The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 115 The Third Herrscher

Chapter 115 The Eighth Herrscher

The space began to collapse from a distance, and then step by step, the space was completely changed.

But Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan couldn't do anything about it, they could only watch the space slowly change.

Not long after, the appearance of the entire space changed drastically.

The sky is no longer as clear as before, but has become cloudy.Cangyu City, where the two lived, also became riddled with holes, buildings continued to collapse, and Houkai beasts and dead men ravaged the streets.

Although there are many guardians who are constantly destroying the Houkai Beast, the number of the Houkai Beast is too many, and it is impossible to clean them up.

"Is this the scene of the eighth collapse recorded in this space of consciousness?"

Looking at the scene of the Honkai erupting in front of him, Lin Yu couldn't help thinking of the third Honkai that happened in Changkong City.However, compared with the Honkai that happened here, the Honkai in Changkong City seemed too childish.Because even temple-level Honkai beasts were very rare in Changkong City at that time, but now in front of Lin Yu, there are three or four Honkai emperors alone. As for the number of temple-level Honkai beasts, it has already passed. Hundreds.

"Brother, do we want to help?"

Obviously, Hiyumaru couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to take action to get rid of those Houkai beasts in front of him.

"I'm afraid it's impossible, you see!"

Just when Fei Yuwan didn't understand what Lin Yu said about Ann, Lin Yu raised his hand and released a bolt of lightning at a temple-level Houkai beast not far away.Immediately afterwards, an incredible thing happened. The lightning passed directly through the body of the Honkai Beast without causing any harm to it.

"Brother, what happened?"

It stands to reason that Lin Yu s blow was enough to seriously injure the Honkai Beast, but it was unscathed, which surprised Fei Yuwan.

"Xiao Fei, don't forget! We are not from this space, and we have no way to interfere with everything here!"

"But, we all had dinner with sister Lulu from this space just now!"

yes!Obviously, I was able to chat and eat with people in this space before, so why not now?

"I know this too!"

Lin Yu didn t know why, this is not the Xingyu space, and he didn t know the situation here.

Then Lin Yu passed in front of a Honkai Beast, and the Honkai Beast had no intention of attacking him at all as if it hadn't seen him.


Hiyumaru suddenly yelled.

"What's the matter, Xiaofei?"

Feiyuwan's voice made Lin Yu immediately look back to check her situation, but he saw a Houkai beast walking straight towards Feiyuwan, and then Feiyuwan passed through the body of the Houkai beast like a ghost.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Passing directly through the body of the Houkai Beast, this scared Hiyumaru quite a bit.

Lin Yu didn t know how to answer Fei Yuwan for a while, but he thought for a while, analyzed what happened just now, and then made a guess.

That is, the scene they are in now is no different from a VR movie.Although I am personally on the scene, I can't interfere with everything here.

After hearing Lin Yu's guess, Fei Yuwan nodded with a half understanding.

"Brother, what are we going to do now?"

"Since the eighth Honkai broke out, what do you think we are going to do?"

"Brother means..."

Fei Yuwan roughly guessed what Lin Yu wanted to do.

"That's right! Go and meet the protagonist of the eighth Honkai—the Herrscher of Consciousness!"

The collapse is just around the corner, how could Lin Yu miss the opportunity to see the ability of the Eighth Herrscher!This allows him to learn more about Herrscher's abilities, so that he can prepare for the future battle with Herrscher!
Afterwards, Lin Yu took Fei Yuwan and wandered around the already dilapidated Cangyu City, heading for the place with the highest concentration of Honkai energy.Along the way, even though they encountered a lot of Houkai beasts, they all passed through directly like Hiyumaru before.After all, the two of them are now like "ghosts" and do not belong to this space at all.

"Brother, do you think sister Lulu can get rid of the Eighth Herrscher?"

The collapse broke out in Cangyu City. As the strongest guardian of the city, Novalu will definitely fight with Herrscher.Hiyumaru began to feel a little worried about Novalu in this space.

"You're overthinking, Xiaofei! If Lulu can't beat the Eighth Herrscher, how could her core appear in the space of astrology?"

It has to be said that Hiyumaru's worries are completely unnecessary.Novalu was the one who experienced the final collapse, how could she not even be able to defeat the Eighth Herrscher?

"That's right! Sister Lulu can definitely kill that guy!"

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Fei Yuwan suddenly realized.

"Lulu will definitely be able to solve the Eighth Herrscher, but what I am most concerned about now is who in this city has become the Eighth Herrscher."

A Herrscher will be born every time the Honkai erupts, and the Herrschers generally appear in the place where the Honkai energy concentration is the highest when the Honkai erupts.So this time is no exception, someone in Cangyu City must have become a Herrscher.And what Lin Yu cared most about was who the Herrscher was born this time.

Hiyumaru is also very concerned about this. After all, the birth of Herrscher is random, and no one knows who Herrscher is before the birth.

When Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan came to a place close to the center of the city, they saw an amazing scene: the guardian actually fought with the guardian.

"What's going on? Why did they fight themselves?"

Seeing those guardians killing each other, Hiyumaru was stunned immediately.

Shouldn't the Guardians be fighting against Honkai?Why do they beat their own people?

"Xiaofei, I'm afraid those people are no longer guardians, you should look carefully!"

Reminded by Lin Yu, Fei Yuwan took a closer look.She found that the appearance of some of the guardians was very strange. Their expressions were dull and their movements were very stiff. They did not look like guardians who defended humans at all.The other part of the guardians is constantly killing those who are wrong, and from their expressions, it can be seen that this part of the guardians is also very complicated when killing them.

"Are those people under control?"

It was only then that Hiyumaru remembered that the Eighth Herrscher is called a Herrscher of Consciousness, and she is a Herrscher who can control other people's consciousness.It is estimated that those guardians have been controlled by the Herrscher of Consciousness and have become puppets of the Herrscher.

"The Eighth Herrscher is a good way to control the guardians and let them kill each other. It can not only weaken the guardians' combat power, but also prevent them from destroying the Houkai beast."

Lin Yu looked at the Guardian troops who were killing each other not far away with a complicated expression, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart.Although he wanted to stop them immediately, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything.

"Let's go! Xiaofei!"

Lin Yu didn t watch the battle of those guardians anymore, and continued walking towards the center of the city.

"elder brother……"

Looking at Lin Yu's back, Fei Yuwan could feel Lin Yu's mood of wanting to help them but being unable to do anything.

Soon after, the two came to the central area of ​​the city.Here, Lin Yu unexpectedly saw two very huge Honkai Beasts.

"Brother, those two Honkai Beasts are..."

"Hmm! That's right! That's the Emperor-level Honkai Beast!"

Although the appearance of the Houkai beasts here is different from what Lin Yu knew, Lin Yu can be sure from the size and strength of the Houkai beasts that the two Houkai beasts are definitely emperor-level Houkai beasts.

Of the two Honkai beasts, one was prostrate on the ground with flames all over its body. It gave Lin Yu the feeling that it was a Ganesha covered with flames.And the other Honkai Beast has two huge blue arms, and there is a biting cold on them.Its appearance is similar to that of Ah Shibo that Lin Yu knew, but it is a little different in ability.

Facing these two emperor-level Honkai beasts was an obsidian-level team, but not the one led by Novalu.In addition, there are some gold-level squads conducting auxiliary attacks on the side.

"Brother, can they get rid of those two emperor-level Honkai beasts?"

Although the guardians' attacks were very fierce, the damage they caused to the two Houkai beasts was very limited.Hiyumaru was a little worried about those guardians.

"Don't worry! Obsidian-level guardians are almost the strength of A-level peak Valkyries. There are five of them here, and it will be a matter of time before they are dealt with!"

Lin Yu could see that as the guardians' damage to the Honkai Beasts continued to accumulate, those obsidian-level guardians were also preparing to amplify their moves to deal with the two Honkai Beasts.


Suddenly there was a huge explosion in the distance.

"Captain, where is it?"

An obsidian-level guardian who was attacking the Houkai Beast looked at the place where the explosion occurred.

"It must be the Feiyu team and the Herrscher started the battle, our Flying Star team will end the battle quickly and support them!"

It was the captain of the obsidian-level team who spoke, and she knew exactly what happened where the explosion occurred.So I ordered everyone to quickly deal with the two Houkai beasts in front of them, and then go to support the people there.

Hearing these words, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan immediately rushed to the place where the explosion sound came from.

When Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan came there, they realized that the situation here was far worse than there just now, because there were four emperor-level Houkai beasts here!The members of Feiyu's team are all fighting with them, and among the four is An who Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan know.

"There are so many emperor-level Honkai beasts?"

It's hard for Lin Yu to imagine that there were nearly ten emperor-level Houkai beasts in this time, and they only appeared in the city. I don't know if there are others outside!

"Brother, look over there!"

Hiyumaru pointed at the two figures facing each other in the sky and shouted.

"That is……"

Lin Yu followed Fei Yuwan and pointed in Lin Yu's direction, and found that Nova Lu was holding Heitian Baiyu and confronting a person opposite him, who was the Eighth Herrscher.

"No way?"

When Lin Yu saw the appearance of the Eighth Herrscher clearly, he couldn t believe his eyes at all.Lin Yu is all too familiar with the figure of the Herrscher who confronted Novalu, he just met her not long ago!

That's Noir's younger sister, Noelle!

 I greatly shortened the content of writing an article. I was going to write a dozen chapters!But it feels a bit wrong, so I will simplify it!I don't know if you are still satisfied? PS: All book friends can enter the group to express their opinions!
(End of this chapter)

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