Chapter 793 Parabolic Experiment
The smell of gunpowder smoke after the gunpowder exploded is very pungent.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, Wang Xuance could clearly see what it looked like after the explosion. Countless tiny blades were piercing each of the straw figures, especially the straw figures closest to the center of the explosion had almost turned into hedgehogs, and the straw figures in the center had already turned into hedgehogs. Fragmented.

Thinking that if such gunpowder exploded in the crowd, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just thinking about it made Wang Xuance's scalp tingle.

Daniel said: "This is much easier than killing people with a knife. Using a high-altitude parabolic can bruise the other party before they charge over."

Wang Xuance shook his head and sighed, "Daniu, does this hurt the peace of heaven?"

Daniel said: "We only have 1000 people. If we don't rely on all our existing advantages, this barrier is likely to be lost. Besides, I have learned a lot."

Wang Xuance patted Daniel on the shoulder, "Maybe this is the consideration of the Chang'an Order. With this gunpowder, I think we can sweep Tubo and even the entire Western Regions without any opponent."

Daniel also nodded, "But what will happen if this thing falls into the hands of His Majesty today?"

Wang Xuance shook his head, "I don't understand the affairs of the court, and I don't dare to think about some things."

Daniel took out a volume of letters, "This is a letter sent to me by the teacher."

Wang Xuance glanced at the content of the letter, "I can't understand the words on it, it looks like Guanzhong characters, but it doesn't look like it."

"The teacher has a translation in his hand. After understanding the translation, he can easily understand the contents of this book."

"What about the translation?"

Wang Xuance asked.

Pointing to his own forehead, Daniel said: "It's all written here."

Wang Xuance asked: "Shouldn't it be kept in mind?"

Daniel smiled and said: "We use our brains to remember things. After a biting fish is released, it is easy to bite it again because its memory time is very short. The fish's brain is very small, and our fingernails are very small. About the same size."

Wang Xuance thought for a while and said, "According to you, the bigger the brain, the smarter it is."

Daniel said again: "Of course not, I don't study much in this area, I have more knowledge in physics."

Wang Xuance nodded, "I seem to understand."

Standing up again, Daniel said: "Brother Wang chooses some players with better arm strength. We will train and climb over the snow-capped mountains. Let's sneak attack the big cannibals and try this kind of gunpowder."

Wang Xuance nodded, "I'll make arrangements."

The [-]-man guard team has always been arranged by Wang Xuance.

Daniel knows more knowledge, and Daniel can provide methods of fighting.

However, the scheduling and arrangement of the team were all arranged by Wang Xuance, and Daniel knew things that ordinary people didn't understand, but he had no experience in leading a team.

The Jingyang guards went deep in Tubo alone, which is inseparable from Wang Xuance's ability to lead the team.

I found more than 300 players with relatively good arm strength.

Wang Xuance brought them in front of Daniel, "These people have good arm strength, and they shoot arrows the farthest on weekdays."

Daniel nodded and said, "Let's start by throwing stones."

Hundreds of people started throwing stones again and again in front of a pile of stones.

It aroused the curiosity of almost all the Tubo herdsmen around.

The herdsmen here take good care of the guards and often send food over. The herdsmen know that this Guanzhong team has been stationed here to resist the big cannibals from entering the territory of Tubo.

But it's a little too weird for hundreds of people to keep throwing stones.

Daniel watched them throwing stones for half an hour, stopped their movements, pondered and said: "I think it can be thrown farther."

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the guards.

Daniel took out a rope and said to them: "When Turkic people catch horses, they usually use the method of lasso. .”

After speaking, Daniel tied a rope to a stone and confirmed that it was tied.

Pull the rope and drag the stone to rotate in place. As the rotation becomes faster and faster, use inertia and centrifugal force to let go in the target direction, and the stone will immediately move towards the distance with the rope.

Look at the trajectory of the stone until it hits the ground.

The distance that Daniel threw was farther than that of the three hundred members of the guards, farther than everyone else.

Everyone looked at Daniel's slender arms and legs, and then at his own strong arm, with incredible eyes.

Daniel said: "This is actually a way of borrowing strength. Everyone should try it too? With the combination of strength, I think you can throw heavier stones farther."

Everyone also began to experiment with Daniel's method.

As a result, there was another scene that left the herdsmen dumbfounded.

The members of the Guanzhong army started to circle around.

Can't help but make people wonder if these people are crazy.

After several experiments, everyone found that this method can indeed throw stones farther.

Wang Xuance also looked at this scene and asked curiously: "Daniu, is this okay?"

Daniel recorded the furthest distance the guards could throw, wrote down the record in his notebook, and said, "This is just the first phase of the experiment, and we are going to carry out the second phase."

After speaking, Daniel shouted to everyone: "Stay where you are for an hour."

This experiment has refreshed many people's cognition, it turns out that things can be thrown so far.

Daniel rides his horse to the farthest point of the throw, which is about 400 meters away.

Set up a stake in this place and put a few straw figures.

After that, make straw figures and stakes at intervals.

Black powder is not as useful as a knife in the hand if it is used in close combat, but it can be used to a greater extent in long-distance combat.

Daniel even felt that there were more usages in his mind.

When it started snowing again, the second phase of the experiment began.

The members of the escort team need to use the method just now, swinging the rope and throwing the straw man in the distance.

Daniel explained to Wang Xuance: "What I am training now is how to improve the accuracy in this new throwing method, because the person is rotating during the throwing process, so the sense of direction will be poor. Going out, although you can throw it farther, but if you don’t control the timing of letting go, it’s easy to throw it behind you.”

Wang Xuance could not stop nodding after listening.

Daniel once again recorded the furthest distance and the shortest distance, and the number of times he hit the target at each distance.

After another half an hour, the number of hits became less and less, and some people began to feel dizzy.

Daniel said loudly again: "Take a break for an hour."

Everyone sat down and rested.

Daniel looked at his own records and made statistics. The collective throws in this way, which is easy to cause fatigue, requires time intervals, and is ready for substitutions.

(End of this chapter)

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