Chapter 788 Duan Lun Departs
After returning to Chang'an, Duan Lun replied to Li Shimin and came to his mansion.

In the mansion, most of them are his own retainers, and these retainers are all people with lofty ideals who have gathered together to fight against the family these days.

Facing everyone sitting down, Duan Lun said: "Now the court wants to give Zai the status of the next inspector censor. Your Majesty means to inspect the boundaries of the five surnamed families. What do you think?"

The five-surname family came from Shandong gentry. During the Three Kingdoms period, Sima Yi promoted the family to use the Shandong territory to strengthen the power of Wei and Jin. The five-surname family since the Han Dynasty began to grow from then on, and it was out of control.

This has also made the family of five surnames a prominent family for hundreds of years. This kind of distinguished family has a profound influence on the imperial power of the Central Plains.

The aristocratic family does not become the emperor, but they will unite to control the emperor, and would rather treat the emperor as their puppet.

Nowadays, there are still quite a few children from families with five surnames serving as officials in the court, although His Majesty has tried his best to curb this development.

Everyone discussed in private, and the meaning of asking Duan Lun to go to Shandong to inspect the border is already obvious.

Duan Lun went on to say: "For these years, we have been talking about the faults of the family of five surnames, but we have never done anything. I understand that this trip may not come back. You can also understand it if you think about yourself. .”

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Duan Lun said again: "I will not force you, if you don't want to go with me, you can leave now."

After speaking, someone left.

One after another, more than ten people left.

There are more than 60 people sitting in the mansion.

Looking at the faces of everyone, Duan Lun said again: "Let me tell you one more thing, this time I am going to the Shandong border, I am going for the aristocratic family, not just walking around."

The scene was quiet again.

After saying this, more than ten people left.

There were about forty people left, Duan Lun stood up and said: "I'll give you a night to think about it, I know this matter may be difficult for you."

After speaking, Duan Lun returned to his room.

Sitting alone in the room, Duan Lun thought of the way those children from aristocratic families laughed at him two years ago.

and how they tease themselves with laughter.

That look of being looked down upon.

Looking up, he saw a row of spirit seats, all of which were the ancestors of the Duan family.

Looking at the spiritual tablet of his great-grandfather, Duan Lun kowtowed three times.

The Duan family has been a family of generals since the Jin Dynasty, and has always been a family of generals throughout the ages.

Duan Lun turned to the spiritual seat and said: "My ancestors and ancestors are above, and I, Duan Lun, will definitely shine on the lintel of my Duan family!"

Early the next morning, Duan Lun saw that there were only a dozen diners left in his yard.

Looking at this scene, Duan Lun laughed at himself, "Are there still so many people left?"

Walking up to the remaining doormen, Duan Lun asked, "Why did you stay?"

The man ate a roast chicken and said: "Follow Mr. Duan Lun to take care of eating and drinking. Besides, my knowledge is not as good as that of the five surnames. If I can make a fortune with Brother Duan, I will make a lot of money."

Duan Lun smiled.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites have already arrived at the door.

Li Chongyi walked to the door and accepted the token and a decree brought by the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

The official of the Ministry of Rites said: "Dare to ask Mr. Duan, are you leaving now?"

Duan Lun nodded, "Let's go today."

The official of the Ministry of Rites nodded and asked again: "Do you need any accompanying officials?"

Duan Lun nodded and looked at the other party: "There is no need for the accompanying officials, and there is no need for such a big show."

The officials from the Ministry of Rites nodded and led the people away.

"Why don't you have the accompanying officials? There's nothing wrong with having a big show." The person who ate roast chicken just now asked.

"Ghost knows what kind of person they will arrange for me. I have to rush to the border of Shandong this time. No one can slow me down." Duan Lun looked at the people who were eating breakfast and said: "Take a good meal." Let's go after eating!"

"it is good!"

There was a resounding sound in the yard.

Duan Lun watched this scene with a smile, the feeling of having his own power was different from the previous feeling.

At noon that day, Duan Lun set off with his people.

And Xu Jingzong, who was wandering in Chang'an City, also met someone.

While eating a bowl of mutton noodle soup, I ran into Li Xiaogong.

This guy just sat down so rudely, and he ordered a bowl of mutton noodle soup, very rudely let him pay for it.

Seeing Li Xiaogong feasting on mutton noodle soup, Xu Jingzong asked, "Prince Hejian, is one bowl enough?"

Li Xiaogong kept nodding his head while eating.

Xu Jingzong suddenly lost his appetite, and he didn't dare to make a fuss in front of Hejian County King, so he could only sit and watch him eat.

After finishing a bowl of mutton noodle soup, Li Xiaogong heaved a sigh of relief, "It's so satisfying."

Xu Jingzong gave the waiter the money for the meal, together with Li Xiaogong's share, and ordered two bowls of tea.

Li Xiaogong looked at Xu Jingzong and said: "I see that you have been quite leisurely these days."

Xu Jingzong smiled awkwardly, "That was when the Prince of Hejian didn't see that I was busy."

When the tea was served, Xu Jingzong sipped it and said, "Since Jingyang's tea came out, these small vendors also have tea. The method of making tea is simple, but it's not as good as Jingyang's tea."

Lee Hyo-gong is not interested in things like tea, he prefers to drink.

Hearing the noisy hawking on the streets of Dongshi, Xu Jingzong put down his tea bowl and said, "Prince Hejian, please speak directly."

Li Xiaogong said with a melancholy face: "The old man hasn't been to Pingkangfang very much on weekdays, so he doesn't know much about it."

Xu Jingzong looked at Li Xiaogong strangely.

Li Xiaogong quickly waved his hands and said: "It's not that the old man is going to Pingkangfang, you must not misunderstand."

Xu Jingzong nodded thoughtfully.

"Although the old man is a little curious, what is going on in Pingkangfang if you have a wife and concubine at home? It's just curiosity." Li Xiaogong said again.

Seeing that Xu Jingzong looked at him even more strangely, Li Xiaogong sighed and said, "Actually, I didn't want to speak up, but I really don't have much experience in this kind of thing, so I'm here to invite you."

Seeing that Li Xiaogong was finally willing to talk about his intentions, Xu Jingzong said: "The King of Hejian can speak directly if he has anything to say. We are all men, so I can understand."

Li Xiaogong said: "The old man definitely didn't mean to go to Pingkangfang."

Xu Jingzong nodded in understanding.

"What do you nod?"

Li Xiaogong immediately became nervous, and explained: "It's really not that the old man is going to Pingkangfang. Didn't Li Zheng advise you a few days ago to let those monks feel the beauty of life? I don't know how you people came up with this idea. This kind of loss."

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "This is also suggested by the Chang'an Order."

Li Xiaogong looked at Xu Jingzong, "Come and help the old man, take those monks to Pingkangfang."

(End of this chapter)

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