Chapter 730 Treasure Secret
When I came to Xizhou City again, the army of Gaochang Kingdom came here once, but they were looted and did not do much damage.

Coming here again, Wang Xuance listened to the cries of the Gaochang elders here, nothing more than complaining about the brutality of those Gaochang people.

There are also some people from the Western Regions who can't speak the Guanzhong dialect, listening to them chatting, it is very noisy.

Daniel walked all the way to the very center of Xizhou City, where there was a crypt, where the treasures were originally kept.

Looking at the already empty burrow, Daniel squatted down to pick up some sand and carefully looked at the sand.

Wang Xuance also walked over and said, "How is it?"

Daniel patted away the sand in his hand, and stomped the ground vigorously, feeling the softness of the soil.

"Brother Wang, close the door of the crypt, and leave a few people here."

Wang Xuance closed the door according to Daniel's order, leaving only four or five guards in the cave.

Daniel sat on the ground and took out a map from his package.

Looking at the map, Wang Xuance couldn't understand it for a while.

Daniel explained: "Brother Wang, Xizhou is one of the few places in the Western Regions that has abundant water sources. There are several tributaries flowing through Xizhou, and the terrain of Xizhou is very low, so it is easy for rainwater to collect. With the fertile land of Xizhou."

Wang Xuance was puzzled for a while, "What do you say have anything to do with treasure?"

"Of course it does."

Daniel explained: "The terrain of Xizhou is like a natural reservoir. Under this terrain, all rainwater will seep into the ground along with the sand. I asked that the wind season in the Western Regions is actually in Gaochang. Every state has a rainy season, but this rainy season may not come for several years, but it does happen.”

Wang Xuance listened silently.

Daniu pointed to the map he had drawn and said, "Brother Wang, look, if my estimate is correct, there is an underground river under the city of Xizhou, and the water level of this underground river will change with the seasons. Changes will have a certain impact on the ground."

Wang Xuance became more and more confused.

"The reason is also very simple. This place should be the place closest to the underground river. Changes in the water level of the underground river will directly affect this place. When the water level of the underground river rises, it will squeeze the sand above it, which will push the sand away. Pushing it up, the sand will sink when the water level drops. Now that the wind season has just passed, the water level in various tributaries in Xizhou has also dropped a lot. In fact, where we are now, the sand has sunk for a record, but we just noticed It’s just not, you stand on the ground, you can’t feel the changes in the ground.”

"This is a blindfold. In fact, the sand where the treasure was originally placed has sunk several inches."

After listening to Daniel's discussion, Wang Xuance was silent for a long time, and then said: "I'm sorry I didn't understand."

Daniel said helplessly: "That is to say, when the water level rises, the water level will squeeze the sand and prop up the sand, and the resulting squeeze will also act on the gold, and the gold will naturally float up when it is squeezed. When the water level drops, they sink first because the gold weighs more than the sand."

"You mean the gold isn't gone at all, it's just under the sand."

Daniel nodded vigorously
Wang Xuance remembered the penetrating sound of the wind when the wind season came.

Daniel stepped on several places and picked a place with the softest soil and said, "Dig!"

Members of several guards immediately started digging.

Wang Xuance watched the team members slowly dig out a hole, and asked again: "As you said, this is just a cover-up. What about those legends? They are the people who took the treasure here."

Daniel laughed and said: "It's actually very simple. It's nothing more than making up a story to protect these treasures. If there is such a thing, maybe someone in Xizhou City killed those who stole the treasure."

Having said that, Wang Xuance roughly understood.

After digging for about an hour, a hole as high as a person was dug.

Some gold was dug out.

Wang Xuance looked at the gold and found it incredible, "You are really right, the gold hasn't disappeared at all."

Daniel said again: "After understanding the truth, the rumors of those curses will be self-defeating, but we might as well let them stay here first, I don't know how deep the water in Xizhou City is, so we should keep it quiet." it is good."

"Indeed." Wang Xuance nodded pertinently.

At this time, it is really better not to say it out loud. If the people who guard these treasures find out, I am afraid that they will have to work hard.

"Just put it back where it was, and we'll come and get it later."

Wang Xuance ordered the guards to put the gold back into the cave and bury it again.

It was already night when we left the burrow.

As soon as he walked out of the burrow, Daniel could feel that many eyes around him had already looked over.

Although I don't know how many people are guarding the treasure here.

The gold cannot be easily moved.

Especially the people from Xizhou City.

Some people here would rather give everything they have to the robbers and army passing by, and would rather be bullied than leave here.

It's like some people have never left Xizhou City.

Daniel looked at the old man who was looking at him in the distance and smiled.

Resting in Xizhou for one night, Daniel and the members of Wang Xuance's escort left here under the reluctant eyes of the residents of Xizhou City.

Looking at the flustered Western Regions, Wang Xuance said, "Where are we going now?"

Daniel sat lazily on his horseback and said, "Go to Tubo and have a look."

Wang Xuance nodded, "Okay, then go to Tubo."

Li Ke escorted King Gaochang all the way to the Hexi Corridor, and came to the wine shop here to rest for a night.

Unexpectedly, there are spirits that can only be drunk in Chang'an.

The owner of the restaurant is a Turkic person, and he is very familiar with Guanzhong dialect.

Li Ke looked at him with some familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while.

After a day's rest, Li Ke continued on his way to the Hexi Corridor to enter the customs.

Li Ke found that the soldiers and horses of the Weifu looked at him very strangely. After inquiring, he realized that what he had done in the Western Regions and Tubo had spread to all the Weifu troops in the Tang Dynasty.

Seizing Xizhou to fight Gaochang, and he was the king of Gaochang who was still in custody.

Li Ke didn't want to face the eyes of so many people.

After reporting to the generals at the pass, he set off again.

Go all the way to Guanzhong along Longyou Road.

All the pass generals along the way are very enthusiastic about themselves.

In the past, as a prince, he was also the most humble prince.

There is no identity of Li Tai and Li Chengqian.

Faced with so much enthusiasm all of a sudden, Li Ke felt very uncomfortable.

When approaching Jingyang, Li Ke looked at the many trees planted outside Jingyang.

(End of this chapter)

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