Chapter 703 The Cursed Treasure
While eating, the child said in Guanzhong dialect: "You are from Guanzhong."

Li Ke, who was wiping the horizontal knife, nodded.

The child introduced: "This is my guard, we came from the Hexi Corridor."

Hexi Corridor?

Li Ke's movement of wiping the horizontal knife paused for a while, and he was still thinking about when the court would send troops.

The child said again: "Your battle report has been sent to the Hexi Corridor, and it will be sent to Chang'an within three days."

Hearing this, Li Ke stood up abruptly, "How do you know about the battle report?"

This child is very dark and has rough skin, but he looks harmless when he smiles.

He said: "I also met a Guanzhong soldier half a month ago. Seeing that he was surrounded by a group of hungry wolves, I asked my guards to rescue him. I also saw what was on the battle report. I knew that you were in Xizhou City. Come and rest."

"Take a break?"

The child nodded and said, "We are going to meet the Prince of Persia."

"Prince of Persia? What are you doing as a child to see the Prince of Persia?"

He laughed and said, "Father asked me to meet the Prince of Persia, about business."

Li Ke stared at the child, then looked at the guard behind him and asked, "Why doesn't he speak?"

The child said: "He is a mute, of course he can't speak."

Li Ke sat in front of the child and said, "Your Guan Zhong speaks very well."

The child took a sip of water and let out a long breath and said: "My father taught me. I also learned Persian, Persian, Turkic, and Tubo. Yes, the Guanzhong dialect is uttered every word, very clearly, and it sounds powerful, and it sounds very nice.”

"Your father?"

The child wiped his mouth and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. My father is Mr. Mo and he is a businessman."

"Mr. Mo?!" Li Ke was even more surprised.

"It was my elder brother who sent the letter to His Highness the King of Shu. His Highness the King of Shu must still remember that he is busy talking with the Western Turkic tribes. I also have a few younger brothers who are doing business with the Tubo people. I am going to Persia. The prince wants to do business with my father."

Li Ke looked at this child, and felt a little unbelievable. An eleven or twelve-year-old child can actually do business?

"By the way." The child said again: "I heard that there is a treasure in Xizhou City?"

The house was very quiet, only a few members of the guards, and Wang Xuance and Li Ke, the child and his guards.

The wind outside the house was very loud, and the wind blowing sand and falling on the house could be heard clearly.

Li Ke whispered: "Do you know that there is a treasure in Xizhou City?"

The child nodded and said: "I have indeed heard about this incident. There are not many people who know about it, but Songtsan Gambo must know about it, and the little king of Western Turks must also know about it. I don't know who else knows about it." , only in Xizhou City, but no one knows where this treasure is in Xizhou City."

Li Ke knew this treasure and where it was located, it was in a cave in Xizhou City.

The old man in Xizhou City took himself to see it.

The amount is astonishingly large. With this money, it is not a problem to pull up an army that sweeps across the Western Regions.

The child whispered again: "You know what? It's a cursed treasure."

"A cursed treasure?"

"This is also a legend spread in the Western Regions." The child said.

"What legend?"

The child washed his face with water again and said: "Many years ago, I remember that during the Wei and Jin Dynasties in Guanzhong, the Western Regions were also in chaos. At that time, Guanzhong had no time to take care of the Western Regions. It was at this time that a powerful leader appeared in the Western Regions. He conquered 36 countries in the Western Regions, and he laid down a lot of treasures at that time."

"In the end, he hid all these treasures in one place. After the leader died, many people began to look for this treasure, but after hundreds of years, no one knew where the treasure was. According to the news, it is said that this treasure is in Xizhou City."

Li Ke listened quietly.

Wang Xuance asked: "What do you mean it is a cursed treasure?"

The child went on to say: "It is rumored that someone found this treasure, but many people went to Xizhou City for the treasure, all empty-handed. Of course, there are also rumors that someone found the treasure, but the person who got the treasure will die soon, and the treasure It will also disappear and return to Xizhou City."

"Back to Xizhou City again?" Li Ke felt more and more bizarre as he heard it. "Did someone transport him back to Xizhou City?"

The child shook his head and said: "It is rumored that the treasure will move, and the treasure was cursed by the leader. Anyone who takes away the treasure, even a piece of gold, will either die or go crazy. Although the treasure is in Xizhou City, the treasure It can move, it will appear here tomorrow, and it might disappear tomorrow, this is a treasure that can move and is cursed, don’t even try to get it.”

The story is over.

The wind and sand outside also stopped.

The child stood up and said, "Okay, the sandstorm has stopped, and I'm going to continue on my way."

Wang Xuance signaled the soldiers to give the child food and water.

"Can you go to Persia alone? We found that there are big cannibals haunting around recently."

The child smiled and said, "Don't worry, no one will plot against a child like me."

Li Ke signaled Wang Xuance not to say too much.

After the child left, Wang Xuance couldn't help but wonder in his heart: "This child took the guards, crossed half of the desert, and came to Xizhou from the Hexi Corridor?"

Li Ke nodded and said: "Everyone has the ability to make a living. This Mr. Mo seems to have no malice towards us. Maybe he has no malice towards everyone. He is just a person who buys weapons."

Wang Xuance said: "It's really evil."

Li Ke walked back into the city and whispered to Wang Xuance: "Whoever dares to touch Mr. Mo's child will most likely be surrounded by other forces in the Western Regions. The weapons and food in Mr. Mo's hands are what many people want. The reason why these children can walk sideways in the Western Regions."

Wang Xuance nodded clearly, thinking this way is indeed the case, whoever dares to touch Mr. Mo's children, Mr. Mo can give weapons and food, so that the entire Western Regions can attack.

Thinking back, Wang Xuance fought a cold war. This Mr. Mo is operating in the Western Regions, can he control the entire Western Regions?

Li Ke tidied up his residence in Xizhou City, took the horizontal knife and came back to the door of the treasury.

The old man is not here, and there is no one around.

The door wasn't locked either.

Li Ke pushed the door to enter the vault, and opened the door to let sunlight into the vault.

The next scene made Li Ke's scalp tingle.

The gold is all gone.

There was a layer of white bones on the ground.

Where did the gold go?

Li Ke stared blankly, feeling a chill run down his spine.

(End of this chapter)

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