Chapter 120
In the Valkyrie training room of St. Freya Academy,
"Ahhh—help! Lulu, stop chasing me! I'm wrong, can't I!"

At this time, Lin Yu was being chased and beaten by Nuovalu with the black sky and white feather!And it's still the kind that has no power to fight back!
But it's not that Lin Yu can't beat Nova Lu, but because he is afraid that he will accidentally hurt her when he fights back.At first Lin Yu thought that Novalu was just venting his anger, and he would be fine when it was over.As a result, he was "hunted down" by Novalu for nearly an hour.

"Wait until I've had enough!"

With that said, Novalu threw the black sky and white feather in the form of a lance flickering thunder directly towards Lin Yu.Although the offensive looks fierce, in fact cavalry does not have much power.After all, it was just Nuovalu venting his anger, so he acted with discretion.

"Book of Cangxuan! Hurry up and generate an emperor-level Honkai beast to stop me!"

"Yes! Master!"

It is true that Lin Yu would not fight back, but asking Cangxuanzhishu to help is not counting him as a shot!So Lin Yu gave instructions to the Cangxuan Book as soon as Novalu launched an attack.


Almost in a blink of an eye, a huge Ganesha appeared in front of Lin Yu.It's just that it didn t take any action, it just stood in front of Lin Yu and stopped Novalu s blow.And because the power of Novalu's blow was not that strong, Hei Tianbaiyu only entered half of Ganesha's body, so he couldn't move forward by half a point.

"It's time for your anger to fade away!"

I saw Lin Yu jumped on Ganesha's body, stretched out his hand and pulled out the Heitian Baiyu, which was still shining with thunder, from Ganesha's body, and then waved it a few times in his hand.


Novalu did not answer Lin Yu's words, but turned her head dissatisfied.But Lin Yu could see that her anger should have almost disappeared.

"The training room is for you first! The Cangxuan Book is also for you! You can train here first!"

Lin Yu jumped off Ganesha holding the black sky and white feathers, then slowly walked to Novalu's side, and inserted the black sky and white feathers in front of her.At the same time, he hung the watch turned into Cangxuan Book on it.

"I'm training here, what are you doing?"

Nuovalu's anger was also completely dissipated, she picked up the watch hanging on Heitian Baiyu, put it in her pocket, and then picked up Heitian Baiyu.

It's just that she was curious, generally speaking, shouldn't Lin Yu start preparing for training at this time?Why give up the training room to her?

"I'll go to Theresa to borrow something to use!"

Lin Yu stated directly what he was going to do.

"Borrow something?"

Novalu was a little puzzled, what is there in Teresa worth borrowing by Lin Yu!The only thing that works is that...

"Lin Yu, don't you want to borrow..."

Novalu immediately guessed what Lin Yu was going to borrow.

"That's right! That's it! I feel that I can use the power of the Herrscher again, so I have to take this opportunity to copy the No.11 Herrscher's core in Judah!"

That's right!The only thing useful to Lin Yu from Teresa is Judas' oath.Now that Lin Yu's Herrscher's power has been restored, it is natural to copy the power of the No. 11 God's Key.

You know, the No.11 Herrscher of the last era was an anti-law!She can create an enchantment, in which all Honkai energy attacks are ineffective, and other types of energy will also be weakened to varying degrees.How could Lin Yu not be moved by such a powerful ability?
On the way to Teresa's office, Lin Yu was still thinking about some other things about the No. 11 God's Key.

The No.11 Herrscher of the last era can invalidate the Honkai energy attack, and weaken other energy attacks, which means that she has absolute power in the field.Then the weapons of the last era, God's Key and even Fusion Warriors are useless in the field.How did people from the last era defeat No.11 Herrscher?Lin Yu was very puzzled by this question.

"Forget it! It's useless to think about that! Let's copy the Herrscher ability first!"

It didn't take long for Lin Yu to give up this question.It all happened in the last era, and the Herrschers were all wiped out, so what was he thinking about!So he changed his direction and began to think about his Herrscher core.

Although Lin Yu's Herrscher's power has no offensive power now, fortunately it can copy the core power of other Herrschers for its own use.From the current point of view, Lin Yu already has nearly half of the core capabilities of the Herrscher.

The core of the five herrschers, the Herrscher of Emptiness, the Herrscher of Death, the Herrscher of Consciousness, the Herrscher of Domination, and the Herrscher of Corrosion, are the powers that Lin Yu currently possesses.In his Shenyu core, there are only two types of dominating core and erosion core, and the other cores are fused by the star language.However, it will be a matter of time before Lin Yu copies it to his core. At present, it is better for him to copy the Herrscher ability that is not in his hands.

It's just that as Lin Yu became more and more familiar with Shen Yu's core, he felt more and more that the ability of Shen Yu's core should not be limited to this. He always felt that there was still some power in Shen Yu's core that he had not discovered.Every time he wanted to understand Shen Yu's core at a deeper level, he always felt powerless, as if he lacked strength.

