The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 142 Returning to School

Chapter 142 Returning to School
Lin Yu stood there motionless, just watching St. Freya Academy quietly.

"Look at them for a while, they should be fine!"

Lin Yu took out a white hat from the Xingyu space and put it on his head.

This hat is his disguise!Who made Lin Yu now have silver white hair!If you just look at his appearance, no one should be able to recognize him.But if someone sees his face, it is estimated that it will be revealed in less than a second.

By controlling the program left by Hiyumaru, Lin Yu erased his image on the surveillance, and then sneaked into St. Freya Academy quietly.

As soon as he entered St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu saw the familiar scenes.

"The environment here hasn't changed at all!"

Lin Yu was walking around St. Freya Academy. The routes he chose were all small paths with no people, so it was difficult to meet people.

"It's already this time, Mei and the others should be leaving get out of class, right?"

Lin Yu glanced at the time on Cangxuanzhishu's watch, and guessed that it was time for Mei and the others to leave the classroom.

As Lin Yu expected, a few minutes later, Lin Yu saw Mei and the others walking out of the teaching building.

"Mei, let's go back to eat quickly! My stomach is going to be hungry!"

As soon as Qiyana came out of the teaching building, Lin Yu saw her holding Mei's arm tightly, and behind the two, Bronya and Fu Hua also came out.

"Qiana! Didn't you eat a lot for breakfast? Why are you hungry right after school?"

You must know that one-third of the breakfast was settled by Qiyana alone.After a while, Kiana was hungry again, which really left Mei speechless.

"Qiana used to rely on the snacks I gave her most of the time, but now that I'm away, no one gave her snacks!" 』

Lin Yu in the distance looked at the four people who were together silently, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.


Fu Hua suddenly felt that someone was staring at them, so he immediately looked around.

"No one? Then what happened to the sight I felt just now?"

After some inspection, Fu Hua didn't find anything.This made her feel a little strange.

Behind a stone pillar not far away, Lin Yu is using the stone pillar to completely hide his figure.

"The squad leader's vigilance is too scary! I was almost discovered!"

If it weren't for Lin Yu's quick enough reaction, he would have been discovered by Fu Hua.It has to be said that as a former "immortal", Fu Hua's perception is indeed far beyond that of ordinary people.

Then Lin Yu arrived near the dormitory one step ahead of Mei and the others.

Lin Yu took out a box from the Xingyu space, put it at the door of the dormitory, and left immediately.After all, he just came back this time to take a look at Mei and the others. Although he didn t see Jizi and Teresa, Lin Yu was already very satisfied.

A few minutes later, Mei and the others returned to the dormitory.The first thing they saw was the box placed at the door of the dormitory.

"Huh? Who put this box here?"

Kiyana picked up the box and took a look, but found that it said "Bronya accepts" on it, and immediately handed the box to Bronya.

"Bronya, is this your package?"

Bronya took the box with some doubts.She hasn't bought anything these days!Where did the package come from?

But when Bronya shook the box and heard the voice inside, she immediately realized what was inside.

"Sister Mei! Stupid Kiana! Come to Bronya's room! Bronya has something to say!"

As soon as the words fell, Bronya pushed open the dormitory door and ran into her room in a hurry.


Mei and Qiyana, you look at me, I look at you, completely do not understand what Bronya means.

"Since classmate Bronya has something to ask you, then I won't bother you!"

When Fu Hua heard that it was a matter between the three of them, he didn't get involved, but went to the living room alone, poured a glass of water and drank slowly.

Mei and Kiyana went to Bronya's room after putting their things back in the room. They also wanted to see what Bronya had to say.

"Bronya, what's the matter? It's so mysterious!"

As soon as Kiana and Mei entered Bronya's room, they saw that she had opened the box just now.

There are more than a dozen tubes of transparent reagents in the box.After Mei and Qiyana saw these reagents, they had no idea what those things were.However, Bronya seemed to know what these reagents were. She opened a locked drawer, took out a tube of the same reagent from it, and compared them carefully for a long time.

"Well! After Bronya's identification, the two tubes of reagents are the same!"

After confirming the reagents, Bronya put all the reagents into her drawer, and then locked the drawer again.

"Bronya, what are those reagents? Why do you keep them so secret?"

Seeing that Bronya had carefully put away the reagents, Mei was a little puzzled.

"Bronya said the door needs to be closed before!"

Upon hearing Bronya's words, Qiyana by the door closed the door, and said:

"Bronya, can I speak now?"

"This box was sent by Brother Lin Yu!"

Bronya pointed to the box that had been opened and said expressionlessly.


