Chapter 102 Meeting

Four days have passed since the incident of "The Tranquil Gem".Lin Yu also completed the escort mission and is on his way back to St. Freya Academy.

"Lin Yu, do you think Theresa and the others will react when they see me?"

Yes!After Lin Yu goes back, he will introduce Novalu to everyone in the dormitory.Novalu is very interested in this, because she still knows Qiyana and the others very well, and they don't even know her existence.

"Oh! I'm really convinced by Siegfried!"

Just when Novalu was in high spirits, Lin Yu suddenly let out a heavy sigh.

"Lin Yu, do you want to do this! Isn't it just meeting Siegfried!"

Nuovalu has been with Lin Yu these days, of course she knew that Lin Yu's sigh was not for her, but for Siegfried.

After completing the escort task, Lin Yu contacted Siegfried immediately and asked him if he agreed to take Dr. Mackey over.After some exchanges, he also agreed to take Dr. Markey to the anti-entropy base where his friend was.It's just that he had one request, that is to meet Lin Yu in person, and Lin Yu agreed.

However, what happened afterwards was completely beyond Lin Yu's to say!Even Noir Ziegfried didn't know what to say.

They only think that Siegfried is difficult to guess and very unpredictable.


Two days ago, after Lin Yu completed the escort mission, he and Siegfried agreed to meet at a place. At the same time, Lin Yu also brought Novalu and Dr. Mackey.Of course, he and Novalu were in a disguised state, and even put on masks.

It took a full half a day before Lin Yu took the two of them to the agreed place.It's just that when Lin Yu arrived there, Siegfried didn't seem to have arrived yet!

"Siegfried won't trick us!"

After waiting at the appointed place for a long time, Novalu didn't see Siegfried.She began to wonder if Siegfried was playing tricks on them.

"Since I took the initiative to find him, I have to be patient! Don't worry, wait a little longer!"

Lin Yu seemed patient!But this was only on the surface. In his heart, he had long been worried about what would happen if Siegfried didn't come.Could it be that he really wants to bring Dr. Mackey back to St. Freya Academy?That would be really bad!

After waiting there for a while, just when Nuovalu completely lost his patience, the person they were waiting for came.

"As expected of the leader of Feather Blade, he is different from the lady next to him!"

Siegfried finally came here at this time. If he couldn't come here, Novalu would really be impatient to wait any longer.

In fact, Siegfried had come here long before Lin Yu came here, but he was quietly observing Lin Yu in the dark.He wanted to see what kind of person the leader of this so-called Feather Blade organization was!There is also whether this person has the sincerity to cooperate with him.

After such a period of observation, Siegfried can roughly determine that Lin Yu is a person who can cooperate.If Zhang cooperates further, a deep understanding is needed.

"Meet you for the first time! Your Excellency Siegfried! I am the leader of the Feather Blade Organization, you can call me Yi!"

Since he met Siegfried as the leader of the Feather Blade Organization, Lin Yu naturally wanted to look like a leader.As for the name and so on, Lin Yu had already thought about it before coming!Say your real name?That is impossible!

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it! I don't like to make too many detours when I speak!"

Siegfried directly asked Lin Yu to explain the main things of this meeting.He wanted to see how Lin Yu, the leader of an unknown organization, would answer.

"It's just what I want! I don't like to beat around the bush when I talk!"

Since Siegfried wants to get into the topic quickly, Lin Yu can get into it directly.Anyway, he has nothing to do this time except let Siegfried take away Dr. Mackey, and he doesn't want to waste too much time here.

"It's very simple! This time! I stopped your anti-entropy female fox Cocolia's conspiracy purely because I passed by Singapore! And I also know something about your anti-entropy, and I know that this time it is not good. It’s totally an anti-entropy plan, more like Cocolia’s conspiracy! So I brought over Dr. Markey, who was used by Cocolia this time, and wanted you anti-entropy peace faction to accept him! I think this is Zieg Flying Your Excellency shouldn’t be a difficult task, right?”

Lin Yu went straight to the topic, and went through the incident directly, and showed that this kind of thing is just a matter of convenience for the Yuren organization.

"Smooth? What you said is really simple! It's what you said was so easy that it almost caused Destiny and Anti-Entropy to fight!"

Siegfried was speechless, how could this be such a trivial matter!Even he wouldn't dare to do such a thing under the eyes of Tianming and Anti Entropy!And Lin Yu said it so easily.This couldn't help but make Siegfried wonder how strong Lin Yu was.

"This kind of thing is nothing to us! What's more, we are just passing by, and we don't want innocent people to be implicated. Otherwise, Dr. Markey wouldn't be rescued!"

Lin Yu once again stated that this incident was nothing more than a piece of cake for them.The purpose is to make Siegfried unable to guess how strong the so-called Feather Blade organization is.

"It's all right for us to accept Dr. Mackey, but why should we accept him?"

Obviously, Siegfried was making things difficult for Lin Yu.

"What if I have a way to restore your lost left arm to normal! Is such a condition acceptable?"

