People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 705 The Emperor Is Myopia

Chapter 705 The Emperor Is Myopia
Li Shimin used the binoculars in his hand, breathing heavily, feeling uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

Li Shimin naturally understood the wonderful use of this telescope.

When fighting, scouts are often needed to investigate the situation.

If you can use this telescope before, you can clearly see the deployment of the opponent's troops.

You can see clearly how the opponent's Chinese army is.

In wars in the past, from a distance, the army in the area was just a vast crowd, and it was impossible to see clearly that those on the other side were the former army, archers, and scouts would take great risks to get closer to investigate.

If you have this telescope, you can save a lot of troubles.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin was so excited that he slapped the table.

When he slapped the table, the small wooden table almost fell apart on the spot.

Li Zheng checked again and found that the wooden table was still intact.

"It seems that Yan Liben looks quite strong." Li Zheng said to himself.

"Li Zheng." Li Shimin said in a low voice, "Can this thing..."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said: "I plan to use this thing for Daniel, he can use it when he goes to Tubo."

Li Shimin said again: "What I mean is whether there are more of this thing."

"This one……"

Li Zheng stroked his chin and said, "This is not easy to make."

"It's hard to do?" Li Shimin asked, "Why is it hard to do?"

The wind in winter is a bit cold, and the water on the small tandoor has already been boiled.

Li Zheng poured himself and Li Shimin a bowl of hot tea and said, "Your Majesty, take a look at what's inside this telescope."

Li Shimin observed the things in the telescope, "This... is this Liuli?"

"more or less."

Li Zheng nodded while drinking tea.

Li Shimin took a breath, "This is the first time I have seen such a translucent glass."

Li Zheng still nodded, "Yes."

"It must cost a lot of money to buy such a translucent glass."

Li Shimin wondered how much of this colored glaze could be bought by the current national treasury, and these colored glazes seemed to be polished like this.

"Father, actually..."

Li Zhi wanted to explain something.

Li Shimin interrupted: "Li Zheng, I know how much colored glaze is worth, and colored glaze like this is very valuable at first glance."

Li Zhi said again: "Father..."

Li Shimin said again: "Child slave, you don't need to say more, a gentleman does not take what others like, and I will not force this telescope."

Li Zheng took out another pair of wooden-framed glasses.

Li Shimin was a little stunned, "You still have?"

Looking at the two lenses in the wooden frame, this kind of colored glaze is extremely transparent, except for some marks and potholes on the mirror surface, it is basically transparent.

Li Zheng took out another magnifying glass.


Li Zheng took out another monocle.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Li Zheng said with a smile: "These are my recent achievements."

Li Shimin smiled dryly, "I really didn't know you, Li Zheng, still had this hobby. You spent a lot of money."

Li Zheng waved his hand and said, "May I ask if Your Majesty is short-sighted or presbyopic?"

The kid didn't answer how much, but instead asked such a weird question, Li Shimin asked: "What is presbyopia? What is nearsightedness?"

Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty must be very tired after reviewing the memorials for a long time."

Li Shimin sighed deeply.

Li Zheng said again: "Dare to ask Your Majesty how to see things in the distance?"

Li Shimin thought for a while and said, "It's true that things in the distance are not very clear."

After speaking, Li Zheng took out another piece of cloth, which was covered with densely packed orthographic characters. Some of these orthographic characters were reversed left and right, and some were upside down.

From top to bottom, from big to small.

For a while, I didn't understand the meaning.

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, stand upright."

Li Shimin sat upright.

Li Zheng held the cloth covered with orthographic characters, stepped back a few steps, asked Daniel and Li Zhi to straighten the cloth, pointed to the largest orthographic characters and said, "Can your Majesty see this character clearly?"

Li Shimin nodded.

"Your Majesty, first cover your left eye and look with your right eye."

Li Shimin did so.

Li Zheng pointed to the smaller orthographic characters below and said, "What about now?"

Li Shimin said: "I can see it clearly, but it's a little blurry."

Li Zheng said: "Which side is the orthographic face facing?"

Li Shimin looked at it for a while, his eyes were a little tired, he closed his eyes and said, "It's still a little blurry, I can't see clearly."

Li Zheng pointed to another line and said, "What about this one?"

"Still can't see clearly."

After repeated trials several times, Li Zheng was somewhat sure about Li Shimin's myopia and said, "It seems that His Majesty's myopia is even worse than Your Majesty's."

"Myopia?" Li Shimin shook his head and said, "I still don't quite understand what you're talking about."

After Li Zheng finished speaking, he took out a cloth bag, opened the cloth bag, and inside was a lot of glass lenses.

There are dozens of them.

These lenses are wrapped in pieces of clean cloth.

Li Shimin was so surprised that he stood up on the spot, "You have so many?"

Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty, don't be so excited."

According to the label on the lens, Li Zheng adjusted a lens and buckled it in the frame of the wooden frame glasses.

First put the lens of the right eye on the glasses, Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty, try it on."

Li Shimin said impatiently, "What do you want to do?"

Li Zhi said: "Father, give it a try, it will be beneficial."

"Really?" Li Shimin put on his glasses suspiciously.

Li Zheng said: "Your Majesty, let's try the lens on the right eye first."

After speaking, Li Zheng tried it several times with the cloth covered with orthographic characters.

Li Shimin was surprised to find that he saw things more clearly through the lens of the glasses, and he even read the bottom line, even the smallest characters clearly.

"How could it be so clear?" Li Shimin said unconsciously.

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Your Majesty, let's try the other eye."

According to the process of the right eye, I did it again, and Li Shimin finally had lenses in both eyes.

Li Shimin is still a little uncomfortable wearing wooden frame glasses, but he can see things clearly with glasses.

No more that vague feeling.

"What the hell is going on!" Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty, stand up first, walk for a while, or stand for a while, and see if you feel any discomfort or dizziness." Li Zheng said.

Li Shimin stood up, feeling the feeling brought by the glasses.

Even Wang Ding, who was standing not far away, could clearly see the expression on his face.

After drinking a cup of tea, Li Zheng asked about 3 minutes later, "Does your majesty feel unwell?"

Li Shimin shook his head, "I don't feel any discomfort, I can see things very clearly."

After sitting down again, Li Shimin said: "Why don't you make a pair for the young slave too."

Li Zhi waved his hands again and again and said, "Father, my son is not short-sighted, so there is no need."

"Really?" Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Li Zheng said: "Actually, myopia is a kind of disease, but it is not considered a disease. Myopia is a vision problem of people's eyes. Once myopia is almost irreversible, it may last for a lifetime, and it is almost impossible to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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