Chapter 7 Checkpoints
The crescent moon is curved and the stars are shining.The mountains shrouded in darkness are peaceful and quiet.

At one o'clock in the morning, the lights in the Peach Blossom Mountain Village were brightly lit, and people set off torches to see off Gao Han and others who were about to set off for the expedition.

In the middle of the yard, 20 warriors stood in two rows, torches reflected on their young faces, and their eyes gleamed with tension, excitement, pride and determination.

These warriors are elite warriors selected from the cottage, and represent the cottage to complete this arduous task.Looking at the people who saw them off, they felt a strong sense of mission in their hearts.

Gao Han stood in front of the team and did not mobilize before the war. The leader of the family was the best way to boost morale.

With a relaxed smile on his face, he said to the people who saw him off: "Don't worry, everyone, after coming back this time, there will be nothing missing in our cottage."

Alpine's relaxed demeanor and confident words greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers who were about to go out, and also gave great comfort to those who stayed in the cottage.

With the capture of the last battle, Feng Xiucai has higher expectations this time. He said: "The boss, after going out this time, the more weapons, ammunition, food, and ocean cloth, the better. However, don't forget to bring back some medicine. It's best to bring back a few of the lords, not only to treat the wounded, but also to give everyone a look at the disease."

Gao Han smiled and said, "Uncle Feng, you can rest assured!"

Wang Sanniang said: "The big boss, this time not only brought you chopped green onion flatbread and bacon, but also prepared 4 eggs for you each to keep your children full.

After going out this time, I brought back some more cloth and made some new clothes for everyone. I also brought back some floral fabrics, and Xiuqin and I also made two clothes. "Xiuqin is another woman in the cottage.

Gao Han smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will also bring you some rouge gouache powder, and dress you up like a bride. It's rare for those bachelors to die."

Gao Han's words caused a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

The team set off, and the people in the cottage watched their disappearing figures and refused to leave for a long time, until the light of their torches became weaker and weaker and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

There is a fork on the country road outside the mountain, one end leads to Taoyuan Town, and the other end leads to Qingxi Town.Usually no one is guarding here. Not long ago, the Japanese army in Shoucheng County received a notification from their superiors, asking them to cooperate with the capture of escaped prisoners of war. The garrison of the devils was insufficient, so the task was handed over to the security forces in the county town.The security army dispatched a squad to set up a temporary checkpoint here. They came every morning and retreated to the county seat in the evening.

For the security forces, those prisoners of war were not lost in their hands, they are not responsible.They are just co-investigators, and setting up checkpoints here is just a pretense to deal with errands.

This morning, it was not until 10 o'clock that the puppet army came here lazily. There were very few cars passing through here. They didn't even set up roadblocks. They just sat on the side of the road and chatted. .

The squad leader of the puppet army saw that there were very few people passing by and felt very bored.He took out a few dice and said, "Erbazi, Laohu, Shunzi, come and play two."

The puppet army, known as Erbazi and Shunzi, was very happy and immediately moved over.The older man who was called Lao Hu was somewhat reluctant.He murmured, "Squad leader, the money just distributed at the beginning of the month has already been lost before sending it home. Where is the money?"

Erbazi said, "Old Hu, stop pretending. When you searched the Li family's grocery store last time, you stole money from other people's boxes. Do you think I didn't see it?"

Lao Hu has a few oceans in his hands, and he also likes to gamble.But he felt that the squad leader, Er Bazi and others were complicit, and he lost every bet with them, but he didn't want to be fooled again.

He shook his head vigorously and said, "My mother is not in good health, so I have to save money to go back to see her doctor."

Seeing that Lao Hu didn't take the bait, the squad leader said to a big puppet army, "Li Erniu, come here."

Li Erniu was not good at gambling, and was a little reluctant, sitting there without saying a word.The squad leader was anxious, and glared at him and scolded: "What's the matter, I'm giving you a face, right? Hurry up and bring me here!"

At this moment, a puppet army who was in charge of the sentry found something. He was thinking about his toes, and he looked at the pergola for a while, and shouted: "Squad leader, if there is a situation, there is a team over there."

The squad leader of the puppet army stood up and looked in the direction of the finger of the guarding puppet army. Sure enough, he saw a team approaching with weapons in their hands.

The squad leader of the puppet army became vigilant, and he said to his subordinates: "Prepare to fight."

The puppet soldiers were all loaded and looked vigilantly in the direction of the person coming.

Before long, the team approached.Three Japanese troops led a team of puppet troops, escorting seven or eight prisoners of war from the national army, and were heading here.

The leader of the Japanese army officer, in the general Japanese army who is not tall, is considered to be more prominent. If you pay attention, his trouser legs are a little short.He is dressed in high cold.

For this attack on the Liu family compound, Taohuashan lacked manpower and weapons, so Gao Han made a plan to make it.In the last battle, they captured the uniforms of three Japanese troops and eleven puppet troops. He decided to use the uniforms of these Japanese and puppet troops to pretend to be people from the prisoner of war camp of the 63rd Regiment of the Japanese and puppet troops, and form a commando to conduct a raid. .

Because the number of military uniforms and weapons was too small, Gao Han and others had a total of 21 people, and 9 people did not have military uniforms. Gao Han let them wear their original tattered clothes and pretend to be captured prisoners.

