The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 100 Feather Blade Organization

Chapter 100 Feather Blade Organization
"Student Kiyana, wake up!"

When Fu Hua rushed to the roof of the building where Qiyana was, she found that Qiyana was already unconscious, and there was no response even after calling several times.Fu Hua was relieved after checking it out, but fortunately, Qiyana was just in a coma, and there was nothing serious about it.It's just that what Fu Hua cares more about is the notes, reagents and the "Tranquil Gem" placed in the distance beside Kiyana.

A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua, hello!Please take care of this little girl!The reagent in the test tube can remove the riotous Houkai energy in her body.Also, please don't continue to do unnecessary things!Otherwise your friends will be very disappointed with you. —— Feather Blade Organization

After reading the content on the note in front of him, Fu Hua didn't know what to say at all.She didn't know where this so-called Feather Blade organization came from, and she didn't know why they would save Qiyana?Moreover, the "Gem of Tranquility" was left behind.What is the purpose of what they do?
"Hi! My friend! How's the mission going?"

Just when Fu Hua was full of doubts, a voice she was familiar with suddenly came from the micro-communicator on the glasses she was wearing.

"You should know everything! Why ask me!"

The person who communicated with Fu Hua was none other than the Bishop of Destiny—Otto Apocalypse.

"It seems that the task this time has been completed! But what makes me more curious is the two people who suppressed Sirin. My friend, do you know them?"

Otto could clearly see the scene of Lin Yu fighting the mecha and the scene of the battle between Novalu and Sirin through satellite monitoring, but he was disturbed by a mysterious signal before he watched much.When it returned to normal, it was impossible to find out what was going on.When he monitored again, he only saw Qiyana lying quietly on the roof of the building, and those two people had already disappeared.

"Don't ask me! I just got here!"

Fu Hua didn't even see the shadows of those two people, what could she know, Otto asked for nothing.

"I see! My friends! Now that the task is completed, I will send someone to pick you up!"


By the window of a high-rise room in the distance, Lin Yu had already taken off his mask at this time, but his hair had not returned to its original appearance.He was quietly looking at the roof of the building where Kiyana was, while Novalu stood beside him angrily.

"Lin Yu, why did you leave the core of death! Can't you leave it to me as a weapon core?"

About 10 minutes ago,
Just when Lin Yu was wondering why the things in his pocket were missing, Fei Yuwan suddenly sent a communication.

"Brother! Sister Lulu! Fu Hua is rushing in your direction! I have interfered with Tianming's monitoring just now, please take this opportunity to get out of there as soon as possible!"

Fei Yuwan's communication made Lin Yu suddenly not in the mood to pay attention to the things in his pocket.That thing was just something he used as a talisman, as long as the original of what was inside was still with him, he could make a new one when he went back.

"I know! Wait until I make preparations before leaving!"

Then Lin Yu took out a piece of paper from the Xingyu space, and quickly wrote a few words on it, and left half a tube of the Honkai energy antibody reagent that Dr. Mackey gave him.

"Lulu, put the "gem" there!let's go! "

"Huh? Why?"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Novalu was dumbfounded.This is the "Tranquil Gem" that she finally got!Are you ready to give it away so easily?Are you out of your mind?

This is also the reason why Novalu is angry.She could obviously take the "Gem of Tranquility" back, but Lin Yu wanted to leave it to destiny.Can this not make Novalu angry?
"Don't worry! I'll help you upgrade your weapon! And even if Destiny gets that gem, it's useless. Couldn't the Honkai in it be used up by Sirin!"

Lin Yu looked at the slightly angry Novalu and smiled, no one knew what was hidden in his words.


Novalu was a little puzzled after hearing Lin Yu's words, hasn't the "Quiet Gem" been left to Fu Hua and is ready to be handed over to Tianming!How else could he help her upgrade Hei Tian Bai Yu?

"Could it be..."

Novalu seemed to have thought of something, and then looked at Lin Yu in disbelief.It's just that Lin Yu still has a calm expression on his face, he can't see anything at all, okay!If her guess is correct, then the subsequent development will become very interesting.

"Let's go! Xiao Fei is still waiting for us!"

Facing Nova Lu's guess, Lin Yu just quietly made a "keep it quiet" gesture, and then left first.

Lin Yu's reminders have reached this level, if Nuovalu doesn't understand anymore, she will be a fool.It seems that Destiny will have a headache in the future!
When Tianming finds out about this, the expression of Bishop Otto will definitely become very exciting!If only there was a way to record his expression at that time!Thinking of this, Novalu couldn't help but look forward to it.