"It is estimated that if you want to know more about Shenyu's core, you need to become stronger!"

What should I say!He felt that his ability hadn't met Shen Yu's core requirements, so he couldn't learn more information.So the next thing he has to do is very simple, that is to keep getting stronger until he reaches Shenyu's core requirements.

A while later, Lin Yu came to Teresa's office door, and went in directly when he saw that the door was open.It's just that Lin Yu didn t see Teresa, but only half a white hair ball was exposed on the desk.

"Theresa, are you there?"

Of course Lin Yu knew that the white hair dumpling was Teresa, but he just wanted to tease Teresa.

"Lin Yu, what do you mean? Can't you see me here?"

I saw that the white hair dumpling immediately exploded, and then yelled directly at Lin Yu.

"Who told you not to change your desk! Everyone thinks that the model of this desk is not suitable for you!"

Lin Yu persuaded Theresa several times to let her change to a shorter desk.Anyway, Lin Yu didn t know what she was thinking, and he just refused to change life and death.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you! Tell me! What's the matter here?"

"You really understand me!"

Before Lin Yu wanted to say anything, Teresa guessed that something must be wrong with him.After all, in her eyes, Lin Yu is a guy who does not go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing!

"Huh? Strange! Why isn't Judas in your office?"

Lin Yu glanced at the office and found that Judas was not here.When he came to Teresa's office before, he saw Judas here. Lin Yu couldn t help but feel a little strange that he didn t see Judas this time.

"Huh? Are you looking for Judas?"


"Why are you looking for Judas? Could it be that you want to use it for training?"

When Lin Yu said that he was looking for Judas, Teresa was stunned.She thought that Lin Yu was not satisfied with training with her own weapons, so she wanted to use Judas.

"That's it!"

It is impossible to tell Teresa that he is going to copy the Herrscher core in Judas!How is it possible!What's more, he borrowed Judas for training, but it was just adaptive training after copying the core.

"What training are you going to do with Judas?"

Judas is the exclusive weapon of Teresa's office, and currently only she and Otto, the Bishop of Destiny, can use it proficiently.

"I just want to try different types of weapons and the difference between using Taidao!"

Although Lin Yu has no intention of designing a certain form of astrology as a cross, future astrology will definitely have multiple forms.So Lin Yu needs to be familiar with the use of other types of weapons before that.

"Judas is in the armory now! Not with me!"

Teresa said she was fine, why put Judas in the office!As a display?
"Okay! Call me when you are free!"

There is no way for Judas to take Lin Yu if he is not here, he can only wait for Teresa to take Judas over before borrowing it.

Not borrowing Judas, Lin Yu had no choice but to return disappointed, ready to go back to the dormitory.


On the way back to the dormitory, bursts of dissatisfaction suddenly came from Lin Yu s mind, which surprised Lin Yu.

"Don't make trouble! If you come out, there will be too much noise! ​​It will definitely disturb the fate and anti-entropy, just wait! I will let you out as soon as I have a chance!"

Lin Yu finally calmed down the dissatisfaction in his mind.

"Hey! I missed the opportunity in the "Gem of Tranquility" event some time ago, and I don't know when I'll have to wait for the next time!"

This series of things made Lin Yu dizzy.First of all, we must control the power of the various Herrschers, let Cang Xuan and the others come out, and then there is the little guy who just heard dissatisfaction.These things have to keep him busy for a long time.

"The Herrscher of Death has almost mastered the power, and part of the power of creation can be handed over to Sakura and the others for familiarization! They should be able to have a body in a few days!"

Lin Yu thought about it seriously.It's just that once Cangxuan and the others have a body, Lin Yu has to find another opportunity to leave St. Freya Academy, and then let them integrate their consciousness and body, and it will take a few days for them to get used to the new body.

It seems that Lin Yu still has to find a mission to travel far away!Otherwise, this matter is not easy to do!
Before returning to the dormitory, Lin Yu handed over the power of creation to everyone in the stigmata space, and let them get acquainted with it.Tell him when you are sure to create the body, and he will let them go to the space of Jizo Yuhun.After all, the astrology space cannot accommodate living organisms, and only the small space of Jizo Yuhun can do it.

"Everyone! I'm back!"

When he arrived at the dormitory, Lin Yu pushed the door and entered.The next moment, Lin Yu became vigilant in his heart.Because there is a guest in the dormitory, and it is a guy wearing a dark rose maid outfit.

Lin Yu is no stranger to this person!

Although she looks like a maid, she is actually an S-rank Valkyrie named Rita.

 What will happen if Rita suddenly comes to St. Freya Academy?A new chapter is about to begin! PS: This article is estimated to be longer than any previous one, and everyone's wishes can be realized!Because the goose will find the main character!But the atmosphere at the end of this article will be a bit... ┐(-`)┌ (It's all up to your imagination!)
(End of this chapter)

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