People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 773 Forbearance 1 hour calm and peaceful

Chapter 773 Forbearance for a while

Li Zheng stood up and said to the killer: "You wait here for a while, and a man named Xu Jingzong will come to pick you up in a few days."

Seeing that Li was about to leave, the killer continued, "What about the others?"

Li Zheng didn't answer him, put on his bamboo hat again and walked into the rain.

Xue Rengui followed Li Zheng's footsteps, "Chang'an Ling, are the remaining killers going to be killed?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "According to my method, read all the words from their mouths and check what they explained."

"Here." Xue Rengui stood up straight and nodded.

Li Zheng paused and said, "If there is a discrepancy in the information, send them all to the Chang'an government. If there is no problem with the verification, except for the first to explain, the rest will also be sent to the Chang'an government to deal with them."

Xue Rengui nodded, "Understood, let's make arrangements."

There are not many rainy days in Chang'an, and the most rainy season is the period between spring and summer solstice.

Jingyang has a total of [-] mu of land, of which [-] mu is all cultivated land.

The population is 300, which is the population after adding the Longwu Army
Today, Jingyang's land and population can rival any county in Chang'an.

Even if you walk, you won't be able to see the entire Jingyang field in one day.

In the blacksmith workshop, the three brothers of the Tie family are very busy these days. They are busy building a new book printing workshop.

On the third day, the other assassins couldn't bear the confession anymore.

For three days and three nights, except for a bowl of porridge before they were separated and detained, they did not eat a single grain of rice.

It should be because I was starved and anxious, and I couldn't bear it due to psychological effects.

Wang Ding said to Li Zheng: "All this is really as Chang An said."

Glancing at Wang Ding, Li Zheng said: "You don't want to give this method to His Majesty, so that the court can also use this method to interrogate prisoners."

Wang Ding looked surprised, "How did Chang'an Ling know?"

Li Zheng: "..."

"Of course, what is useful to the court and the society must be handed over to His Majesty. The Prisoner's Dilemma of the Chang'an Order has many advantages. After thinking about it, the old slave sent people to the palace with this method. It must have been in the hands of His Majesty."


Wang Ding smiled and said: "If Chang'an has a better idea, as long as it is useful to the country, to the country, to His Majesty, you can give me your advice, and I hope Chang'an will not hide it."

Glancing at Wang Ding, Li Zheng said, "I didn't hide it."

Wang Ding already had the same smile on his face, "If Chang'an Ling could have said this method earlier, wouldn't it be much easier for Dali Temple to investigate the case?"

The glasses next to Li Shimin always feel a little uncomfortable with him now.

There is also a ruthless killer sister who doesn't know when she will suddenly appear behind her.

The two were talking.

Xu Jingzong just came back from Chang'an, and he has been watching the movement of Chang'an these days.

"In the past two days, Chang'an City has become more and more lively. Li Junxian has returned to Chang'an to serve His Majesty."

Wang Ding said: "Your Majesty wants Li Junxian to find out who is behind the incident that happened in Chang'an this time."

After listening to Xu Jingzong's report, Li Zheng said to him: "There is a killer in the camp, you go and pick it up."

Xu Jingzong nodded and went to work.

Seeing the back of Xu Jingzong leaving again, Wang Ding said: "In fact, Xu Jingzong is a very good talent."

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Then why can't His Majesty use Xu Jingzong?"

Wang Ding was quiet for a while and said, "Your Majesty has something to consider."

There are many talents in Jingyang, Wang Ding thought in his heart, among them was Shangguanyi, who managed Jingyang in an orderly manner as soon as he took office as the county magistrate of Jingyang, and he was also very prudent and proper in handling affairs.

And Li Chunfeng's numerology is much more refined than before.

Then there is Di Renjie.

Today's Di Renjie seems to be about the same age as His Royal Highness King Jin, but he has also begun to show the child's talent.

Your Majesty is still worrying about many things in the court today.

The DPRK and China need too many talents.

The generals in the army have already shown a posture of being out of touch. The older generation of generals is gradually retreating, but the new generation of generals can't keep up.

Both Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance are talents that can be created, and they can even be directly used in the Weifu.

There is even a lack of civil servants with a clean background among the civil servants in the court.

Now the Ministry of Education still has to prepare for the imperial examination, and the matter of the imperial examination has not been settled.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui both held several positions.

Wang Ding let out a long sigh, "Chang'an Order, there is a shortage of people in the court."

Li Zheng also said melancholy: "I also lack manpower in Jingyang. Building houses requires people, building roads requires people, and farming requires people."

Wang Ding said again: "Actually, Mr. Fang and the others had a suggestion a long time ago. Mr. Fang mentioned it to His Majesty, but he never mentioned it to Chang'an Ling."

Li Zheng looked at Wang Ding, "Really?"

Wang Ding nodded and said, "For example, if you change Shangguanyi to the court, the court will send another official to Chang'an Ling, or you can use three officials to replace Shangguanyi, and five generals to exchange Xue Rengui?"

Personnel dispatch?exchange?
People in the Tang Dynasty already know how to play this?
I have to say that Fang Xuanling's vision is far ahead.

Wang Ding laughed and said, "What does Chang'an Ling think?"

Li Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "It's not very cost-effective. First of all, I don't know if the government officials in the court are as good as Shangguanyi. You know my background, but I don't know yours. If it is an exchange, I will choose talents myself." OK, that's only fair."

Wang Ding said again: "Who does the Chang'an Order want?"

Li Zheng thought for a while and said, "How about this? I'll exchange Shangguanyi for Fang Xuanling, Chu Suiliang for Kong Yingda, and Li Chunfeng for Du Ruhui. How about this?"

Wang Ding also thought for a while, "The old slave will tell His Majesty."

Li Zheng continued to look up at the sky, planning to spend the time before lunch in a daze.

Li Shimin received Wang Ding in return.

Looking at the words in the report, Li Shimin who was sitting in the Ganlu Hall was so angry that he poured down a big mouthful of tea and said, "This Li just has a big appetite!"

Empress Changsun, who was standing aside to tidy up the Ganlu Palace, saw Li Shimin losing his temper, and asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Li Shimin pointed to the memorial and said, "This Li Zheng is really asking for a lot of money!"

Empress Changsun glanced at the memorial, "Exchange Shangguanyi for Fang Xuanling, and Chu Suiliang for Kong Yingda?"

Li Shimin said angrily: "Does Li Zheng still have me in his eyes? If he dares to bargain with me like this, I would have killed him long ago if he was someone else."

Empress Changsun comforted her and said, "Your Majesty, calm down."

Li Shimin squeezed the report into a ball, "Kong Yingda is a descendant of Kong Rong, and he is also the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine. If Kong Yingda is replaced, how many students will follow Kong Yingda by then, Li Zheng has a good plan!"

Empress Changsun forced a smile, "Maybe Li Zheng is used to doing business, so he said that."

Li Shimin calmed down the anger in his heart, and kept persuading himself in his heart that I should be a wise king, I can't be a tyrant, and endured a moment of calm, the more Li Shimin thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said angrily: "Why did Li Zheng come out of my country! "

(End of this chapter)

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