Lin Yu glanced at the empty sleeve on the right side of Siegfried's body, and at a glance he knew that the entire arm was gone.So he took this as a condition in exchange for their acceptance of Dr. Mackey.After all, for Lin Yu who had the core of death, it is not too difficult to regenerate an arm.

"What? You said you can restore my left arm?"

Siegfried couldn t believe what Lin Yu said, his left arm had been broken for more than ten years.Even anti-entropy people can't make it regenerate!Because his left arm was not simply broken, but was eroded by Honkai Energy.

"Can this be used as a condition to allow the organization to accept Dr. Markey?"

Lin Yu didn't believe that Siegfried would not accept such a condition. After all, the loss of an arm still had a great impact on him, such as in terms of combat effectiveness.

"What proof do you have that you can restore my left arm to normal?"

Siegfried really didn t believe what Lin Yu said!If his left arm had recovered so easily, he wouldn't have had to be a "one-armed man" for so many years.

"That's not easy! I'll help you recover now!"

Then Lin Yu walked directly to Siegfried, which made him instantly press his right hand on the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor on his waist.It was only after confirming that Lin Yu had no hostility in the next moment that he relaxed a little, but the right hand that was pressed on the Tianhuo Shengcai did not leave.

"If you are not at ease, you can use your Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment to guard against me at any time!"

Lin Yu noticed Siegfried's vigilant movements immediately, and couldn't help shaking his head.Then he continued to walk over to Siegfried, and began to carefully observe his broken left arm.

In order to thoroughly understand Siegfried's broken left arm to facilitate recovery, Lin Yu even used the force of erosion to probe his broken arm.

"How? Can it be recovered?"

Although Siegfried was wary of whether Lin Yu would act recklessly, at the same time he was also very concerned about his left arm.It would be great if it could be restored.

"Nothing! It's just a trivial matter!"

After some investigation, Lin Yu understood that Siegfried's left arm was mainly eroded by the special Houkai energy, which made it impossible to recover.But this couldn't be easier for Lin Yu. When it comes to erosion, who can play against the power of erosion controlled by No. 12 Herrscher!
So Lin Yu quickly used the power of erosion to clean up the special Honkai energy on Siegfried.Then, he used the creation power of the core of death to restore Siegfried's left arm.

Although this seems very simple, it is not a small consumption for Lin Yu!It's just that Lin Yu didn t show it.

"Your Excellency Siegfried, you have recovered!"

After recovering Siegfried's left arm, Lin Yu went directly back to Novalu and brought Dr. Mackey over.

"Doctor, please leave with him! My organization really can't accept anyone anymore!"

Lin Yu is telling the truth, because he does not have a so-called feather blade organization, where can Dr. Mackey be accepted!
"It's fine! As long as I have a place to live in, I'm satisfied! I can also see that although he is also an anti-entropy person, he is fundamentally different from Cocolia."

Dr. Mackey was talking about Siegfried, of course.Lin Yu had to admire Dr. Markey's vision of seeing people, it was really accurate!
Of course, Lin Yu knew that Dr. Markey had gone through a lot to be able to have such a precise vision.

"Your Excellency Siegfried! I hope you treat the doctor well! He will help you!"

Just kidding, Dr. Markey is a top scientist in terms of knowledge and technology in terms of destiny, so going to anti-entropy can't help them?

"Don't worry! You helped me restore my left arm, how could I not agree!"

Siegfried tried to move his left arm. Although it was very different from his right arm, it would be fine if he got used to it gradually.

"Now that my goal has been achieved! Then we will leave first!"

Dr. Mackey has been handed over to Siegfried, so there is no need for Lin Yu and Novalu to stay here.They have to hurry back to Saint Freya Academy!

"Thank you! The leader of Feather Blade! We can contact you more when you have time!"

Obviously, Lin Yu was very happy to help Siegfried recover his left arm.So I believed Lin Yu, and no longer put on a vigilant look, but a very casual look.This is what Siegfried really looks like.

Lin Yu and Novalu did not answer Siegfried's words, and left without looking back.

Contact more?Thinking too much?It's okay, why keep in touch with you?Unless there is something wrong with the brain!
Lin Yu was speechless about Siegfried's sudden change of appearance. Only at this time did he realize that Siegfried's previous serious appearance was just pretending.

It's just that that kind of high vigilance is not something that casual people can have!It can only be said that Siegfried is not an easy person!


After getting off the plane,

Before arriving at St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu also called Fei Yuwan out.He had promised Higokumaru before that she would go to St. Freya Academy like him.It is a good time to take this opportunity to enter St. Freya Academy with Novalu.

"Let's go! Your wishes will come true starting today!"

Taking Novalu and Fei Yuwan, Lin Yu happily walked towards the gate of St. Freya Academy.

 (It will be late to add more! The old rules!) The next chapter, Moon Shadow, is officially over!A brand new original chapter will begin! PS: The possibility of adding updates in the future is infinitely close to zero.

(End of this chapter)

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