Chapter 134 Location
It has been almost ten days since Lin Yu left St. Freya Academy.

In the independent space created by Lin Yu,
"Cangxuan, when are you going to start looking for those spherical quantum computers?"

Cang Xuan has been playing these days, and he didn't take the search for the sphere computer to heart at all, which made Lin Yu very speechless.But what made Lin Yu even more angry was the map marked with the location of the sphere computer, because there were only three marks on it.

You know, Cang Xuan told Lin Yu only two days ago that she had marked the positions of all the sphere computers.Lin Yu thought there were many, but there were only three, which really left Lin Yu speechless.

"Sorry! Danzhu and I can only remember these three places at the moment, but Lin Yu, don't worry, we will slowly remember the positions of other spheres."

Cang Xuan found that Lin Yu's expression was a bit wrong, and immediately explained the reason to him.

"Xiao Yu, you don't need to be so anxious!"

Just finished practicing swordsmanship, Yae Sakura returned to the shrine with Yae Rin.As soon as he came over, he found that Lin Yu was urging Cang Xuan.

As early as three days ago, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin had successfully fused their bodies, and after a day of familiarization, they are almost completely adapted to the new body.

It can be said that the initial members of the Feather Blade organization have been established.Otherwise, Lin Yu would not let Cang Xuan start looking for those spherical computers.

"Can I do it if I'm not in a hurry? Look at these!"

Lin Yu opened a light screen and projected a piece of information found in the Destiny database on it.

This information was found by Lin Yu looking through the data copied from the Destiny database when he was bored before, and it is also about those spherical quantum computers.

"Huh? Why does the picture on this scroll look so familiar!"

As soon as Cang Xuan saw the image projected by Lin Yu, he immediately leaned forward and took a closer look.She felt like she had seen this pattern somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Huh? Lin Yu, where did you get this picture?"

Dan Zhu, who had just come out of the shrine, walked over as soon as he saw the picture Lin Yu made, and asked him the source of the picture.

"I found this from the Destiny database. Danzhu, do you know what it is?"

Lin Yu felt that Danzhu might know this pattern.

"Danzhu, this pattern sounds very familiar to me. Have we seen this before?"

Cangxuan felt that he was familiar with this picture, so he thought that Danzhu would be a bit too!

"Sister, didn't you draw this picture?"

Dan Zhu looked at Cang Xuan speechlessly.

"Huh? I drew it?"

Cang Xuan was stunned immediately after hearing Dan Zhu's words.The picture was drawn by her?No wonder she felt a sense of familiarity when she saw this picture!

"Yes! This picture is a map that records the positions of all the sphere computers, but it requires a special method to unlock it!"

So Dan Zhu explained the source of this picture to Lin Yu and the others one by one.

It turns out that more than 5000 years ago, Cangxuan and Danzhu worried that too advanced knowledge and technology would disturb the development of human civilization, so they sealed these spheres recording the science and technology of the pre-civilization era in different places, and made this picture special map.

"I remember this picture is only known to my sister, me and Chi Yuan! Why is there such a picture in the Destiny database?"

Danzhu expressed doubts about this.She and Cang Xuan have been sealing Chi You's core, and Chi Yuan has also lost her memory. It stands to reason that no one should know this picture!

"Amnesia does not mean forgetting that memory, those memories are just forgotten in our subconscious mind. Maybe destiny has some technology that can read the memory in people's subconscious mind!"

Lin Yu expressed his guess.

You must know that Destiny and Anti-Entropy are currently the two most advanced organizations in science and technology in the world. It should not be an exaggeration to have this kind of technology to read subconscious memories!

"But this is convenient for us!"

Then Dan Zhu walked up to Lin Yu and began to perform a series of operations on that picture.

Within ten minutes, Dan Zhu deduced the position of a spherical computer, which surprised Lin Yu very much.

"Uh...we know the position of this sphere computer! No wonder I calculated it so fast!"

She thought she could calculate the position of an unknown sphere computer, but the result disappointed Danzhu, so she couldn't help complaining.

"Danzhu, you can calculate so fast by yourself! Wouldn't it be faster to use a computer for Tianming?"

After Lin Yu saw Danzhu's calculated speed, he was a little worried whether the sphere computer in this picture had been found by Tianming.

"Hey! Don't worry! This picture was designed by my sister and I using the Cangxuan Book. I don't know how long it will take for Destiny to unravel the wonderful design of my sister and me!"

Danzhu said proudly.It seems that she is very confident in the picture designed by herself and Cang Xuan!
"That's good! After we find the three spheres we know, you can start to unlock the information on this picture!"

I already know the positions of the three spheres, so I am not in a hurry to solve this picture, and I will have time to solve it when I find the three.

"Okay! Now that we have this picture, let's relax a bit!"

