Chapter 795 Wisdom and Barbarism

A piece of land opened up here, although the fruits and vegetables planted here don't grow very well, but it is enough for the team to be self-sufficient.

In order to prevent frost damage, a thermal tent was also built.

Songtsan Gampo followed Daniel into a tent, and was surprised to see the lush green vegetable field inside.

Kneeling down and looking at the vegetables, Songtsan Gampo said in surprise, "You can grow vegetables in this kind of weather."

Daniel laughed and said: "You can't eat your Tubo beef all day long, you must have a combination of meat and vegetables, and after eating your air-dried beef, some people in our team often have diarrhea, and everyone has to go back to Guanzhong safely. , and of course vegetables.”

Because the vegetables here can only receive weak sunlight, and the days are short and the nights are long in today's Tubo, the vegetables don't grow very high, and many of them turn yellow.

This is a typical lack of lighting performance.

Therefore, when the wild vegetables have just sprouted and grown a little bit, they must be harvested.

It will rot in the ground after a long time.

Songtsan Gampo looked at one tent after another. It was a luxury to eat vegetables while marching and fighting, especially in Tubo.

It is very rare to be able to eat highland barley.

Farming while fighting a war, who can do such a thing.

Daniel explained to Songtsan Gampo: "My teacher likes farming, and I like it too. When I have nothing to do, I like to come here to have a look."

After speaking, Songtsan Gampo saw that Daniel had already cut a basket of vegetables.

"How did you grow it? Can you teach us Tubo?"

Songtsen Gampo stood in front of Daniel and said, his eyes did not dare to underestimate this fifteen-year-old boy.

There are too many shadows of Li Zheng in this child, even his tone of voice is very similar to Li Zheng.

Daniel smiled and said, "It's very simple."

It is unbelievable to grow vegetables under the ice and snow in Tubo. Songtsan Gampo nodded repeatedly and said, "If it's that simple, we can learn it."

Glancing at Songtsan Gampo's expression again, Daniel walked back to the camp with a basket in his hand and said, "Half of you Tibetans are livestock herders. I think farming may not be suitable for you, and your land in Tubo is very barren. It is used for farming, and it is impossible to have a good harvest like the Central Plains, I suggest you change your mind and adapt to local conditions to get the greatest benefit."

A cool wind blew by.

Songtsan Gampo also came back to his senses, and it was indeed as Daniel said, adapting to local conditions.

The land in Tubo is barren, not as fertile as the Central Plains.

Thinking of this, Songtsan Gampo said in a low voice: "You are right. Even if we Tubo learned the farming ability of your Central Plains people, we would not get as much grain as the Central Plains."

Daniel handed the vegetables to the team members who were cooking today, nodded and said to Songtsen Gampo, "Raise the cattle well, in fact, Tibet also has a lot of resources."

The guards came to Daniu's side again and said, "General Daniel, 3 people are a lot."

Daniel nodded and said, "Arrange them to set up tents, and they will live here first during this time."


The members of the escort received the words and left again.

Songtsan Gampo looked at Daniel dubiously, but he still cared very much, "Even if you don't use these 3 people to defend against the big cannibals, you wouldn't use them to deal with Tubo."

Daniel laughed dumbly and said: "Dear Tubo Zanpu, don't worry, my guards and I have never intended to be kings and hegemons in Tubo. Besides, you are so barren and poor in Tubo, what do we want to do? After defeating Tubo, Tubo is vast and sparsely populated. You still have so many poor conditions to deal with. We can’t even take care of the situation in the Central Plains. After recovering Tubo, we still need to manage your Tubo? I really don’t think so, let’s take care of it. It’s not easy in the Central Plains.”

"is it?"

Songtsan Gampo thought about Daniel's words and then thought about it. He really asked a nonsense question.

The words are not speculative, and there are some things that Da Niu is unwilling to explain too much to Songtsan Gampo.

Even if Daniel explained, Songtsan Gampo felt that he could not understand Daniel's thoughts.

After walking around the camp of the guards, Songtsen Gampo left with his own people.

Passing through the canyon under the snow-capped mountains, Songtsan Gampo wanted to see the battle here, and the big cannibal wanted to enter Tubo through here.

Behind the snow-capped mountains are patches of foothills, making it difficult for large troops to enter.

At present, the only one that can be used by the general to march is this canyon.

When the Persians did business, they also relied on this canyon.

I wanted to see the battle situation, but when I saw the canyon, Songtsan Gampo couldn't say a word.

The canyon, which could have accommodated more than a dozen people walking side by side, was now blocked by snow.

Like a nearly [-]-meter-high snow wall separating the canyon.

There are still quite a few guards walking around on the snow wall, looking like scouts.

Songtsan cadres immediately sent their own warriors to ask what was going on.

The reply I got was that Daniel caused an avalanche to occur on the snow mountain, and many big cannibals were buried alive. Under this snow mountain is a group of big cannibals who were buried alive.

Songtsen Gampo got off his horse and climbed up the snow wall step by step.

After climbing up the snow wall, Songtsan Gampo saw more guards here.

The snow wall was nearly [-] meters long and filled the canyon, and the guards on both sides of the canyon seemed to be preparing fortifications.

Only then did Songtsan Gampo recall that in the book on the Central Plains Art of War that he had read many years ago, when marching in the canyon, whoever occupies the highest point will have an absolute advantage.

With this advantage, the odds of winning are almost one-sided. The person standing at the top can kill the enemies standing at the bottom of the canyon at will.

The snow started to fall again, and the wind started to pick up.

Songtsan Gampo looked at the snow-capped mountains beside him. If Daniel can create an avalanche, then can he create another one?

He walked down the snow wall with a confused expression, and when his feet were on the ground, Songtsan Gampo felt much more at ease.

It is said that the big cannibal is very vicious and barbaric, and even fights with disdain.

But now it seems that the members of the Jingyang Guard have already begun to prepare for the next big battle.

And there seems to be no movement on the side of the big cannibal.

Relatively speaking, the Jingyang Guards are more inclined to use wisdom to win.

The Big Cannibal, on the other hand, uses brute force to win.

Brute force cannot overcome wisdom, and wise people often control people who can only use brute force.

Looking at his own warrior again, Songtsan Gampo got on his horse again, with worry in his eyes.

Wisdom is very important, and the Tubo people are not like the big cannibals. Facing the Central Plains army full of wisdom, the Tubo people have a certain chance of winning, and when will the Tubo people be on an equal footing with the Central Plains people.

(End of this chapter)

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