People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 781 The magazine re-enters Chang'an

Chapter 781 The magazine re-enters Chang'an
And this truth is well known to a few people.

The newly printed Jingyang Magazine has once again arrived outside Chang'an City.

The number of magazines printed this time is four to five thousand copies.

It's just that the magazine is printed once a month, and it's so fast again.

It has only been half a month since the last publication, and now there is a new issue.

Book dealers from all walks of life came to buy as soon as they received the news.

Some people buy one volume, some people buy three volumes.

Booksellers can buy up to ten volumes per person.

Once the first-hand magazine is sold, how much the subsequent magazines will cost per copy is no longer Jingyang's business.

Li Zhi and Di Renjie were also busy helping.

Five thousand copies of the magazine were sold out in less than half a day.

A total of five hundred silver coins.

After packing up several bags full of money, Li Yifu said: "Hurry up and go back, something big is going to happen in Chang'an."

Li Zhi and Di Renjie also got into the bullock cart and hurried back to Jingyang.

The newly built official road was still as lively as ever.

There are constant carriages and pedestrians, and the prosperity here also shows the prosperity of Datang today.

Sitting on the bullock cart, Li Zhi asked Li Yifu, "Are these books the teacher wants to print?"

Li Yifu smiled and said: "I don't know, it may be your father's intention."

Li Zhi has grown some beards now, and he is also a 15-year-old boy.

After returning to Jingyang, Li Yifu had to hurry to work in the book printing workshop.

Di Renjie asked Li Zhi in a low voice: "Li Yifu said that something big is going to happen in Chang'an, is it a matter of Buddhism?"

Li Zhi nodded, "Buddhism does not allow teachers to question them, so Buddhism cannot tolerate all doubts in the world. When Buddhism really reaches this point, the world will not tolerate Buddhism."

Di Renjie said, "Tolerance?"

While the two were walking, Li Zhi said again: "If we add a kind of thrust to the rear of the plane, can it keep flying?"

Di Renjie thought for a while and said: "If this is really going to be done, where will the source of thrust be obtained, and will the structure of the aircraft need to be changed?"

After talking here, Li Zhi became motivated again, "The teacher once said when using a hot air balloon that the hot air rises. If this kind of hot air is used as thrust, can the plane keep flying?"

Di Renjie thought about it and said, "Why don't you try."

The two walked quickly to the academy, ready to give it a try.

As soon as the magazine entered Chang'an, the city of Chang'an exploded immediately.

Everyone passed the magazine to each other one after another, and some people stood on the street and read the contents of the magazine loudly to those who could not read.

For a while, news about Buddhism spread throughout Chang'an.

"Buddhism and the dignitaries partnered to share the incense money of the pilgrims!"

"Buddhist sects look pious on the surface, but they are all business in their hearts!"

"Hypocritical! Ridiculous! Trading on people's hopes."

"Buddhism is shameless!"

There was a surge of enthusiasm in Chang'an City for a while, and some people even organized to demolish all the temples around Chang'an.

There are more calm people to analyze whether what is written in this magazine is true or false.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the chaos in front of him and said to Niu Jinda: "Do you think Buddhism is really related to the Cui family?"

Niu Jinda glanced at the scene under the building and said: "I heard about this kind of thing before, but it has never been exposed."

Cheng Yaojin took a deep breath, "Li Zheng's move is really too ruthless, if it really goes on like this, I'm afraid Buddhism will really come to an end."

Niu Jinda said casually: "What does Buddhism have to do with us?"

Cheng Yaojin drank his drink and said, "Buddhism really needs to take care of it."

Li Shimin, who was reviewing the memorial in Ganlu Palace, heard the eunuch's report, "Your Majesty, General Li Junxian is asking to see you."

Li Shimin was still reviewing the memorial, without raising his head, he said, "Let him in."


The eunuch left with small steps.

Li Junxian walked into the Ganlu Hall with a magazine, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, something has happened."

Li Shimin put down the pen in his hand and looked up at Li Junxian.

Li Junxian presented the magazine with both hands and said, "This is the magazine."

Li Shimin walked up to Li Junxian and took the magazine.

The little eunuch came to Ganlu Palace again, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Fang and Du Shangshu are asking to see you."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Let them in."

After sitting down again, Li Shimin's face became more and more ugly looking at the contents of the magazine.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui hurried into the Ganlu Hall, and just as they asked for the magazine, they saw His Majesty was already reading the magazine in his hand.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui both looked at Li Junxian who was at the side.

Li Junxian's expression was also very dignified.

Previously, it was just a confrontation of voices in the market, and there have been escalating incidents of fighting.

Then Cui Yue falsely accused Li Zheng and coerced Zhisili, which not only exposed the interests between the Cui family and Buddhism, but also retracted the confession in court.

In this way, the sound waves in the market became higher and higher.

Now that this magazine has entered Chang'an, even a huge rock has fallen into the lake, who knows how much turmoil it will cause.

The Palace of Ganlu was quiet for a long time, Li Shimin looked up at the three of them after reading the memorial in his hand, "Are you all here to see me about this magazine?"

Fang Xuanling nodded, "Your Majesty, the situation in Chang'an is very chaotic."

Du Ruhui said: "Before, there were many people who caused trouble because of verbal discord. I thought that for the sake of safety, the Jingzhao Mansion alone was not enough to maintain the law and order in Chang'an. Zuo Wuwei and the leading guards went out together to maintain the law and order of Chang'an, and imposed a curfew. Need to start over."

Fang Xuanling said: "The minister is also what Du Shangshu said."

Li Shimin took a deep breath. Before the first month of the tenth year of Zhenguan passed, so many things happened, and the curfew would be restored again.

In order to show the prosperity of the Central Plains and the prosperity of Chang'an in front of the envoys of various countries, the curfew was lifted.

But now faced with such a thing and the curfew is restored, Li Shimin feels very shameless.

Li Shimin glanced at the magazine in his hand again, threw it on the ground angrily and said loudly: "Li Junxian!"

Li Junxian bowed and replied: "The end is here."

Li Shimin took out a token and said: "Mobilize [-] troops from the Jinwu Guard, and surround all the temples around Chang'an. No one can come in and out at will, and accept the investigation by the court!"

Li Junxian took the token and said, "Here!"

The curfew can be reconnected at any time. If the influence of Buddhism on the Central Plains can be eliminated at once, Li Shimin also feels that it is not impossible.

"Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui!"

"The minister is here."

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui responded at the same time.

"The Ministry of Zhongshu temporarily put down Lingyan Pavilion, imperial examinations, and many other matters, and dispatched staff to investigate whether the things written in this magazine are true with Dali Temple, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Punishment."


Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui also left in a hurry.

Li Shimin then said to the little eunuch at the side: "Tell Li Xiaogong, all relatives registered in the Zongzheng Temple, who have everything to do with Buddhism, and those who have interests in Buddhism, will all be brought into Zongzheng Temple first!"


(End of this chapter)

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