Chapter 783 Strategies
Tang Xuanzang remained silent.

Li Junxian continued: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. You are a holy monk, and you are a holy monk held out by Buddhism. Now that the incident happens, you will be the first to bear the brunt. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Tang Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name devoutly, "The poor monk has been a monk since he was a child, and it was Buddhism who raised the poor monk. Even if the Buddhist disciples make mistakes for a while, the poor monk will not return to the vulgar."

Li Junxian said with some disdain: "What a stubborn monk."

Tang Xuanzang saluted, but was stopped by the people behind Li Junxian when he was about to leave.

Stopping, Tang Xuanzang looked at Li Junxian, "What do you mean, General?"

Li Junxian said again: "I will give you two choices. After returning to vulgarity, you can get an official position in the court and be sent to the Western Regions to govern the Western Regions. The second choice is to continue to be your monk. Your Majesty has already stopped many of you to be arrested." Your memorial, when His Majesty can't stop it, your fate will not be very good."

Tang Xuanzang said: "The poor monk has never participated in their affairs."

Li Junxian said again: "It's hard to say whether it is innocent or not. Now the court is investigating, and I don't know how well the investigation is, but I can tell you that if there are monks who testify that you also participated, do you think you can put yourself Is it clean?"

Tang Xuanzang was silent.

Just as he was about to leave with his men, Li Junxian stopped and said: "If you want to come to the Sifang Pavilion in Chang'an, this choice is useful as long as you are not dead, and you can come anytime."

Tang Xuanzang chanted the Buddha's name again.

"Stubborn, pedantic, stubborn, I would rather be a monk than serve the community!" Li Junxian cursed as he walked.

Tang Xuanzang looked not far away, and not far away should be Jingyang.

There are many trees planted in the west of Jingyang, some of which are still saplings.

Some couldn't understand why Li Zheng planted so many trees in such a barren place where there was no food to grow.

Tang Xuanzang asked some children who planted trees here, and heard that these children said that they had been planting trees here for several years.

I also heard from these children that they want to plant trees in Longyou.

For today's Central Plains Buddhism, Tang Xuanzang can be said to be extremely disappointed.

He walked towards Jingyang Village step by step, and was stopped by the guards as soon as he reached the entrance of the village.

Tang Xuanzang said to the guards here: "Please inform Jingyang County Lord that the poor monk Tang Xuanzang is here to see you."

The guard glanced at Tang Xuanzang and went to report.

Li Zheng, Li Zhi, and Di Renjie are working on a model of an airplane.

The model of an airplane is easy to say, but difficult to say.

Li Zhi was sawing the wood on the side, and he wanted to make the wood into pieces of models that could be spliced.

A member of the guard came to report and said, "Chang'an Ling, that Tang Xuanzang wants to see you."

Li Zheng stopped what he was doing.

Li Zhi said: "Teacher, go to work first, the next two of us can do it."

Follow the guards to leave the house and walk all the way to the village entrance of Jingyang.

Walk past the camp of the guards and you are outside the village.

Li Zheng saw Tang Xuanzang standing not far away.

"Why is Master Xuanzang here alone today? What about the monks who are with you?"

Tang Xuanzang bowed and said: "The poor monk has seen Chang'an Ling, and Chang'an Ling must know about the recent Buddhist affairs, why bother to ask."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "I don't stay at home, and I don't know much about the outside world."

Tang Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name, "Li Zheng, the poor monk knows that Buddhism has always had prejudice against you, so please give Buddhism a way out."

"Master Xuanzang, what you said is wrong. Why do you want me to give Buddhism a way out? I don't have such a great ability."

"If it wasn't for you, why would Buddhism be here?"

Li Zheng waved the fan in his hand impatiently and said: "Master Xuanzang, what you said is wrong, what do you mean it is not so far, the first mistake is Buddhism, not me, our Jingyang magazine is just compiled according to some rumors That's all, as for whether it's true or not, how do I know?"

Tang Xuanzang stared at Li Zheng's expression.

Li Zheng went on to say: "Why do you make mistakes and say that I have harmed you? If you don't have so many dirty business behind your back, why are you guilty, Master Xuanzang, why are you guilty?"

"Poor monk..."

Tang Xuanzang couldn't think of refuting Li Zheng's words for a while.

Li Zheng said again: "If Master Xuanzang thinks I am a bad person, then let me be a bad person. I don't really care what you think."

Tang Xuanzang said in a low voice: "The thoughts of the poor monk are really not important to you."

Li Zheng took a stool from the guards, sat down in front of Tang Xuanzang and said, "Master Xuanzang, do you know? In fact, there are many groups in the world, and each group has its own common cognition. "

"Just like you monks, your common cognition wants to be devoted to Buddha, and you have abandoned idealism. Anyone who wants to join your group must have the same cognition as you." Tang Xuanzong looked a little Loosen, Li Zheng went on to say: "Just like you, Tang Xuanzang, escaped into Buddhism, do you really just want to escape into Buddhism? Do you really have no desires and desires? Your so-called disciples of Buddhism are just you, Tang Xuanzang, trying to make them agree. You, and you, Tang Xuanzang, in order to gain the approval of others, have worked so hard to become what others think of you."

"Tang Xuanzang, do you still think that you are a person who has no desires or desires? Do you still think of Buddhism, how noble you are?"

After finishing speaking, Li Zheng looked at Tang Xuanzang who was still silent and said, "You are not empty of all four things, you are even very selfish."

Tang Xuanzang was shaken for a long time. He looked up at Li Zheng and said in a low voice: "Li Zheng, I don't know who else I can ask. Can you give Buddhism a way out? Can you give Buddhism another chance? Everyone makes mistakes. when."

Looking at Tang Xuanzang who begged for mercy, Li Zheng said: "It was never me who gave Buddhism a living, but the common people of the world."

"common people……"

Tang Xuanzang took two steps back in a daze.

After looking at Tang Xuanzang a few more times, Li Zheng said, "That's all for now, I won't send it off."

After listening to Li Zheng, Tang Xuanzang looked up again, and Li Zheng had already walked back to the village.

"What people worship is just their inner desires. You are just trying to make Buddhism agree with you. You are working hard to become what they recognize. Are you noble?"

Thinking of these words, Tang Xuanzang sat down against a tree weakly.

When Wang Ding saw that Li Zheng was back, he stepped forward and said, "Chang'an Order, this time the court has arrested a total of [-] monks. How should we deal with them?"

Li Zheng walked all the way and said: "If we really want to draw the salary from the bottom of the pot, we should destroy the foundation of Buddhism and give benefits to return to vulgarity. I also lack people to work on my side. I want to build roads recently. I don't know where to find people right now. What does the prince think?"

(End of this chapter)

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