People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 764 Ask Xuanzang to Return to the Secular

Chapter 764 Ask Xuanzang to Return to the Secular

Tang Xuanzang followed a guard into Chengtian Gate, walked all the way into the palace, and suddenly saw the Tai Chi Hall not far away.

Looking at the majestic Tai Chi Hall, Tang Xuanzang paused to take a few more glances.

Then Tang Xuanzang followed the guards and turned to the right side of Taiji Palace, bypassing various temples and coming to the front of Wude Hall.

As soon as he reached the Wude Hall, a young eunuch stepped forward and said, "If you dare to ask, it is Master Xuanzang."

Tang Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name and said, "It's the poor monk."

The little eunuch said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been waiting in the hall for a long time, Master Xuanzang, please come in."

Tang Xuanzang nodded and glanced at Wude Hall again, before stepping into the hall.

As soon as you enter the hall, you can feel a coolness. There are no candles here and it is very dim.

Feeling the coolness, Tang Xuanzang looked at the figure standing in front of him. To the majesty in black robe, Tang Xuanzang bowed and said, "Your Majesty."

Li Shimin then turned around and looked at Tang Xuanzang, "Are you about the same age as me?"

Tang Xuanzang said in a low voice: "The poor monk is over thirty this year."

Li Shimin stroked his beard and said: "This is the place where my father lived before. Because my father moved out, there are very few people here on weekdays. I will come here from time to time. I didn't expect my father to leave. It's so cold in here."

Tang Xuanzang bowed and said: "The poor monk remembers that the Supreme Emperor is now in Jingyang."

Li Shimin nodded, "In this kind of Wude Palace, Father's body has accumulated a lot of problems, but after going to Jingyang, Father is also a lot more cheerful. In Jingyang, there are still little sons and young slaves under his knees. , there is much more life there than in the palace, Jingyang is a good place to raise people, what does Master Xuanzang think?"

Tang Xuanzang closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Jingyang is indeed a good place."

Li Shimin said again: "Sun Simiao in Jingyang can take care of my father's condition, and Li Zheng is also proficient in medical skills. Now my father doesn't need to take any medicine, and his condition has naturally improved a lot."

Tang Xuanzang said: "The vitality of Jingyang will also infect the Supreme Emperor."

Hearing what Tang Xuanzang said, Li Shimin sat down in front of the table and said, "Master Xuanzang, please sit down."

Tang Xuanzang sat down upon hearing the sound.

After sitting down, a few maids came out from the back of the palace, and came to serve tea and wine.

There are also some meat dishes on the table.

The clothes of these court ladies are very thin, and they are even faintly visible.

Li Shimin has been observing Tang Xuanzang's expression and his eyes.

Looking at the table of wine and meat again, Tang Xuanzang closed his eyes and said the Buddha's name: "Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

Li Shimin seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, smiled awkwardly and said: "I forgot, you are a monk, so you should be fasting."

After speaking, he gave the maids a look, and immediately removed all the wine and meat meals, and replaced them with pots of vegetarian dishes.

After changing to vegetarian dishes, Tang Xuanzang's expression became a little more comfortable.

However, the maids serving at the side were still sitting very close to him, and he could even smell their scents. Tang Xuanzang took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Seeing Tang Xuanzang's attitude, Li Shimin clapped his hands, and then another group of court ladies entered the Wude Hall and danced in the hall.

For a while, the vocal music continued continuously, and the graceful dancing posture was in front of my eyes.

Li Shimin looked at Tang Xuanzang with his eyes still closed, and said: "I heard that Master Xuanzang traveled alone through the Western Regions to obtain the scriptures from Tianzhu. I respect Master Xuanzang."

Tang Xuanzang said in a low voice: "The poor monk replaces wine with tea, and respects His Majesty."

After speaking, Tang Xuanzang raised a bowl of tea and drank it.

Li Shimin continued: "Master Xuanzang traveled alone through the Western Regions. There was Zhang Qian in the Han Dynasty before Master Xuanzang. I admire Master Xuanzang very much. I will respect Master Xuanzang again."

Tang Xuanzang still picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

Seeing that Tang Xuanzang still did not move the wine glass, the maids danced for a long time.

Li Shimin waved these palace maids to retreat.

More than a dozen palace maids bowed deeply and retreated in small steps.

Li Shimin looked at Tang Xuanzang and said, "How does Master Xuanzang think these court ladies dance?"

Tang Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name devoutly again, "The poor monk does not understand poetry, drinking and dancing, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Li Shimin smiled awkwardly again, this Tang Xuanzang spoke in a calm manner.

Holding a wine glass, Li Shimin sat down in front of Tang Xuanzang and said in a low voice: "Master Xuanzang has been in the Western Regions for so many years, he must know the Western Regions, Tianzhu, Persia and other places very well."

Tang Xuanzang sat upright and said: "The poor monks have indeed been to these places. If you say you know them, you really know a lot."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Nowadays the Western Regions are in chaos. I often look up to the sages who achieved the glory of the Han Dynasty. Although I am not as good as Hanwu, I also want to follow the example of Hanwu, rebuild the glory of the Western Regions, restore the trade routes, calm the Western Regions, and make the world peaceful. .”

Tang Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name devoutly again.

Li Shimin said again: "Now the court is employing people. I want to reorganize the Western Regions, but I am powerless. The court needs manpower and people who understand the Western Regions to do these things."

Seeing Tang Xuanzang's expression again, Li Shimin said again: "Master Xuanzang traveled far to the Western Regions, and he must know the Western Regions better than any of the officials in the court. I wonder if Master Xuanzang can help me for the court and the society?"

Hearing this, Tang Xuanzang was silent for a long time.

Li Shimin added: "Knowing that Master Xuanzang is a monk now, if Master Xuanzang can return to lay life, I am willing to sworn brotherhood with Master Xuanzang."

Tang Xuanzang was silent for a long time again.

Waiting for Tang Xuanzang's response, Li Shimin had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and the disorderly expansion of Buddhism would not be good for the country.

If Tang Xuanzang could return to vulgarity, make a sworn obeisance with me, or even enter the court as an official, it would be a great blow to Buddhism.

If Tang Xuanzang could agree to return to vulgarity, it would be fine to become an official in the court.

If Tang Xuanzang refused, it would be another matter.

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Shimin put a sincere expression on his face again, "I don't know if Master Xuanzang is willing to help me, I know this is very difficult for Master Xuanzang, but for the sake of the community and the future, I have no choice but to come here Master Xuanzang, please return to vulgarity."

After hesitating for a long time, Tang Xuanzang said, "Did Your Majesty want to see the poor monk in the first place just to make the poor monk return to vulgarity?"

The voice fell in the quiet Wude Hall, so quiet that some echoes could even be heard.

Li Shimin said again: "I know that this makes Master Xuanzang very difficult. Why don't Master Xuanzang think about it for a while? It is because I am ashamed that I want to do this, and I want to let Master Xuanzang return to vulgarity. I also know Master Xuanzang doesn't care about fame and wealth, in fact, I really hope to be able to make friends with Master Xuanzang."

After saying this, Li Shimin held Tang Xuanzang's hand with excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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