Chapter 146

Two days later, in the shelter of a ruin in Shenzhou,
"Karen! Ji Lin! Are you alright?"

Lin Yu leaned outside a certain room, waiting for Kalian and Ji Lin to come out after merging their bodies.

In order to allow Kalian and Ji Lin to fuse their bodies smoothly, Lin Yu deliberately found a room, and then cleared out the dead men in it, so the room they are in can be said to be absolutely safe.

However, this also caused Lin Yu not to go to the refuge to find the sphere in the first place. Fortunately, Lin Yu didn't care about it. After all, the sphere was sealed there and would not run away.

A few minutes later, Karen and Ji Lin came out of the room.It's just that the clothes of the two of them are not the casual clothes that Lin Yu is wearing now, but the clothes that Lin Yu has prepared before.

"Lin Yu! Where did you get this dress? It's similar to my previous one!"

Karen came out in a purple dress.But even though it was a dress, it didn't affect her actions at all.

Lin Yu was also very curious about the origin of the suit Kalian was wearing, because Lin Yu found the data of this suit from the Destiny database.It's not an exaggeration to say that this suit was specially made for Karen!Because this suit fits so well on Kallen!

"This dress is not specially designed by Otto for Kallen, is it? 』

Apart from this guess, Lin Yu couldn't think of any other reasonable explanation.After all, the person who is most familiar with Kallen in Destiny can't find anyone other than Otto, okay?

"This dress fits me perfectly!"

Ji Lin didn't wear a dress like Karen, but she was wearing an ancient costume.This is the clothes Lin Yu chose based on the first time he saw Ji Lin's ideological appearance, and it also does not affect her actions.

"Okay! You have all merged! Then I'll go find the sphere!"

Lin Yu gave the Xuanyuan Sword and the second holy relic to Ji Lin and Ka Lian respectively, just in line with their habits.

"Exactly! Leave the dead soldiers here to us! Take it as adaptive training!"

Karen and Ji Lin, who had just fused their bodies, were still not used to their own bodies.And to say what training can best quickly adapt to the current body, it is undoubtedly a few battles.So Lin Yu agreed, but he still held Xingyu in his hand to prevent any accidents from happening.

Half an hour later, Lin Yu successfully got the sphere here.It's just that Lin Yu never had a chance to make a move during the whole process, okay.

Karen and Ji Lin either shot or slashed, and cleaned up the dead soldiers in the shelter very neatly.

"I can't see anything wrong with the two of them, okay?" 』

Lin Yu said with emotion in his heart while silently collecting the sphere with the last seal left in the star language.

"Lin Yu, is it over? Let's go back quickly! I can't wait to see Sakura!"

Looking at Lin Yu who put away the ball, Kalian kept asking.

Lin Yu has heard this sentence countless times in the past two days, and it can be said that he is completely immune.But it's different now, because Karen and Ji Lin have successfully fused their bodies, so he agreed.

It's just that Lin Yu said before that he would surprise Yaeying, Cangxuan and Danzhu, so he naturally had to prepare.

"We can go back now, but before we can go back we need to..."

Lin Yu walked to Kalian and Ji Lin, talking in a low voice.

between the void,

"Lin Yu just rested for a day, why did he go to find the sphere in such a hurry?"

Cangxuan was sitting on the swing in front of the shrine, swinging leisurely.

They came back the afternoon before yesterday, which means that Lin Yu just took a rest and ran to find the sphere again yesterday.She really didn't understand what Lin Yu was doing!
"He probably wants to find the sphere sooner! If the fate finds it, the situation will be a bit unfavorable to us!"

While assembling something on the table, Danzhu expressed his guess.

"Don't worry! That guy Lin Yu just went out to do some errands! He will be back soon!"

Novalu took a piece of snack from the table, then sat on the side and ate slowly.

"Sister Lulu, do you know what brother Lin Yu is going to do?"

Yae Rin looked at Novalu curiously, wanting to get an answer from Novalu.

"This matter has to be kept a secret!"

Novalu pretended to be mysterious.

"Hey! You just wait for brother to come back!"

Hiyumaru, who had become the size of a pet, sat on the table holding a piece of snack that was almost half the size of her body and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Of course they knew what Lin Yu was going out for, after all, only the three of them knew about it.Even Phil didn't know about it.

"Sister Lulu, should we remind Phil? Otherwise, I'm afraid she will disturb the surprise prepared by brother."

Hiyumaru was eating snacks and drinking Novalu to communicate with each other.

"During the insurance period, you should talk to Phil! Otherwise it will be bad if there is an accident!"

Novalu also agreed with Hiyumaru's suggestion.

Phil has been with them for about two months. Although her thinking has been changed to some extent, she may not be able to react quickly to the upcoming surprise.So it is really necessary to tell her in advance.

Then Higokumaru flew to Phil who was practicing a new weapon in the distance.

It was Cangxuan's custom-made weapon using soul steel and Phil - a pair of weapons that can be transformed between claws and gloves.Cang Xuan also gave it two names - in the glove form it is called the Phoenix's Grip, and in the claw form it is naturally called the Phoenix's Claw.

In addition, Lin Yu also specially taught Phil the Cunxin Fist that Fu Hua taught him, so that she could get familiar with the use of new weapons faster.

"Phil, come here! Let me tell you something!"