In the notification received, the squad leader of the puppet army learned that some of the uniforms of the devils and the puppet army had been lost. When he saw this team, he was a little skeptical at first.However, they saw that the devils and the puppet army were escorting the prisoners of war of the national army. In addition, the area has always been safe, and they thought that the escaped prisoners of war were too late to escape and would never dare to appear here in broad daylight.So let down your guard.

However, he was still uneasy, and asked the six great soldiers under him to stand a little farther on both sides, armed with guns, and he took the remaining few people to stand in place.

The puppet army was very afraid of the Japanese devils. Seeing the devil officers leading the team, the squad leader of the puppet army hurried forward to greet them and gave a respectful salute.

Gao Han raised his right hand, and the team stopped.He murmured to the puppet army squad leader.

A guy in a black cloth jacket and a top hat standing behind him stepped forward and said, "Taijun asked you, who are you guys and what are you doing here?" This guy pretending to be a translator is Zhang Quan.

The squad leader of the puppet army said: "Report Taijun, we are from the Shouyang County Public Security Brigade, and have been ordered to assist in the investigation of the escaped national army prisoners of war."

Zhang Quan also babbled nonsense and translated the words of the puppet army squad leader.As for what he was talking about, he didn't even understand it himself.

At this time, Gao Han has clearly seen the arrangement of the puppet army. There are 11 people in the puppet army. There are 5 people in front of them, and the other 6 people are standing farther away. If they do it at this time, those people have the opportunity to shoot resistance. .This place is only five miles away from Taoyuan Town. Once the gun is fired, it may alarm the people in the town.Once the enemy is prepared, the attack is considered a failure.

Gao Han had to bring these people together and get rid of them at the same time.He decided to check these people under the pretext of someone pretending to be a puppet army.However, they hadn't rehearsed this child's play beforehand. If he spoke a word of Japanese, Zhang Quan wouldn't necessarily react.So, he simply pointed to the squad leader of the puppet army and said directly: "Yours, call everyone here."

Zhang Quan's reaction was quite clever, and he immediately understood what Gao Han meant.He said to the squad leader of the puppet army: "Taijun said that the escaped prisoners of war may pretend to be security forces. The number of people caught by Taijun is not enough, and there are still some who slip through the net. You must be checked."

Hearing this, Jia Liu and Sun Yongan, who were pretending to be Japanese soldiers, immediately pointed their guns at the squad leader of the puppet army.

The six puppet soldiers standing in the distance became nervous when they saw this situation.They all picked up their guns, but they were very hesitant to point their guns at the Japanese devils, so they had to look at the squad leader of the puppet army.They have all put their index fingers on the trigger, and as long as the puppet army squad leader gives a signal, they can shoot immediately.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

However, facing the bright bayonet and the dark muzzle in front of him, the squad leader of the puppet army was already terrified.He didn't want to die at the hands of the Japanese devils because of a misunderstanding. In the eyes of the Japanese devils, the puppet army was just a dog, and it died in vain. No one dared to say anything.

He hurriedly said with a smile: "Taijun, please don't get me wrong, I'll call them here." He waved at the puppet soldiers standing outside and shouted, "Come here quickly! Let Taijun check. "

In order to dispel the guards of the puppet army to prevent accidents, Gao Han waved his hand, and Jia Liu and Sun Yongan put away their guns.

Gao Han took out a piece of paper from the purse of Ichiro Watanabe that was captured, and looked at it with a pretense.He said a few more words.

Zhang Quan said: "You all stand in a row, Taijun wants to check."

The puppet troops were unprepared, and they were relieved.They knew that they were innocent, that they were definitely not the escaped prisoners of war, and that the devil officers would not trouble them.So they all put their guns on their shoulders and stood in a row.

The squad leader of the puppet army stayed by Gao Han's side, first pointing to his face and smiling flatteringly: "Taijun, you see, we are really members of the security army, not the prisoners of war in the national army you are looking for."

Gao Han looked at him, nodded, and then looked at the puppet soldiers.Seeing that the squad leader was all right, the puppet soldiers all smiled at Gao Han.

Gao Han suddenly shouted: "Do it."

He grabbed the puppet army squad leader's neck with his left hand, and quickly drew a gun with his right hand and pressed the muzzle against his head.

The members of the commando team, who had been secretly prepared, immediately raised their guns at the puppet soldiers standing in a row, and shouted together: "Don't move! If you move, you will be killed. Put your guns on the ground, Squat down with your head in your hands."

Faced with the threat of death, the puppet troops were all stunned, no one dared to resist, they obediently obeyed the order.

The people of Peach Blossom Mountain cheered and went forward to grab the weapons on the ground.

This checkpoint of the puppet army must be destroyed, otherwise, the commandos will encounter great trouble when they return from the Liu family compound.

The battle ended smoothly. The puppet soldiers were stripped of their military uniforms and tied up. They were taken to a nearby canal and guarded by two people who had changed into puppet military uniforms.The two of them will stay here, guard the intersection to observe the situation, and report to Gao Han at any time in Taoyuan Town.

Guo Hengming, Du Shengxi and the others, who were acting as prisoners of war, were very excited. The victory in the battle made their long-suppressed mood suddenly brighter since they were captured, and they became more and more admired for Gao Han.

Now the remaining 19 people have all had military uniforms and weapons. The smooth progress of the battle has greatly improved the confidence of the team members. Under the leadership of Gao Han, they set off towards Taozhen.

Taoyuan Town.

In the Liu family compound, dozens of tables have been placed, and the yard is full of guests.

(End of this chapter)

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