Chapter 785
I don't know that His Majesty still cares about it, and His Majesty didn't come to ask these people after they were imprisoned.

Li Xiaogong looked at the busy Zongzheng mansion and drank a sip of wine in annoyance, it was all caused by Buddhist affairs.

Li Chongyi relaxed a lot after the affairs of Buddhism were taken over by the people in the court.

The leading guards, Jinwuwei, and Zuowuwei took over Chang'an's defense.

Li Chongyi left Chang'an leisurely and came to Jingyang.

Looking at the leisurely scenery of Jingyang, Li Chongyi also relaxed a lot.

He is already an acquaintance in Jingyang, so it is not a big problem to go in and out of Jingyang.

Seeing Cheng Chumo, who was leading a group of children in military training, Li Chongyi stepped forward to say hello, "Long time no see, Chumo."

Cheng Chumo asked the children to continue running by themselves, stopped and looked at Li Chongyi, "Why did you come to Jingyang today?"

Li Chongyi said: "The affairs of Chang'an are in the care of the Chang'an Weifu. Now that the Jingzhao Mansion is idle, I'll come over."

Cheng Chu laughed silently and said, "Let's go, let's go drink and eat meat!"

"Okay!" Li Chongyi readily agreed.

The two walked towards Jingyang's guards, and as soon as they reached the camp of Jingyang's guards, they saw Li Zheng and Li Yifu talking.

Seeing Li Chongyi approaching, Li Zheng greeted him, "Brother Chongyi."

Li Chongyi said: "As you said, we really don't need Jingzhao Mansion to take care of that matter. Now the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Zhongshu Province have already started to take charge of various matters."

The matter of Buddhism is so big now, Li Shimin certainly doesn't want to miss this opportunity to control Buddhism in one fell swoop.

Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the development of Buddhism has been too strong.

With such a big force, Li Shimin must eradicate it.

Li Chongyi added: "It can be said that the affairs of the Buddhist sect have been completely taken over by the court, but I still don't understand some things."

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Li Chongyi whispered: "Are you in collusion with His Majesty?"

Li Zheng smiled and said, "How is it possible."

"If it wasn't for the collusion with His Majesty, why did the court respond so quickly?"

"It's a coincidence."

Li Zheng nodded solemnly and said.

Li Chongyi still looked suspicious.

He, Li Chongyi and Cheng Chumo had a good meal in the camp.

In the evening, Xu Jingzong sent a message, "Chang'an order, Tang Xuanzang is leaving Chang'an."

Li Zheng glanced in the direction of Chang'an, "Where is he going?"

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "I'm heading towards Longyou all the way, and I don't know where he is going? But I heard people say that Tang Xuanzang is very disappointed with the current Buddhism in the Central Plains."

Walking to the river in Jingyang, there is nothing nearby, and you can see the villagers of Jingyang working in the fields in the distance.

Li Zheng said: "Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Xu Jingzong also said: "This time there are still many members of the Cui family who are unlucky. Many members of the Cui family have been taken down. This time the Cui family's manpower in Chang'an can be said to be a serious blow to their vitality. If it continues like this, I am afraid They will continue to retaliate in the future."

The Cui family doesn't seem to care about things like this.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jingzong said solemnly: "Among the noble families, apart from those royal relatives, there are also dignitaries from Chang'an who have connections with Buddhism. Among them are the Fanyang Lu family and the Boling Cui family. "

"How are these two now?"

"Most of them have been arrested by His Majesty's people. This time, the influence of the Lu family and the Cui family in Chang'an has been almost wiped out."

After hearing Xu Jingzong's words, Li Zheng looked at the river and said, "The revenge of the five surnames is coming."

Xu Jingzong nodded, "I'm going to inquire about the news."

After staying by the river for a while, Li Zheng came to the door of his house, where Wang Ding was standing.

"Wang Gonggong, are you waiting for me?"

Wang Ding said with a smile, "Your Majesty has already accepted Chang'an Ling's suggestion."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "That's pretty good."

Thinking of Xu Jingzong's words, Li Zheng said to Wang Ding: "Eunuch Wang, do you think there will be more assassins coming to kill me in the future?"

Wang Ding bowed and said, "Don't worry Chang'an Ling, His Majesty has a will, even if the old slave dies, Chang'an Ling will not be surprised."

"What has Duan Lun been doing lately?"

"Duan Lun?"

Wang Ding was a little puzzled. It seemed that he hadn't heard about Duan Lun for a long time. Since Ashina's accident, Duan Lun rarely appeared in front of people.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Ding asked, "Is Chang'an Ling looking for Duan Lun for anything?"

Li Zheng sat down in his yard, "The five surnames are about to launch a big attack on me, I'm afraid they are all drawing circles and cursing me."

Wang Ding asked again: "What does the Chang'an Order mean?"

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand, "I am very happy about the assassins these days, I don't want people to think that my Jingyang is being bullied by others."

Wang Ding bowed and listened.

Changing his sitting position, Li Zheng went on to say: "Sometimes it is not a bad thing to strike first. The gentry east of Xiaoshan Mountain may soon receive the news. It will take ten days at the fastest from Chang'an to the border of Shandong."

Wang Ding nodded.

Li Zheng looked at Wang Ding: "Since Your Majesty and I are on the same boat, I think we should strike while the iron is hot. The current gentry probably haven't had time to receive the news of the accident in Chang'an. I need someone to catch the gentry by surprise before they make any moves. Buy time for my new press."

Wang Ding bowed and said, "I'm caught off guard, is the Chang'an Order asking Duan Lun to kill someone?"

Li Zheng was speechless for a while, he had no culture to say how to be a eunuch.

"I'm not asking Duan Lun to kill people, but I'm just making a metaphor to ask His Majesty to use Duan Lun again, and ask Duan Lun to inspect all the counties and counties in Shandong and the east of Xiaoshan Mountain, so that they will be afraid before they do anything. Isn’t the imperial examination going to be reopened? Presumably the biggest objection comes from the aristocratic family.”

Wang Ding silently wrote down Li Zheng's words.

"This year is just the beginning of the dynasty. Every year, the court will send people to send censors to inspect various places, inquire about the people's livelihood in various places, and the management of officials in various places. Is it true that they haven't sent people out this year?"

Wang Ding still nodded, "The old slave understands the meaning of the Chang'an Order, but how much power should Duan Lun give him to inspect the boundary of Shandong?"

Li Zheng thought for a while and said: "It doesn't need to be too big, as long as you can mobilize the soldiers and horses from various counties and counties, it is enough. By the way, check if there are any corrupt officials."

Wang Ding said with a smile: "Throw a stone into the border of Shandong first, make the fish in the border of Shandong mess up, and give him the power enough to threaten the survival of the family, that is, give military power, so that the family can't be distracted. matter."

"If they are dispatched within two days, I'm afraid Duan Lun will go to Shandong for inspection as soon as the aristocratic family receives the news."

Wang Ding said with a conspiratorial smile, "Chang'an Ling's move is brilliant."

"It's not very clever, that is, I have watched too many TV dramas."

(End of this chapter)

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