Chapter 723 Kongming Lantern

Daniel took out a book from the package. This book was a notebook, copied from those books in the teacher's study.

The production of hot air balloons has been around since the teacher opened the academy a few years ago.

There are big hot air balloons and small Kongming lanterns.It's actually not that hard to make.

As long as there are enough materials available.

After finding some people from the Jingyang Guards, Daniel started to get busy.

At this moment, in the capital of Gaochang, King Gaochang anxiously walked back and forth in his palace.

What I hold in my hand is the proclamation brought by Guanzhong archery into the city today.

It is written in the call to action that Gaochang sent troops to attack His Highness the King of Shu.

The counselor standing beside King Gaochang said, "His Royal Highness, do you think we should admit our mistakes to Datang now."

"Admit it?" King Gaochang hesitated.

"If Datang wants to settle accounts in the future, I'm afraid Gaochang will not be guaranteed."

King Gaochang threw the proclamation on the ground in annoyance, "What is the origin of this King of Shu!"

"Why worry about Datang's future revenge, the Western Regions are so big, can Datang's army survive?"

Said the beautiful woman sitting beside King Gaochang.

King Gaochang still looked sad.

"I didn't expect the king to be such a timid and fearful person. After the king of Shu in the Tang Dynasty was captured alive, His Majesty in the Tang Dynasty must not dare to act rashly. It has reached this point. It must be impossible to be kind. Now that it is like this , not as good as us..."

Hearing what she said, the king of Gaochang also gritted his teeth and said: "Whether you fight or not, the consequences are the same. The princess is right. If you can catch His Highness the King of Shu, there may be a chance. If you don't The King of Shu, I am afraid that the Great Tang will come to settle accounts in the future, and he will be slaughtered by the Great Tang, and the Western Region is so far away from Chang'an, let's see if His Majesty of the Great Tang dares to send troops over."

Thinking of things turning around, King Gaochang regained his spirits.

"Send another [-] soldiers to arrest people!"

Seeing the expression on King Gaochang's face, the Persian woman leaned on the king and said, "The king is so mighty."

King Gaochang's arrogant laughter came from the palace.

That night, a group of soldiers from the Western Regions left the capital of Gaochang, and found some traces of people from Guanzhong not far from the capital three miles away.

Here is the horseshoe print of the horseshoe unique to Chinese war horses.

Clothes of some Guanzhong people were also found.

They found something strange in another village. These soldiers from the Western Regions asked the villagers about the situation. A group of Guanzhong soldiers came here to station and had just left.

Just as they turned around and were about to leave, an arrow shot in.

Someone in the team was shot and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of arrows soared into the sky and came towards here.

Li Ke nodded and watched this scene. Many people from the opposing camp fell to the ground in the rain of arrows. As expected, these soldiers from the Western Regions came to attack.

It seems that the king of Gaochang is not stupid, they will definitely notice that the army is nearby when they provoke during the day.

On the other side, Daniel and hundreds of soldiers are making Kongming lanterns one by one.

Wang Xuance rushed over and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu has already fought those soldiers from the Western Regions, what's going on with you?"

Daniel kept making hot air balloons, "It will take some time, has the fuel oil arrived?"

"It should be soon."

A day passed, and Li Ke led people to clean the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the ambush, they attacked and killed these people from the Western Regions.

Li Ke watched the sun come out from the east, and King Gaochang will definitely not stop sending troops in the next time.


The scout came in a hurry and said, "We found Dashi soldiers and horses not far away."

"Big cannibal!"

Li Ke asked again: "How many people are there?"

"Not many. It looks like there are only a few thousand people. They are all in the other direction of the capital of Gaochang. People from Gaochang even went out to talk to them. It seems that they are here to help."

Li Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead, "The big cannibals have appeared, and these big cannibals should have been wandering around Xizhou before."

The old man who came out of the capital of Gaochang explained: "A long time ago, Dashi sent someone to find the king of Gaochang, hoping that the king of Gaochang would not support Persia, and also sent a lot of treasures and women. Persia should be gone soon. , The big cannibal has crossed Persia several times to the Western Regions."

A war between Persia and Dashi spread to the Western Regions.

Wang Xuance said: "Doesn't King Gaochang know the reason why his lips are dead and his teeth are cold?"

Li Ke said with a sneer: "How could people from the Western Regions know this truth? Do they have as many sages as we have in the Central Plains?"

At noon, large Kongming lanterns rose up and headed for the capital of Gaochang.

Several old people in Gaochang looked at this scene and asked in surprise: "Young man, how did you do it?"

Daniel whispered: "Wisdom, the biggest difference between me and you is wisdom. When you are still learning to read, we have already begun to learn how to use time. Although manpower can become very powerful, but in this world Nothing can escape from one thing, my teacher called this thing the law, the changes of all things in the world have certain laws, and the power you get by using these laws is far greater than that of pure human power."

"For example, this Kongming lantern is actually very simple. It uses the law of rising heat and the direction of the wind. If you throw a stone into the sky, the limit you can reach is limited, but you use the law and the law of rising heat. The principle, using the wind, you can even compete with the sky, this is wisdom."

"When you are still learning Chinese characters, we are already studying Gewu. When you are writing, we have already been able to use the rules of the world. When you can finally write articles, we have reached a new level."

"This is the gap. If you lack a nail, you will lose a horseshoe. If you lack a horseshoe, you may lose a large army. Then you may lose your territory, your country, and everything you have. "

The old man from the Western Regions knelt in front of Daniel and said reverently, "Young man, can you be my teacher?"

Daniel grinned, "You're welcome, I haven't learned enough. Some gaps cannot be made up by age. It took you ten years to learn to read and write before you learned to write articles. This is irreparable. Our Central Plains The precipitation of wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation, which you do not have, and you cannot inherit."

Kongming lanterns floated towards the capital of Gaochang.

Many people from Gaochang Kingdom stepped out of their homes to watch.

King Gaochang looked at the Kongming lanterns floating in the sky, feeling uneasy.

These Kongming lanterns made me very uneasy.

"Come on! Shoot it down!" King Gaochang said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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