Chapter 798 Night Attack
When I woke up the next day, I opened my eyes and it was dawn outside, and there was an explosion in the distance of the camp.

Wang Xuance walked to the place where Daniel was training.

Daniu excitedly pointed to the hedgehog-like straw figure stabbed by the iron sheet in the distance and said, "Brother Wang, I succeeded."

Wang Xuance nodded blankly, "It's good if it succeeds."

Daniel experimented a few more times, and the team members were already very proficient. Nine times out of ten, he could make the earthen pot explode on top of the straw man without any mistakes.

Wang Xuance looked at the densely packed numbers in Daniel's notebook.

Even those who have read these notes may not be able to understand what Daniel wrote.

After returning to the tent and sitting down, Daniel said to Wang Xuance, "If the weather is like this tonight, I plan to launch a night attack tonight."

Wang Xuance drank hot water and said, "Do you need me to do anything?"

Daniel thought for a while and then said: "It's very simple, just help me dig a long hole at the back of the canyon."

Wang Xuance looked at Daniel suspiciously while drinking hot water.

The two discussed for a long time in the camp, and finally settled on the rules.

That night, Daniu led his people to stand on the snow wall, felt the wind tonight and confirmed that the wind was not strong. Such good weather is rare in Tubo now.

He led people to the other side of the snow wall, followed by several baskets of earthen jars that were carefully put down. These earthen jars were filled with gunpowder.

The scouts came to report and said: "Report, General Niu, there are no big cannibals in the first three miles, safe."

Daniel led the people towards the big cannibal's camp. From this canyon to the big cannibal's camp is also all the way down, and the terrain on his side is at a high place.

Standing above the canyon, Wang Xuance watched Daniel lead 300 people all the way towards the cannibal's camp.

The moonlight tonight was quite bright, and Wang Xuance could see the big cannibal camp lit by flames from a distance, and he could also see the figure of Daniel leading the people down the canyon.

After Daniel walked away, the team members beside Wang Xuance said, "Start the construction."


The members of the escort also turned down the canyon and started construction.

Under the moonlight, the entire guard team was ready to stay up all night.

Wang Xuance thought that the current envoys hoped that Daniel would come back safely.

The scouts cleared the way, and Daniel walked for more than an hour.

The scout stopped and said, "General Niu, you can't get any closer. If you go forward, it's easy to be spotted by big cannibals."

Everyone also stopped. The terrain here is a little higher for Dashiren, and from here you can see the whole situation of Dashi from a commanding height.

Daniel sneered and said, "Big cannibal? You're really stupid."

The scouts also sneered at the big cannibal's camp. The camp can't be built like this. Building it on the side of a high mountain is undoubtedly courting death.

Daniu stared at the big cannibal camp in the distance and said to the team members: "Exercise your muscles and bones, and prepare to do it!"

The players began to prepare.

Daniel walked forward for a while, judging the distance with his thumb, and then walked for a while, keeping within 300 meters, where he could even hear the hustle and bustle of the Dashi camp.

The scout said: "The big cannibal's camp has always been like this. It's like this every night. It seems to be celebrating something."

Daniel leaned down and said to the players behind him, "Are you all ready?"

The team members confirmed each other, "Get ready."

Da Niu personally inspected each crock to make sure that they were all tied with ropes.

Although it is still cold tonight, the night is very good.

Daniu blew on the torch, ignited the lead wire of the earthen pot, watched the lead wire burn into the earthen pot, and white smoke came out, and immediately said: "Turn!"

The team members lifted the rope and spun. This movement has been practiced hundreds of times.

Counting the time, Daniel said loudly, "Throw it out!"

The team members let go, and the jar was thrown out by centrifugal force.

Heading towards the cannibal's camp, the dark earthen jars could not be seen clearly in the dark night, but the white gunpowder smoke could be vaguely seen under the moonlight.

The big cannibal didn't know what was going to happen while holding the flagon, when he saw an earthen jar with thick smoke flying towards it, before it hit the ground, it exploded suddenly.

When the big cannibals around him opened their eyes again, the pungent smell of smoke came to their nostrils, and there were wailing sounds in their ears.

The partner around him was covered in iron sheets, and there was a bloody patch in front of his eyes.

"What happened!" shouted the Dashi officers and soldiers who rushed over.

Before everyone could recover and explain, there were explosions from other places in the camp.

The camp that had been celebrating with wine and meat fell into chaos for a while.

There were wailing and cursing.

This period hadn't passed yet, and there were several more explosions, as if things were continuously falling from the sky.

Standing in the distance of the big cannibal camp, Daniel watched the team members throwing the crock pots, counting every explosion.

After more than an hour passed, most of the big cannibal camp was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

There are a total of 930 earthen jars, and a total of [-] explosions can be heard, and nearly one tenth of them did not explode.

There are still some that have not been thrown to the big cannibal's camp, just in front of the big cannibal's camp.

This is also related to the physical strength of the players.

Daniel looked at the night and said: "It's almost dawn, let's go back quickly."


Daniel took another look at the chaotic big cannibal camp, followed the footsteps of the scouts and left this place.

This night attack did not cause much damage to the large number of cannibals.

Now that the snowstorm has stopped for the time being, who knows when the big cannibal's next attack will be.

Before he had time to look behind him, Daniel led the people and ran all the way back to the canyon.

The sky was already bright, and Wang Xuance heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Daniel came back with his men.

Daniu panted and said: "Brother Wang, although this time it won't cause much damage to the big cannibals, they should anger them. We must be fully prepared."

Wang Xuance nodded and said, "Don't worry, we have been making preparations these days, and we should give the cannibal a little color."

Seeing that the big pit had been dug, Daniel arranged for people to fill all the prepared gunpowder into the pit.

The pit was planned earlier, with a depth of more than [-] miles all the way, along the canyon all the way to Tubo.

By noon it was ready.

Wang Xuance glanced at Daniel, this kid hasn't slept all day and all night, and now he looks quite energetic.

Glancing at the distance again, and seeing no signs of the big cannibal going forward, Wang Xuance asked in a low voice, "Actually, we can fight out."

Daniel took a sip of water and said: "The teacher said in the letter, don't go out unless you have to. We can't take the initiative to attack. We need a reason to take the initiative to attack."

Seeing that Wang Xuance still didn't understand, Daniel explained again: "To be on the right side of history, we must not be blamed. This is not the Central Plains."

 Make up and leave it until tomorrow,
(End of this chapter)

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