Chapter 738 Daniel's Letter
One month after Li Ke left the Western Regions.

Tang Xuanzang brought people to the vicinity of Gaochang, which is an oil field.

Black oil still covers the land.

Hundreds of hectares of land are pitch black at a glance, and there are no living things.

Listening to the stories of people from the Western Regions around him, Tang Xuanzang recited a Buddhist name devoutly.

Tang Xuanzang walked to the center of this oil field on foot. In the center, the black oil here became thicker and thicker, and even walking on it was very difficult.

Tang Xuanzang walked all the way and saw the bones in the black oil.

On closer inspection, there are more bones in the distance.

Some of these bones were burned into skeletons.

And the remains of war horses.

Looking from a distance, there is a large pile of bones in the distance.

Tang Xuanzang chanted the Buddha's name devoutly again.

The people from the Western Regions on the side talked about the war between the Guanzhong people and the Gaochang people.

In the narration, more than 1 Gaochang people were besieging and killing Guanzhong people.

The Guanzhong people didn't know what method they used to cause flames to burst out of the ground, and the flames burned for a full month before they were extinguished.

These people were all burned to death.

A boy named Daniu is now in Tubo, he is Li Zheng's disciple.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, regardless of the black oil staining his clothes, Tang Xuanzang recited scriptures.

After reading the scriptures, Tang Xuanzang said to the Tibetans who came with him: "Tell Songtsan Gampo that Li Zheng's disciples will make life difficult for Tubo."

After speaking, Tang Xuanzang stood up and looked in the direction of Guanzhong, "It's been so many years since I left the Central Plains, it's time for Poor Dao to go back."


Li Lizhi sat at home and calculated accounts, and Wu Mei went home after dark.

Xu Hui quietly poured Li Lizhi a bowl of hot tea and said, "Your Highness, in the past few days, many people said that Chang'an Ling is a good person, and they all said that such a good person as Chang'an Ling would not do such a thing as raising a private army." .”

Li Lizhi closed the ledger, drank tea, and looked up at the somewhat empty night outside the window.

Xu Hui went on to say: "I think the impeachment by the court this time is all a misunderstanding."

Li Lizhi said to Xu Hui in a low voice: "Do you know? The emperor asked Li Ke to be the deputy general of the Longwu Army and stay in Chang'an. What is the purpose of incorporating some members of the Jingyang Guard into the Longwu Army?"

Xu Hui said in a low voice, "The servant girl doesn't understand."

Li Lizhi took a sip of hot tea and said, "Father did this for no other reason than to let Li Ke and Li Zheng share power."

Xu Hui added: "My maid thought that since Chang'an Ling and His Highness the King of Shu have such a good relationship, nothing will happen."

The relationship between Li Zheng and Li Ke is really good, and the only person who can get so close to Li Ke is Li Zheng.

Whether it is the dignitaries in the court or the princes in the palace, they all think that Li Ke's biological mother is related to Concubine Yang, and they all respect Li Ke at a distance.

Li Lizhi smiled, "But don't think too much about Li Zheng, sometimes he really thinks of many people, that's what we saw, there are many things he didn't say."

Xu Hui asked curiously, "What didn't you say?"

Li Lizhi put her mind away and said: "When I was young, my father asked us brothers and sisters to practice riding and archery together. My father said that kindness does not lead soldiers. In fact, there is another sentence in this sentence, kindness does not do business."

"Are you good at business?"

Xu Hui repeated in doubt.

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "Li Zheng is really kind to the villagers in Jingyang, but Li Zheng doesn't show much kindness to those outside the pass. East Turks, West Turks, including Tubo in the Western Regions, if you know what he did outside the pass You know that he is actually not such a kind person.”

Seeing that Xu Hui was silent, Li Lizhi said, "But Li Zheng is really not such a bad person."

"En!" Xu Hui nodded.

The little one was already asleep on the bed.

Li Lizhi stood by the window looking at the night view of the village, and also saw Li Zheng playing chess with Li Tai in the yard.

Li Zheng raised his horse and ate one of Li Tai's servants and said, "His Royal Highness, General."

Li Tai wanted to move his general, but found that Li Zheng's car was right above his head.

Li Tai let out a long sigh, "I lost again."

Li Zheng cleaned up the chessboard, "His Royal Highness Wei Wang is a little absent-minded."

Li Tai said, "Is there?"

"Three games of chess, I used the same method to checkmate His Royal Highness King Wei, didn't His Highness King Wei find out?"

Li Tai also lost his mind on playing chess, sitting on the deck chair, breathing the cold night air, and looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Sure enough, he has something on his mind, and it is best to find an excuse to leave when chatting with someone who has something on his mind.

Li Zheng said: "It's getting late, I want to sleep."

"Wait." Li Tai called Li Zheng to stop.

Li Zheng continued to go to his study.

"Li Zheng, I don't want to leave Chang'an!"

Li Tai finally said it.

Speaking of which, if Fatty leaves Chang'an, his ordinary life may become even more boring.

Li Zheng took out a ledger from his study and placed it in front of Li Tai.

Li Tai looked at the ledger in front of him and said, "What is this?"

Li Zheng said: "This is the account book of the money His Royal Highness Wei Wang owes me. If His Royal Highness Wei Wang leaves Chang'an, who will pay me back the money?"

Li Tai stared at Li Zheng, "Not only did you not help me, you also asked me to pay back the money!"

Li Zheng turned over a page of the account book and said, "His Royal Highness Wei Wang now owes me a total of [-] guan."

"Fifty thousand..." Li Tai was stunned, snatched the ledger from Li Zheng's hand and said, "How much money do I owe you?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, you and I have known each other for eight years, and I remember all the accounts in the eight years, including those that have already been settled."

Li Tai: "..."

"If His Royal Highness the King of Wei is going to fief the land, please settle the debt. If possible, please also settle the debt of your father. Your father also owes me a lot of money."

Li Tai smiled contemptuously, closed the ledger, stood up and was about to leave the yard.

Li Zheng called to stop Li Tai, "His Royal Highness, what are you going to do?"

Li Tai said weakly, "Sleep."

Li Zheng put away the ledger again.

After Li Tai left, Li Lizhi walked into the courtyard and said, "Qing Que just said he was leaving Chang'an?"

Li Zheng nodded, "Didn't it mean that the adult prince is leaving Chang'an? His Royal Highness King Wei is already an adult."

Li Lizhi's clothes were a little thin, and she tightened her clothes in the cold wind and said, "It must be another remonstrance from the courtiers. The emperor and mother certainly don't want Qingque to leave Chang'an."

Seeing Li Lizhi wearing thin clothes, "Go to bed early."

"En." Li Lizhi nodded and went back to the room.

Li Zheng took a look at Li Zhi who was already asleep, and went back to his study, lying on the bed alone thinking about Li Tai's words.

The royal affairs are really a mess.

On the second day, Li Zheng got up early to practice Tai Chi in his yard.

I saw Xu Jingzong coming in a hurry with a letter.

"Chang'an Order, Daniel's letter." Xu Jingzong handed out the letter and said.

(End of this chapter)

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