Chapter 762
"Your Majesty, I still keep that letter. Your Majesty means..."

Li Shimin said: "Recently, I have been thinking about the imperial examination. The imperial examination is a major issue related to scholars all over the world. Nowadays, there is a shortage of people everywhere in the court."

Du Ruhui said: "Your Majesty, the imperial examination is indeed related to scholars in the world, but the imperial examination is not a trivial matter."

Fang Xuanling also said: "Your Majesty, the imperial examination is indeed a major event for the scholars in the world, but the affairs of the court will affect the whole body. Before doing it, we must make complete preparations."

Li Shimin nodded, "The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China has drafted a charter. This matter can be discussed in the long term but it cannot be delayed."


Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling saluted together and said.

Li Shimin put down the secret report in his hand, and picked up another one, which was also sent by Wang Ding.

Li Zheng intends to find out the relationship between Buddhism and the powerful.

Once the interests between Buddhism and the powerful are uncovered, there will be great turmoil in Buddhism.

Seeing this secret report, the smile on Li Shimin's face grew even stronger.

On the second day after Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui received Li Shimin's order, news of the imperial examination soon spread throughout the government and the public.

Li Chengqian, who was sitting in the East Palace, was surprised to hear the news, "Father really wants to hold the imperial examination again."

The attendant of the Eastern Palace said: "It is said that the imperial examination this time will be different from the previous ones."


Li Chengqian asked curiously, "Why is it different?"

The attendant of the Eastern Palace said: "I can't say what is different. Now the Ministry of Education is also discussing, but Mr. Fang is on his way to the Eastern Palace, and he wants to come to teach His Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian glanced helplessly at his servants in the East Palace. These servants were getting more and more incapable of doing things, so he said helplessly, "Retire first."

After the attendants left, Fang Xuanling came after a while.

Li Chengqian bowed politely to Fang Xuanling, "I have met the teacher."

Fang Xuanling nodded slightly and said, "Your Highness, the old man will start to give lectures."

Li Chengqian sat down and listened to the class.

The new dynasty of the tenth year of Zhenguan is about to arrive.

Ashina still cleaned Zhuque Street as usual, and got acquainted with those peddlers who often yelled and scolded on Zhuque Street. He never revealed his identity, even if he told them now that he was the blood of the Eastern Turkic court, It was Xue Yantuo's khan back then, no one would believe it.

After so many years in Chang'an, Ashina knew a lot about Datang.

I know more about the changes in the situation in the Central Plains today.

While sweeping the floor, Ashina heard someone in the nearby restaurant discussing the resumption of the imperial examination.

Datang is about to reopen the imperial examination, and there are more scholars in Datang.

Looking up to the sky, Ashina felt powerless.

Datang has more and more scholars, and Datang's national strength will become stronger.

In the past few years, the weather in the Tang Dynasty has been smooth, and the grain has been harvested every year.

Datang is getting richer and richer.

The Central Plains is already so strong, but it is still moving towards a richer and stronger direction step by step.

There was a trace of sadness in Ashina's heart, what about the Turks now.

The Turks are still so barbaric, they are still standing still, and even the East Turks are living under the protection of the Central Plains people.

There is still the blood of the Eastern Turkic royal family in his heart, which makes Ashina feel inferior in his heart. In Chang'an, the capital of the Central Plains, Ashina feels inferior in his heart even more than before.

I saw Lu Dongzan coming out of the post house with a group of Tubo people passing by.

Ashina even lowered his head, for fear that the other party would recognize him.

After sweeping the road for a while, Ashina sat down on a stone by the side of the road to rest.

Bought a cake from a peddler nearby.

Ashina was eating the cake while digesting the news he heard today.

Li is about to expand the book printing workshop, which means that the family of the five surnames is declaring war.

The court will reopen the imperial examination.

Envoys from other countries are coming to Chang'an to congratulate Li Shimin again.

There are still no Goguryeo envoys. It seems that Goguryeo has not been in contact with the Central Plains for a long time.

Ashina still had the cake in his mouth, he lost his mind and didn't know where he had gone, he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he didn't know if he was still alive.

Probably went back to East Turkic.

While eating the cake, Ashina saw a person walking in front of him.

Looking up, he saw that it was Li Chongyi, the young Yin of the Jingzhao Mansion.

Li Chongyi handed Ashina a water bag and said, "Don't just eat cakes, drink saliva."

After receiving the water bag from Li Chongyi, Ashina felt relieved when he saw that there were no officials around Li Chongyi.

Sitting on the side of the road with Ashina, Li Chongyi said, "How have you been recently?"

Ashina nodded, "I heard that you are the ones investigating the burning of the Da Ci'en Temple? Did you find out?"


Li Chongyi stood up again and said, "I have to go home again, so I'm leaving."

Ashina didn't say anything more, just nodded.

Regarding the friendship with Li Chongyi, I want to say that it was the first time I came to Chang'an to sweep the floor.

On weekdays, Li Chongyi would also come over to have a few words with him.

Ashina even suspected that Li Chongyi's Jingzhao government officials were staring at him.

Nothing happened until the past two years, and Jingzhao Mansion didn't respond even when Zhishenli came to live with me for a period of time.

He even tried to get out of Chang'an City.

At that time, after leaving Chang'an City for three days and three nights, the government did not come to investigate.

At the beginning, I was too hungry outside, so I returned to Chang'an.

Only then did he confirm that no one was staring at him at all.

At the beginning, I didn't know if Li Shimin wanted to kill the grass and roots, but the moment he was brought to Chang'an, he was ready to die.

I didn't expect to let myself sweep the floor before the knife was on my neck.

The decision seemed to be made suddenly.

Li Zheng was the only one who could think of such an idea.

Ashina took another bite of the cake in his hand fiercely.

In addition, in Chang'an, Duan Lun was a little apprehensive but also very excited when he heard the news that Li Zheng was going to expand the book printing house.

After waiting for so long and planning for so long, Li Zheng finally planned to make a move.

Chaozhong finally planned to make a move.

The five surnames have always controlled scholars.

This accumulated control sooner or later eats back at them.

The backlash may be coming now.

Three days after the news spread to the ruling and opposition parties, the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China was still hesitant about the imperial examination.

Tang Xuanzang finally came to Chengtian Gate and wanted to meet Li Shimin.

And Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui came to Jingyang.

Now Fang Xuanling is Li Chengqian's teacher.

It was also conferred by His Majesty. As Fang Xuanling's student, Li Chengqian also naturally participated in the imperial examination matters.

After several people passed the report, several Jingyang guards led the way down to the stables.

From here, you can see the busy villagers of Jingyang in the distance.

Fang Xuanling said: "Every time I come to Jingyang, I always feel that Jingyang seems to have changed."

(End of this chapter)

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