Mei and Kiana suddenly yelled.


Bronya made a quiet gesture, and the two immediately understood after seeing Bronya's gesture.

In the living room, Fu Hua looked at Bronya's room where the exclamation came out just now, and said very puzzled:
"What happened? Why did they react so strongly?"

In Bronya's room, the three looked at the box, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Why would Lin Yu send a box over silently? What are the reagents in it for?"

For a moment, Mei didn't know the purpose of Lin Yu quietly sending a box back.

"These reagents were sent to Bronya by brother Lin Yu. But there is still a letter here. Do you need to talk to Principal Teresa?"

Bronya naturally knew that those reagents were the Honkai neutralizing reagents that Lin Yu gave her to treat her legs before. After all, there were less than two tubes of reagents left by Lin Yu.If Lin Yu hadn't sent these reagents again, Bronya would run out of reagents in at most one week.

Fortunately, Lin Yu sent her back twelve tubes of reagents this time, which can almost restore some consciousness in her legs.It's just that if you want to recover completely, you still need Lin Yu to treat yourself.

Mei and Kiyana looked at the letter that said "All are welcome", and decided to inform Teresa first.

On the other side, Teresa received a message from Mei.The next moment, she asked the three of them to bring the letter to her office immediately, and at the same time she notified Ji Zi.

About half an hour later, five people gathered in Teresa's office.

"Principal, this is a letter from Lin Yu!"

Mei stepped forward and handed the letter to Teresa.

"Lin Yu hasn't contacted us for so long. Let me see what this brat has written."

Before Teresa opened the letter, Ji Zi couldn't wait to move over to it.

Teresa opened the letter for a long time, and everyone immediately surrounded them, wanting to see what Lin Yu wrote in the letter.

"Everyone! How are you? I haven't seen you for almost two months!

Although I know that you all want me to go back to St. Freya Academy, but I am really sorry!In Tianming's file, I am already a 'suspected death' person, and Tianming has not stopped investigating me.You don't want a person who is being investigated by the Mandate of Heaven to go back, do you?
But don't worry, I'm doing fine, you don't need to look for me. "

Although it was only a few short paragraphs, it made the five people let go of their worries for the past two months.

"It seems that our worries these days are unnecessary!"

Teresa seemed to be able to see Lin Yu's recent situation from the content of the letter.In her opinion, Lin Yu's recent life must not be bad, otherwise he would not have come to the academy to deliver this letter to them.

"That's why we don't have to worry about it anymore!"

Ji Zi felt the same way.She believed that if Lin Yu had anything that he could not solve, he would definitely contact them.Although they couldn't contact Lin Yu, she believed that Lin Yu must have a way to contact them.Otherwise, how did Lin Yu send the news to Mei Yi after he left?
"This stinky Lin Yu has already arrived at the door of the dormitory, why doesn't he want to see us?"

Kiyana stomped her feet angrily.

He had already arrived at the door of the dormitory, yet he left without saying goodbye.

"Lin Yu has said before that there may be people from the headquarters of Tianming in the academy. He is also thinking of himself!"

Mei explained to Kiana.After all, Lin Yu had already said before that Fu Hua was probably the person sent by the Tianming headquarters to monitor them.

"Okay! Since Lin Yu is fine, we don't need to worry about it. By the way, Bronya! What are the reagents Lin Yu gave you for?"

Teresa began to ask Bronya about the role of the twelve tubes of reagents mentioned by the three before.

Bronya didn't hide it either, so she explained the effect of the reagent to others.

"Is there such a reagent?"

After hearing what Bronya said about the effects of the reagents, Teresa and Jizi were stunned.This kind of reagent that can neutralize the Houkai energy and repair the damage is not even destiny!Where did Lin Yu get it?
On the hill behind St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu was looking at several people in the office with the Cangxuan Book.

"It seems that they are completely relieved! Then I can go to the mission with peace of mind!"

Although Lin Yu couldn't hear Teresa and the others' conversation only by relying on the surveillance video, Lin Yu could already guess from the changes in their expressions.

After confirming everyone's situation again, Lin Yu disconnected the Cangxuan Book from the Saint Freya Academy system.

"It's time to go!"

With a thought in Lin Yu's mind, a door of space opened in front of him.

After taking Lin Yu in, the door of space closed, and everything was calm again.

 It is expected that this article will be over!The holiday chapter should start around chapter 150.But before that, Karen and Ji Xuanyuan must come out. PS: You know what will happen in the holiday chapter! ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~ (I will post it in advance if I have something to do today!)
(End of this chapter)

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