Fu Hua took Qiyana back, and with Wraith's help, she found a relatively secluded place to rest.After all, the Singapore government's wanted arrest for her has not been lifted yet!

So for safety reasons, it's better for her not to go out as much as possible.If there is anything to do, just leave it to Wraith to do it.All that remains is to wait for Tianming's support staff to pick her up.

"I have to say that you are really amazing! You were able to break through the hotel surrounded by anti-entropy mechs!"

In the bar, after Wraith helped Fu Hua arrange a place to rest, he chatted with Fu Hua about the mission.

"I didn't solve those people! When I left, the people outside had been solved almost!"

Fu Hua took a sip of water silently, denying Wraith's compliment to her.

That's right!When Fu Hua went to the underground safe room to find Qiyana and left the Empress Hotel, those anti-entropy mechs and guards had all been dealt with.

Who could have done it!It's not that those people hindered Novalu and they evacuated, they had no choice but to get rid of those guys.Fortunately, Nuo Walu was still careful in his strikes, and did not hurt anyone, but just knocked them out.But the mecha was not so lucky, it was directly burned into a pile of scrap iron by Fei Yuwan, and it is estimated that it is impossible to even recycle it.

"Oh! It's the Feather Blade organization that left you something! I'm really curious what kind of organization this is, and it dares to do things under the noses of the two giants of Tianming and Anti-Entropy! Do you know what?"

Wraith never thought that the so-called Feather Blade organization was just a false organization name made by Lin Yu to attract the attention of Tianming.Even if Tianming tried his best to investigate, what could they find?And even if something is found, Hiyumaru is confident that they will be deleted from the Tianming system as soon as possible.

"I haven't even seen those people! How could I know about them!"

Fu Hua took another sip of clear water, and then began to think about some questions, all about the content on that note.

Don't do unnecessary things?Will her friends be disappointed?What do these words mean?What does the person who left these words know?
"By the way! The headquarters has sent someone to pick you up! It will probably arrive in a while! Do you want to prepare?"

When Fu Hua was thinking about those questions, Wraith suddenly thought of something, and told Fu Hua.

"Who is the support staff sent by the headquarters?"

"Who else is it! A guy that your headmaster calls a monster!"

As soon as Fu Hua heard the name "monster", he immediately understood who the person sent by the headquarters was.Besides that guy, who else could be called a monster by Teresa?
The strongest S-rank Valkyrie in active service in Destiny-You Landal.

It has to be said that Fu Hua's face is too great.Otherwise, Otto would not have sent Ulandal to support her.


Destiny Headquarters,

"The Feather Blade Organization? Why haven't I heard of this name before? Could it be a new organization that popped up like a world snake?"

Otto gently held a glass of red wine, looked at the two figures on the big screen in front of him, and fell into deep thought for a while.

The two people on the screen were none other than Lin Yu who was fighting against the anti-entropy mech unit, and Nova Lu who was fighting Xilin.It's just that both of them are in disguise, and there is no way to get more detailed information.

"Sir Bishop..."

Amber stood next to Otto, looking hesitant to speak.

"I know. It's the impact of this incident, isn't it! You can use the old method, and I think the Singapore government will be happy to accept it."

Otto, who was tasting the red wine, immediately guessed what Amber wanted to say.

Although he was unable to see the birth of the Herrscher of Death this time, he has successfully recovered the "Gem of Tranquility", and the key point is that he has collected a lot of useful information for the Sirin project.Therefore, he did not intend to trouble the Singapore government, but proposed cooperation.

"A member of the Feather Blade Organization?"

Otto glanced at the white-haired Lin Yu wearing a mask on the screen again. For some reason, this reminded him of the boy he met in the hidden snow area of ​​​​the Destiny Database before.He also has long white hair, and the boy once said "see you again" to him.

"Could it be that person?"

I have to say that Otto's intuition is really accurate, but after seeing Lin Yu in disguise once, he can guess him at once with his intuition.But what good is that?Lin Yu didn t care about this at all. Anyway, he couldn t find any information about him, and it was useless to check.


In Wraith's bar,

At this time, Fu Hua was worrying, and the source of the trouble was the blond Valkyrie who was holding a pendant and questioning her all the time.

 One hundred chapters achieved! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o As for who is asking Fu Hua, you all know! PS: Whether to add or not today depends on the number of people joining the group!More than ten will add more!no sooner said than done!

(End of this chapter)

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