Chapter 769 Assassin
Li Shimin looked at Li Junxian's memorial, Xu Jingzong is a person who knows how to do things and is also a clever person, this person will not easily tell where the Longwu Army is.

In Wang Ding's secret report, Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu are now Li Zheng's right-hand men.

The future of these two people is in Li Zheng for the rest of their lives.

The two of them are naturally trustworthy.

The others are all in Jingyang, and Li Ji won't say anything about it.

I don't know why, Li Shimin laughed at himself. The palace is also a court, so I always feel that Jingyang is the most trustworthy and cleanest place now.

Li Junxian went on to say: "Now that the 3 troops of the Longwu Army are all merged into Jingyang, under the arrangement of His Royal Highness the King of Shu and Xue Rengui, [-]% of them will be used for the defense of Jingyang, and [-]% of them will be used to build the newly established India. The bookstore, and the rest are all used to maintain the law and order in Jingyang, and a lot of secret sentries have been arranged around Jingyang."

The sky is about to enter the night, the sunset is west, and the light of the setting sun is getting weaker and weaker.

Li Shimin stood up and looked at the sunset outside and said, "Is there any secret report from Tubo today?"

Li Junxian replied in a low voice: "As before, the chaos between Tubo and Western Turks is still going on, but now Mr. Mo is very famous in the Western Regions. Now everyone in the Western Regions knows that Mr. Mo is from the Central Plains, but they don't know. Who is this Central Plains man?"

"What are Li Zheng's disciples doing these days?"

Li Junxian replied: "The latest secret report is that Daniel has been recruiting troops in Tubo, and now Daniel has five thousand people under his command, except for the one thousand guards in Wang Xuance's hands, the rest are from the Western Regions and the Tibetans."

"I remember Li Zheng gave Daniel something, right?"

Li Junxian nodded, "The thing I gave was a pile of sand and stones, and I don't know what it is for now."

There was another long silence in the Ganlu Palace, the sun set into the west mountain, and the night gradually covered the sky.

"I also found the sand and stones collected by Li Zheng, and I don't know what these things are used for after several experiments."

Li Shimin's whispers sounded again in the hall.

Li Junxian knelt on the ground on one knee and couldn't speak for a while.

Unknown gravel, many of which are saltpeter.

Li Shimin recalled the vision of the sky on the day Lizhi got married.

After that sky vision, the years after Datang were full of bumper harvests.

Some people say it is heavenly auspiciousness.

Some people also say that the marriage between Princess Changle and Li Zheng is a marriage blessed by heaven.

Li Shimin didn't believe these words. Dai Zhou went to investigate and found many traces of saltpeter around Jingyang.

This time Li Zheng went all the way to send these to Tubo, and handed them over to Daniel.

There must be a problem, and there also happens to be saltpetre in these sandstones.

Looking at the silent night, Li Shimin's heart wavered, but Dai Zhou had already passed away.

There is also the memorial of Yuan Tiangang before his death. Li Zheng killed many, many people, and he was a person standing on the mountain of bones.

Everything in Jingyang is under my nose, and it is under my surveillance.

Even though Jingyang is considered to be wide open, it is right in front of him.

But Li Zheng is dishonest, Li Zheng still has a lot of things that he hasn't said, and there are still many secrets that he hasn't explained.

Speaking of Buddhism, what happened to the weird collapse and loud noises of those temples back then.

Glancing at Li Junxian who was still kneeling on the ground, Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Now that the Longwu Army is handed over to Li Zheng, do you want to do anything for me next?"

Hearing His Majesty's words, Li Junxian bowed his head and said: "The humble post is at the command of Your Majesty."

The candles in Ganlu Hall were not very bright, and Li Shimin's expression could not be seen clearly in the gloomy hall.

Li Shimin waved his sleeves and said, "You don't have to go to Jingyang. There are many people in Jingyang who will watch everything in Jingyang. You go to lead the army and guards tomorrow morning. In addition to maintaining the law and order in Chang'an, you also have to watch out for instigating Those who are in turmoil, who are standing behind those troublemakers, who are making trouble, who are those who speak for Buddhism."


Li Junxian stood up and saluted.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, "It's not that I don't trust Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui. They both say they are very good at dealing with the affairs of the court. These two are also the pillars of my society, but they do some dirty work. I still need you to do it, and it is difficult for others to find out those adultery hidden in the dark, Wang Ding is now in Jingyang, he cannot leave him."

Li Junxian understands what the so-called "dirty work" is.

Li Shimin handed Li Junxian a token, "Take this token and go to the Sifang Pavilion. Originally, there were Wang Ding's people there. Those people who you hold this token will obey your arrangement."


After speaking, Li Junxian bowed and saluted again, "Leave me from my humble position."

Sitting in the dim Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin let out another breath.

Closing his eyes tired, he put all his weight on the armchair behind him.

The Ganlu Palace was very quiet, only two or three court ladies and eunuchs were sitting here.

After sitting in the Ganlu Hall for a long time, Li Shimin got up and went to the Lizheng Hall.

In the middle of the night, dozens of masked men in black were quietly heading towards Jingyang.

Lying on the grass, watching several Jingyang guards changing shifts, entering the village from here is Jingyang's horse pen, and only crossing the horse circle is Jingyang Village.

The assassin glanced at the night sky, and had been waiting here for two hours.

Still haven't found a chance to enter the village.

Just as he was about to give up, he found that the members of the Jingyang Guard in front of him had left.

Looking at the empty intersection, the leading men in black discussed it.

He got up and walked towards this intersection, and ran all the way towards Jingyang Village.

Until I ran into this intersection and arrived at Jingyang's stables.

It's still very quiet here.

Several men in black observed the surrounding area for a while, then moved on.

After another distance, an arrow shot from the darkness, and the sound of piercing through the air was very sharp.

Metal arrows shot into the crowd with a cold light, and one of the masked men fell to the ground.

"Caught alive!"

There was a loud shout in the dark night, and groups of people came out from the darkness all around, and hundreds of people immediately surrounded the place.

A group of men in black stood back to back and looked around.

Li Jiangshan held the horizontal knife and nodded coldly at the assassins in front of him, "Be careful to hide the light of the knife next time when lying in the grass, the moonlight is very bright tonight."

The assassins looked at each other, took out pills and swallowed them.

Li Jiangshan threw a small knife and stabbed one of them in the wrist, causing the pills to fall to the ground.

When the assassin was about to wipe his neck with a knife, the opponent had already rushed in front of him, his hands were captured, and he fell to the ground.

Li Zheng was sitting in the study, reading a book, and when he looked up, he saw a figure standing in front of his window, with disheveled hair in the night wind, and he was terrified.

"There are assassins, and they have already been taken down."

Li Jiangshan's voice came from outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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