Originally, Lin Yu thought it would be difficult to find the locations of all the sphere computers, but he didn't expect that the information he found by accident would solve this problem all at once.

"In the next few days, I will prepare an exclusive weapon for each of you!"

At present, in this space, there are already four people who have their own exclusive weapons.Only Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu, Yae Rin and Phil have no weapons of their own.So Lin Yu simply took advantage of this time to make a weapon for each of them!Anyway, there is such a big soul steel pillar in his star language space, so it's not for nothing!
"Hey! Lin Yu, do you think soul steel weapons are so easy to make? There is nothing here, what do you want us to do?"

Cang Xuan's words gave Lin Yu a blow to the head.

yes!There are currently no machines in this space, so what does he use to make them?

"Let's find a sphere first! Each sphere is in a refuge of a former civilization! There should be enough machines there to make soul steel weapons!"

Danzhu came up with a solution.

"Uh... alright! Just do what Danzhu told you! Tell me the type of weapon you want first, and I will design the weapon you need according to your ideas!"

Lin Yu really thought things too simply.So before finding the sphere, he should honestly design weapons for Cangxuan and the others!


St. Freya Academy Dormitory,

"Jizi, should we tell Youlandelle that Lin Yu is still alive?"

Teresa lay powerlessly on the table and asked Jizi beside her.

"Even if you want to tell Lin Yu, you have to find a way! Could it be that you can contact Lin Yu?"

Ji Zi rolled her eyes at Teresa.

Lin Yu even left the communicator behind, how can they get in touch!Unless Lin Yu took the initiative to contact them!
However, Lin Yu just disappeared, and it is estimated that he will not have any contact with them in a short time.This makes them very helpless!

"It's his loss that Smelly Lin Yu doesn't contact us! As long as he doesn't contact us for a day, he will know one day later that we have found the person he is looking for!"

Qiyana took the game controller and frantically pressed it, as if she regarded the character in the game as Lin Yu, and vented her anger fiercely.

"Okay! Lin Yu specifically mentioned it, don't let anyone else know about him except the five of us!"

It was Mei who spoke!And the reason why the five people in the dormitory chatted about Lin Yu so unscrupulously was because Fu Hua went out again, and he probably won't be back until the afternoon.But just to be on the safe side, Mei still reminded everyone.


Several people answered.

"I don't know how Lin Yu has been after leaving the academy?"

Mei Yi couldn't help but feel a little worried about Lin Yu.


In the training room of the Destiny Headquarters, Valkyrie Ulandal is training.

"Master Ulandal, you have exceeded your usual training volume today, shouldn't it be time for you to take a break and have lunch?"

Rita on the side couldn't stand it anymore, so she reminded her.

This has been the case ever since Urandale knew that the person she was looking for was most likely "dead" in the Siberian snowfield.This made Ulandal, who usually doesn't talk much, even more silent.

"I'll go after finishing this training!"

Urandale's words were devoid of any emotion.

Rita didn't say much when she saw this. She had encountered this situation several times, and she was used to it.

"Reporting to my lord bishop, my lord Ulandal is still the same as before!"

As soon as Rita went out, she reported to Otto about the situation of Urandale.

"Leave her alone!"

"Yes! My lord bishop!"

In Otto's office, Otto was holding a copy of Lin Yu's accident information, which showed that Lin Yu had been deemed dead!
"I didn't expect that Lin Yu was the child who was taken away by the mysterious man in the orphanage!"

Staring at the accident data, Otto fell into thought.

They had just begun to investigate Lin Yu, and he "died" due to an accident.Although Otto didn't believe it at first, Tianming sent a reconnaissance team to approach the reaction center in all directions after discovering Phoenix's energy reaction. If Lin Yu was alive, it should be impossible to escape the reconnaissance.

Otto also thought that Lin Yu was an anti-entropy person, and there might be anti-entropy people to support him.But at that time, Lin Yu was at the center of the energy reaction, and the anti-entropy people had the ability to rescue people from the judgment-level Houkai beast while avoiding the detection of destiny?No matter what Otto said, he didn't believe it!

"Interesting! Interesting! Interesting!"

Otto put down the materials and said "interesting" three times in a row.


Three days later, a silver-haired boy was searching for something in a ruin underground in the desert in the northwestern part of China.

"Why did Cangxuan seal the sphere computer in such a place?"

This is when Lin Yu was bored after designing Cang Xuan and the others' weapons in the void, and came to a position where the sphere computer was sealed.He wanted to find some machines that could be used by them as soon as possible, otherwise he would have nothing to do with that soul steel pillar.

 After much deliberation, I still don’t write the daily routine!Write a new chapter directly!This chapter is about the protagonist looking for the spherical computer, and the time span may be very large!In this article, the people in the protagonist's organization will be officially assembled!A total of 11 people! PS: There will be a break from tomorrow!Also please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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