Chapter 138 A Week

In the void, in front of the Yae Shrine,

"What? The dead men you met in the refuge were all normal, no mutations?"

Lin Yu, who was sitting at the table in front of the shrine, slammed the table and stood up.

After it took several people a day to reach the meeting place, Lin Yu immediately found a hidden place and opened the door of space, allowing everyone to return to the void.

After putting all the things they got from the shelter in the warehouse aside, several people began to exchange experiences in the shelter.And when Lin Yu learned that there were no mutated dead soldiers in the refuge where Nuova Lu and the others went, he immediately became angry.

Why is he so unlucky!
"Alright! Alright! The large reaction furnace in our shelter is intact, so naturally it won't spawn mutant dead soldiers. If you want to blame, you are too unlucky!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were drinking tea calmly, not caring about Lin Yu s experience at all.

Nuovalu and Hiyumaru on the other side also looked indifferent, who made the original allocation so decided!

"Xiao Yu, stop complaining! Nothing happened anyway!"

Yae Sakura was also sitting on a stone bench at the side, watching a few people communicate.

"I'm just saying a few words, it's not like I can't beat those dead soldiers!"

Lin Yu naturally doesn't care about the mutant dead, what he cares about is the "difficulty of clearance" of these two refuges!

If the difficulty of Cang Xuan and the others' refuge is easy, Lin Yu's difficulty should be difficult!Maybe there will be nightmares or even hell difficulty in the future!
"Shouldn't there be a slayer who can rival the King-class Honkaimon?It would be horrible if there was one! 』

If there really appeared a slayer who could match the strength of the emperor-level Honkai beast, it is estimated that the shelter would be destroyed during the battle!The things inside will be completely destroyed, right?

"By the way! Cangxuan, can you use the things you brought back to make a device that can generate the door of space? Otherwise, you will come to me every time you go out, it will be very troublesome!"

At present, the right to enter and exit the void is in Lin Yu's hands. After all, this is a space created with the power of the Space Herrscher, and there is no other way to enter here except for the power of space.

This caused other people to come to Lin Yu if they wanted to go out for a walk, which is really a bit troublesome!That's why Lin Yu wanted Cangxuan to make a device that would facilitate their entry and exit into the void.

"Are you sure? If someone accidentally got the device, wouldn't someone else enter here?"

yes!If the device can be used to enter the void, then if other people get the device, they can also enter here!
"We can add a safety device! This will be much safer!"

Danzhu suggested.

"I think so too. Only a few of us can enter this space. Naturally, we need some exclusive authentication methods!"

Everyone cannot be allowed to enter the void, so there must be some special ways to enter.Lin Yu had already had some ideas, and he was waiting for Cang Xuan and the others to make the device.

"Alright then! I'll start preparing after a few days of rest! As for the final certification method, I'll let you decide!"

These few people have been looking for the sphere computer for the past few days, and they probably need to take a good rest before they are willing to continue to act!

"Got it! Rest well! There won't be anything to do for at least a week!"

Lin Yu also understood how everyone felt, so he agreed with them to relax for a while.However, Lin Yu still asked Fei Yuwan to pay more attention to Tianming's movements, and Fei Yuwan agreed.


In the following week, everyone in the void was very leisurely.

"Rin, are you still used to using this 3rd holy relic?"

Lin Yu leaned against the cherry blossom tree on the hillside, and asked Yae Rin how he felt after using the 3rd holy relic.

Not long after returning to the Void, Lin Yu handed over the 3rd holy relic to Yae Rin.Yae Rin quickly used it for a series of exercises.

"This Taidao is very easy to use, and it matches well with Luoying swordsmanship!"

After several days of practice, Yae Rin also discovered some special features of the 3rd holy relic.Moreover, the production level and materials of the 3rd holy relic are no worse than Sakura Fuki, and even better than Sakura Fuki in some aspects.

"Xiao Yu, the weapon you got from the ruins is really powerful! It just doesn't match Rin in appearance!"

When teaching Yae Rin swordsmanship, Yae Sakura felt the specialness of the 3rd holy relic, and found that it fit Yae Rin very well.However, Yae Sakura always feels that the almost white appearance of the 3rd holy relic does not match Yae Rin in the scarlet maiden costume!
"It's simple, take the time to let Cangxuan and the others help change the appearance of the 3rd holy relic!"

To be honest, although Yae Rin is very comfortable with the 3rd holy relic, its appearance design does not match Yae Rin's identity as a witch!

But these are minor issues!
Subsequently, Lin Yu quickly projected the model of the 3rd holy relic, and then made some changes to the appearance of the 3rd holy relic according to Yae Rin's request.

"Sure enough, crimson is suitable!"

