them still drank to their heart's content, one cup after another.

Yuan Tiangang said in a low voice: "There was a severe drought in the second year of Zhenguan, followed by a plague of locusts, and heavy snow in the third year of Zhenguan. Natural disasters have been frequent in these years."

Li Zheng nodded. It was true that the first few years of Li Shimin's ascension to the throne were very unstable.

The grape wine from the Western Regions doesn't taste that strong, but the wine has a lot of stamina. Li Zheng felt dizzy after drinking half of the pot.

Li Chunfeng only drank a small cup, "Poverty still likes the Cheng family's spirits."

After a meal of wine, I was drowsy.

When he woke up, he was still in his hut.

Enduring the headache and dry mouth after drinking, Li Zheng sat up.

Duo immediately brought a cup of hot tea.

After drinking the tea, I felt a lot better.

Li Zheng covered his still aching head, "I don't think it's good to drink this grape wine, and I don't know it until I drink too much."

Du Hu whispered, "Young Master Chu Mo of General Cheng's family has been waiting outside the house for a long time."

"Isn't he training guards?"

Du Hu explained: "I really think something happened. He said he was in a hurry to see the Chang'an Order."

After struggling to get out of bed, I woke up a lot after washing my face.

Only then did Duo call Cheng Chumo in.

Li Zheng drank hot water and said, "What is it?"

Cheng Chumo stared at Li Zheng with big eyes, "What else do you ask me?"

Li Zheng asked in surprise, "Didn't you come to find me?"

After walking back and forth for two steps, Cheng Chumo said in a low voice, "Is what you said true or not?"

Swallowing hard, Li Zheng also asked in a low voice, "What did I say? What is true or false?"

Cheng Chumo asked again: "You don't know?"

Li Zheng took a breath, "What should I know?"

Cheng Chumo closed the door and said in a low voice, "A big accident is about to happen. Because of your words, His Majesty has held a court meeting overnight."

Li Zheng scratched the back of his head and said, "What did I say? What does it have to do with His Majesty?"

"You really don't know?"

"I really do not know."

Hearing a loud bang, the door of his room was suddenly kicked open, and the person who came was none other than Li Chongyi.

Li Chongyi immediately asked: "Li Zheng, is what you said true or false!"

Cheng Chumo hastily closed the door again, and said in a low voice: "Li Zheng, this matter is not a joke. If it really happened, the consequences would be disastrous, and if it didn't happen, you wouldn't be able to get any good results. This is a deceitful talk, and you will be killed. "

"What the hell did I say!"

The door of the room was kicked open again, and it was Li Tai who came.

Li Zheng looked at this scene, "What day is it today, and why are you visiting in such a unique way."

Looking at the door of the house that was almost crumbling and unable to support, Li Zheng said: "How did my door provoke you?"

Li Tai said nervously: "Li Zheng! What else did you and Yuan Tiangang talk about?"

"What did I say about me?"

"You don't know what you said."

Li Zheng covered his forehead and said, "Headache."

Seeing the flustered expressions of the three of them, Li Zheng told the whole story, "It was Li Chunfeng who came to visit me to congratulate him on leaving the customs and drank a few sips of grape wine."

"And then!" Li Tai asked anxiously.

Li Zheng thought for a while, "I have to say, this grape wine doesn't feel like drinking, but it still has a lot of stamina."

Li Tai asked: "Li Zheng, is it true that the flood in the south of the Yangtze River in October of the eighth year of Zhenguan is true?"

Li Zheng looked surprised, "Jiangnan Dao flood?"

Cheng Chumo grabbed Li Zheng's shoulder and said, "Is it true that Longyou Dilong turned around in June of the eighth year of Zhenguan?"

Dilong turning over is also called earthquake, Longyou earthquake?

Li Zheng also took a breath, "What did I say?"

Li Chongyi also said anxiously: "You also said that there will be a tsunami in the South China Sea."

Li Zheng scratched his scalp in pain, trying to recall the scene where he drank with Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, and unexpectedly found that he had drunk a piece of wine.

Fragments! ?

"Wait! I'm a little messed up now." Li Zheng scratched his head in pain.

"Li Zheng! Come out for this old man."

Hearing a loud shout outside the house, several people looked outside the house, and General Li Ji was outside.

"Could it be that you're coming to execute me because you've deceived the crowd?" Li Zheng gasped again.

"Li Zheng! Come out!" Li Ji shouted again.

Li Zheng glanced outside the house, "Why is General Li Ji here?"

"Li Zheng! The old man saw you! Come out!"

Li Zheng hurriedly dodged into the room again, tidied himself up briefly and said, "I'm afraid His Majesty is really going to kill me as a monster. There will be a meeting later, everyone. See you in Jianghu. I'll go hide outside the pass for a few years first."

Li Tai grabbed Li Zheng who was about to climb out of the window and escape, "Please explain clearly first, what happened to those things."

Opening the window, he was about to climb out of the window, and when he looked up, he saw Li Ji with a murderous expression on his face.

Li Zheng looked at her, saw that he was looking at him too, and smiled awkwardly, "General, have you eaten yet?"

Li Ji said in a low voice, "My old man asks you, what exactly are the 36 tricks you're talking about?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Li Zheng said, "Eh...that's a long story."

"If you want to die, sit down and talk about it before you leave."

 I'm sorry, I'm really busy today, so I'll change a chapter for now, and I'll take a day off today.

  Xiao Zhang knows that I have been out of shape recently, and the update has also fallen behind.

  It will be adjusted, bosses, rest assured.

  There is still a lot of drama to be sorted out in the follow-up,
  Will update as usual tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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