Higokumaru returned to normal when it flew towards Phil.

"Sister Hiyumaru, what's the matter?"

Phil stopped practicing after hearing Higokumaru's voice, and then walked over.

There is also a reason why Phil is called Sister Fei Yuwan. After all, everyone here is older than her, so except for Brother Lin Yu, everyone else is called Sister.Although Higokumaru and Yae Rin sounded a little awkward at first, because Phil looked similar to them, but after a long time, he got used to it.

"I tell you..."

Fei Yuwan came to Phil's ear and told her how Lin Yu was preparing for the surprise, and asked her to cooperate with Lin Yu well.Only in this way can we give Yae Sakura, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu a surprise.

"Hmm! No problem!"

Phil nodded after listening, saying that he would cooperate well.

About two hours later, a door of space quietly opened in the backyard of the Yae Shrine.Three figures came out from inside, they were the three of Lin Yu who came back from the outside.

"Have you remembered everything I said before? Don't make mistakes!"

Lin Yu didn t forget to tell Kalian and Ji Lin again at this time.

"Don't worry! We have all remembered!"

When Lin Yu told them the whole plan, Kallen was very interested, and she also thought that the ordinary reunion with Sakura was meaningless.However, Ji Lin didn't seem to show much interest in this, but only said that he would cooperate with Lin Yu's plan.

"Then, let the surprise come!"

surprise!surprise!Of course it is to be surprised first and then delighted!Otherwise, Lin Yu would not have prepared for such a long time.


In front of the Yae Shrine, when everyone was chatting leisurely, they suddenly heard a gunshot.Yae Sakura and the others couldn't help but become vigilant in an instant.

However, the surprise of Novalu, Hiyumaru, and Phil was feigned, because they knew that Lin Yu's surprise had begun.

"what happened?"

"Go over and see what's going on?"

Yae Sakura and Cangxuan immediately rushed to the shrine, and Nuova followed behind.

It's just that when they rushed to the shrine, they found an amazing scene: two masked people appeared in the shrine at some point, and Lin Yu was lying unconscious on the ground after being shot and bleeding.

Of course, the blood on Lin Yu's body must be fake, it is a prop prepared by Lin Yu long ago.

"who are you?"

Cang Xuan and the others immediately became highly vigilant, after all, only they can open the entrance between voids.But the two people in front of them were able to come in, and they were able to knock Lin Yu into a coma, so there must be a lot of reason.

"Sorry! I'm bothering you! We just came to chase this guy who robbed us and accidentally entered here!"

Wearing a mask, Kallen solemnly began to act according to the script Lin Yu had prepared.


What Karen said shocked Cang Xuan and the others.

Someone can catch up with Lin Yu's speed and enter the gate of space to come here?But how did they withstand the spatial fluctuations in the transmission process?This is a mystery to Cangxuan and the others!But they didn't have time to think about it at this time, because Lin Yu was still lying there bleeding!
"Eh... Lin Yu, your way of appearing on the stage is too exaggerated!"

Nova Lu passed the reading speechlessly to Lin Yu who was lying on the ground"bleeding".

"Brother, your appearance is indeed a bit strange!"

Fei Yuwan also found it funny how Lin Yu lay on the ground when he appeared on the stage.If it wasn't for cooperating with Lin Yu, she would have laughed a long time ago.

"Cooperate well! The rest is to watch Karen's performance!"

Lin Yu lay on the ground motionless and passed the reading to Novalu and Fei Yuwan.

"What did you do to Lin Yu?"

After saying that, Cang Xuan launched a fire spell directly at Kalian and Ji Lin, and Dan Zhu also launched a lightning attack without hesitation.


Before the flames and lightning hit the two of them, Ji Lin pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword disguised by Lin Yu and stopped the two attacks.

If the entire shrine hadn't been strengthened by Lin Yu with Honkai, it is estimated that it would have been demolished at this time.

Of course, there are also reasons why a few people stayed here. After all, there are so many people here, so we can't just demolish this place all at once.

"Falling Cherry Slash—San Hua!"

Yae Sakura pulled out Sakura Fukixue and waved it towards Ji Lin without hesitation.In her opinion, anyone who hurt Lin Yu is an enemy and must be eliminated.

"What is this lady in such a hurry for?"

When Yae Sakura rushed towards Ji Linhe, Kallen suddenly appeared by her side at some point.

"Go away!"

Yae Sakura was going to slash at Ji Lin, but immediately changed direction and hit Kallen.It's just that Karen seems to have been aware of this attack long ago, so she dodged it easily.

"Miss, since we can't get what we want now..."

The moment Karen dodged Yae Sakura's attack, she turned around and held Yae Sakura who was about to attack again, and then approached her, saying:

"Why don't you let me take you back?"


Novalu, Hiyumaru and Phil, who knew about it, were just about to launch an attack to make a show, but they were stunned by Karen's words.Lin Yu, who was lying there, was also stunned. He didn't remember such a line in the script he prepared!

"Hey Hey hey!Caroline, you're in for a show! 』

 Feel sorry!I feel like the Fog City Holiday chapter can't start at chapter 150!Suddenly found that there is still a lot to write before this! PS: I suddenly got some inspiration, so I want to write more before the holiday article!Do you agree? ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
(End of this chapter)

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