After Lin Yu adjusted for a period of time, the final model after the transformation of the 3rd holy relic was finally completed.

"Brother, why does the transformation of the 3rd holy relic resemble Sakura Fubuki?"

Fei Yuwan's small head popped out from Lin Yu's side, glanced at the transformed 3rd holy relic model on the light screen, and couldn't help sighing.

"Hmm! They really do look alike!"

Even Yae Sakura felt that it was somewhat similar to Sakura Fubuki after seeing the transformed 3rd holy relic.

"Hey! I asked Brother Lin Yu to help me change it based on Sakura Chuixue's appearance!"

Yae Rin expressed his little thoughts.

Because she always felt that only a weapon like Sakura Fubuki would be more compatible with the identity of a miko, just like her sister Yae Sakura.

"It's just a small thing!"

Lin Yu didn't care much about Yae Rin's little thoughts, after all he had given her the third holy relic, and it was her freedom to use it how to use it.

On the other side, in a room full of technology, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are busy with something.

"Sister, this laboratory has been remodeled! I feel almost done!"

Danzhu looked around the laboratory and felt that it had been transformed to perfection.

"Well! The reaction furnace has been modified! The weapon production system has also been completed! The central network has also been set up, and we will wait for Hiyumaru to connect the erosion virus!"

In terms of data network, no computer can compare to Hiyumaru's erosion virus!So the network system here naturally depends on Feiyuwan!And in this way, the security of the network will be absolutely guaranteed, and the ability can even be compared with the Book of Cangxuan.

In the square in front of the Yae Shrine, Novalu had just finished exercising.

"It will take a lot of time to go back to the peak period!"

After so many days of practice, Novalu also figured out her current strength.

Now she is at most only [-]% to [-]% of the strength of the peak period, but even so, her strength is enough to rival the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

"Now the quality of this body is still too low! There is no way to compare with before!"

Although Nuovalu's current body has been transformed by the core of death, it is still not as good as her previous body of a Herrscher!

However, the current Novalu also has something that she couldn't compare to before, and that is her weapon, the change of black sky and white feather!
Today's Heitian Baiyu has merged with the core of death, and it can be regarded as the same existence as the god's key, Heiyuan Baihua!
wrong!There are also core fragments of the Thunder Herrscher and Storm Herrscher in the same era as Novalu in the black sky and white feathers, and their power should exceed that of Heiyuan Baihua!

"I don't know if Lin Yu will find me a core of the Herrscher of the Sky for use?"

Although Novalu's core was fused by Star Language, there are still two Herrsrscher's cores in this era!One is the core of the Herrscher of the Sky in this era, and the other is the core of the Second God's Key left over from the previous era!

It's a pity that the core of the Herrscher of the Sky is now on Qiyana, and Xilin, who can really control the core of the Herrscher of the Sky, has been sealed by Lin Yu.As for the second God's Key, there is no trace to be found at all, so there is no Herrsrscher Core for her to use now!
"You can only try your luck in the future!"

Novalu doesn't expect to get the Herrscher's core right now, so she is going to focus on herself for improvement.But if that's the case, Novalu estimates that he has at most reached [-]% to [-]% of his peak strength.

Of course, if Nuova got the core of Herrscher, then she would be sure to let her current self surpass her former peak period.

On the hillside, the four of Lin Yu were sitting around eating dessert.

"Brother! After sister Cangxuan builds the access device, is there anything we can do?"

Although staying in the void is very leisurely, but after a long time it becomes a bit boring, even Hiyumaru wants to find something to do!
"Yes! Brother Lin Yu, do we have any plans for the future?"

Yae Rin's body is not as weak as it used to be, and she also learned some swordsmanship from Yae Sakura in the Stigmata Space and here, so she also hopes that she can help Lin Yu.

After Yae Sakura and Yae Rin fused their bodies, Lin Yu was afraid that they would not be familiar with the new body, so he didn't let the two of them participate in the search for the sphere, and asked Phil to stay with them in the void.

But now Yae Sakura and Yae Rin should have adapted to their bodies long ago, Lin Yu thinks it's time to take the two of them out to experience the current social environment!After all, their cognition of the real world is all learned from the Cangxuan Book.

"The subsequent arrangements have not been determined! But tomorrow I can take you out for a walk! But you have to change your clothes before going out!"

Yae Sakura and Yae Rin were both wearing witch costumes, how could Lin Yu let them go out like this!So they had to be changed into clothes in line with modern society.

 It is expected that Kalian and Ji Xuanyuan will appear in the next three or four chapters! PS: There are so few recommended tickets on days that are not updated! (ー_ー)!! I understand this, but I hope there will be more recommended tickets on the update day!I also wish you all the best!


(End of this chapter)

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