People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 728 Gao Chang's Riot

Chapter 728 Gao Chang's Riot

In the following days, the team has been stationed near Gaochang, and Daniel has been observing the movement of Gaochang.

Holding the binoculars, Daniel saw that a group of people, headed by the two old men from the Western Regions, were approaching the palace.

Handing the binoculars to Wang Xuance, Daniel said, "Brother Wang, look in the direction of the palace."

Wang Xuance looked through the binoculars.

From a distance, I saw a group of people gathering in front of the Gaochang Palace, as if they were yelling and cursing something.

Putting down the binoculars again, Wang Xuance said, "It seems to have some effect."

After observing for a while, Wang Xuance said again: "But the guards in the city don't seem to have made any big moves yet."

Everything needs a process, and now it seems that the defenders of the palace are not on the side of the people of Gaochang.

After observing, Daniel and Wang Xuance also returned to the camp.

However, Li Ke received a letter from Songtsen Gampo.

After Li Ke read it, Daniel also took the letter and read it. The letter meant that he knew the difficulties we encountered in Gaochang. If you need help, you can ask him Songtsan Gampo.

The letter also said that they would send someone to Jingyang in the near future to talk to Li Zheng about the upcoming Tubo affairs.

After reading the letter, Li Ke nodded and said, "It seems that Songtsan Gampo is still very concerned about the affairs here."

Wang Xuance ate a piece of jerky and said: "The ghost knows whether he is worried about us or Gaochang. When we are in danger, they don't want to help us. When we are in Xizhou, what is Songtsan Gampo doing? Now come to ask for warmth? Hypocrisy!"

Daniel walked out of the tent and looked at the notes he had made.

I can't take care of Tubo's affairs at the moment, and of course Tubo will go there sooner or later.

Li Ke finished arranging today's affairs and came to Daniu's camp.

Daniel raised his eyes and glanced at Li Ke, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

Li Ke sat beside Daniel and said, "What book are you reading?"

Daniel handed the notes to Li Ke, "These are the notes I made, and they are all things I learned on weekdays."

Li Ke glanced at the notes, this book is full of dense words.

And there are a lot of formulas and some incomprehensible pictures.

After looking at it a few more times, Li Ke gave up and returned the booklet to Daniel, "I don't understand."

Daniel smiled and said: "Understanding the above things requires a foundation. With a certain foundation in mathematics, physics and chemistry, His Royal Highness Shu Wang can understand it, and then His Royal Highness Shu Wang will feel that the world is not so magical."

Li Ke took out a water bag, "You haven't had a drink yet?"

Smelling the choking smell in the water sac, Daniel said, "I drank it once when I was a child."

Li Ke poured Daniel a bowl, "Take a sip."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

After speaking, Daniel picked up the bowl and drank it down, and was choked and coughed for a long time.

Seeing Daniel's appearance, Li Ke said with a smile: "Men always want to drink, remember this taste."

Daniel calmed down his breathing, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu laughed."

"It's nothing. It's like this for the first time a man drinks. I brought the wine in this water bag from the Central Plains. I don't dare to drink too much on weekdays. The most taboo thing to do when you are out in the army is drinking. This is also the military rule of our Tang Dynasty. iron law."

Daniel took another sip.

Li Ke said in a low voice: "We have taken Xizhou, and when we take Gaochang, Xizhou will be completely ours."

Daniel nodded and said: "If the central government can send troops, controlling Xizhou and Gaochang is equivalent to controlling half of the Western Regions, and the Western Regions are in the north of Tubo, so we can use this to suppress the Western Regions."

Li Ke did not deny Daniel's words, and it is indeed such a truth.

Going south from the Western Regions is Tubo, and when the Tang Dynasty took control of the Western Regions, it was like hanging a knife in Tubo.

Li Ke stood up and said: "I know that the court has been reluctant to send troops. If I go back this time, I will definitely persuade my father to send troops."

Daniel said: "It is not likely that troops will be sent out. The court is much more complicated than His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

"Your tone of voice is more and more like Li Zheng. Sometimes I feel that when you stand in front of me, it is Li Zheng standing in front of me."

Li Ke said with a somewhat tangled expression.

Daniel smiled, "If I were a teacher, I might have won Tubo by now."

Li Ke said: "You are also very powerful."

"It can't be said to be great." Speaking of this, Daniel's expression was a little lonely, and he said in a low voice: "I always know that the teacher still has a lot of skills that I haven't taught me, and there are still many skills that I haven't shown. There are some things that the teacher doesn't know. He is restraining himself, maybe once some things start, the teacher doesn't know whether it will bring much disaster to this world, and what kind of disaster it will bring, so the teacher has always been cautious."

"The teacher can do a lot of things that ordinary people can't do, but when you understand the reason, you will find that these things are actually very common, but we have never discovered those laws and reasons. The Western Regions are too wild. Even many people in the Western Regions are illiterate. They don’t understand science. It’s like you use a wooden stick and others use a knife. You may have to swing the stick dozens of times to kill the opponent, but with a knife, you can take it with one knife. their lives."

"This is the difference. Knowledge is crushed from top to bottom. I just learned some of the most basic things, and these most basic mechanics can make people in the Western Regions desperate and irresistible. This is the importance of knowledge. "

After listening to Daniel's words, Li Ke was silent for a long time.

After a while, Li Ke stood up again, "Let me ask something rather offensive, what is the relationship between Li Zheng and Mr. Mo?"

Of course there is a relationship. This Mr. Mo was supported by his teacher.

Hearing Li Ke's question, Daniel said in a low voice, "It's better for His Royal Highness the King of Shu to ask the teacher about this."

"I know there are some things that I shouldn't ask about. If there is anything that needs my help, I will definitely help Li Zheng. I owe him."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he walked out of the tent.

Three days later, Daniel met the old man from the Western Regions of Gaochang Kingdom again.

On the second day after the meeting, the kerosene crisis that had been brewing for more than ten days finally broke out in Gaochang.

Tens of thousands of Gaochang people rushed into the Gaochang King's Palace.

Daniel watched this scene with a telescope.

Li Ke and Wang Xuance also watched with cold eyes, and the defenders of Gaochang's capital also joined the riots to resist the current King of Gaochang.

Wang Xuance said, "Gaochang is over."

Daniel said: "His Royal Highness, are we going to enter the city?"

Li Ke nodded and said, "Let's wait outside the city."

The capital of Gaochang was in chaos, until Daniel couldn't see what the current situation in Gaochang was.

I just saw more and more people rushing into the palace of Gaochang Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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