The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 15 Changes in Star Language

Chapter 15 Changes in Star Language

The morning after defeating the Pseudo-Herrscher, Lin Yu got up early, ready to practice swordsmanship.

"Huh? What's going on?" Lin Yu wanted to take out Sakura Chuixue from the Xingyu space, but there was no response.After trying several times, there was no response even to turn the star language into a weapon form.Lin Yu panicked now, there are a lot of supplies in the "Starry Sky"!More importantly, Sakura Fubuki is still inside!That was the only thing Sakura left for herself!

"Hey, hello! Are you kidding me?" Lin Yu kept urging the star language bracelet, but it was useless, and he still couldn't get anything out of it.

"What are you in a hurry for?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded in Lin Yu's mind.

"!!!" Lin Yu immediately looked around and found that there was no one.Only then did he realize that the voice was very familiar, very similar to Novalu from Soul Steel Space.So Lin Yu asked: "Novalu, is that you?"

"What? Forgot me after a few days?" Novalu's voice came from Lin Yu's mind again.

"It's really you!" Lin Yu was very happy after confirming that the voice belonged to Novalu, and asked quickly: "Novaru, why can't the star language be used? I tried it several times and there was no response! "

"Star language? What is that?" Novalu in the soul steel space was a little confused.This is also normal, after all, Novalu didn't know when Lin Yu named the newly cast Taidao.

So Lin Yu spent a little time explaining the reason, and only then did Nuovalu's doubts be dispelled.

"Star Language? That's a good name!" Novalu in the soul steel space was very satisfied with the name after hearing the reason.

"Novalu, don't pay attention to this! Why are all the functions of the star language useless now?" Lin Yu, who couldn't use the star language, looked anxious.

"I told you not to worry! Give me some time, and I will explain the reason to you in detail!"

"All right!"

For a while after that, Lin Yu sat on the side, listening carefully to Novalu's explanation.

It turned out that this was not a problem with Xingyu, on the contrary, it was a good thing.After Lin Yu defeated the Pseudo-Herserscher, Xingyu absorbed her core.This core is much stronger than the core embedded in the previous casting, and it is not at the same level at all.It is precisely because of the absorption of this core that Xingyu began to replace the weapon core by itself. Simply put, Xingyu is about to upgrade and evolve.

"That means I can't use any functions of Star Language until the upgrade of Star Language is completed?" Lin Yu asked Novalu with some uncertainty.

"That's right! But it won't be too long, probably only about a day!"

"Eh...all my things are still in it! What should I do?" Lin Yu immediately became very frustrated after hearing what Nuovalu said.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Hearing Lin Yu's frustrated tone, Nuova Lu couldn't help getting angry, and shouted: "Do you know how much benefit this evolution of astrology can bring you! I Tell you, don't be dissatisfied!"

"Huh? There are benefits after the star language is upgraded?" Lin Yu was taken aback when he heard this.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Lin Yu thought about it carefully. When he communicated with Nova Lu in the soul steel space before, he seemed to have mentioned that because the soul steel that casts astrology is unique, its potential is still unknown.However, Novalu didn't seem to explain how to specifically stimulate the potential.

"It seems to have been mentioned before!" After thinking about it, Lin Yu casually said to Novalu.

"For the sake of you getting the core of the Pseudo-Hunkai, I won't argue with you!" Although Nuovalu was a little unhappy with Lin Yu's attitude, but for the sake of Lin Yu's collection of Honkai energy It didn't show up.

"Novalu, what will happen to the star language after the upgrade?" Lin Yu had some small expectations for the upgraded star language, and asked Novaro impatiently.

"I can communicate with you, isn't that enough?" Novalu said with dissatisfaction.

"That's it?" Lin Yu seemed very dissatisfied with Novalu's answer.

"What? No way?" Nuova Lu said in a questioning tone.

As soon as he heard that Nuova Lu's tone was wrong, Lin Yu immediately replied repeatedly: "Satisfied and satisfied! It just feels that the change is not as great as expected!"

This time it's the core of the Pseudo-Herserscher!The energy of the collapse is unknown how many times higher than the original core of the collapse.However, the performance improvement is only so small, which really failed to meet Lin Yu's expectations!Anyway, he also worked his life to kill the Pseudo-Hersencher, and he always felt that the rewards were out of proportion to the sacrifices.But when he thought of avenging Sakura for him, he felt a little more balanced.

"Just kidding! How could the upgraded functions be so limited?" Seeing that Lin Yu was silent for a long time, Novalu suddenly told the truth.

"Don't play like this! Can you make it clear at once?" This ups and downs of mentality experience made Lin Yu a little unacceptable.

"Cut! It's just a joke!" Novalu in the soul steel space was a little unhappy. She didn't expect that Lin Yu couldn't even accept such a small joke.

"Huh~" Lin Yu took a deep breath, calmed down his ups and downs, and then said to Novalu, "Can you make it clear this time?"

"Got it!" Novalu no longer concealed, and told Lin Yu all the changes in the star language.

After the core of the collapse was replaced by the core of the quasi-herrscher, Novalu was the first to benefit.If Lin Yu can enter the soul steel space, he will find that Nuova Lu's appearance is no longer as vague as before.The outline of each part has been much clearer, and now she can be seen more clearly.

The second change is the expansion of storage space, but Lin Yu couldn't perceive it before the upgrade of Xingyu was completed.But Nuovalu is different, she has always been in the star language, and she can know all the changes in it.According to Nuovalu's vague description, Lin Yu probably knew that the storage space had expanded into a cube with a side length of about 15 meters.This is enough for Lin Yu, no matter how big it is, it will not be of much use.

Furthermore, there are small changes in the form of weapons and a substantial increase in the power of weapons.Lin Yu couldn t see the shape change before the star language was completed. As for the power?Take the previous temple-level Honkai Beast as an example, Lin Yu now estimates that it can split its large shield without stigmata.As for the final function, Novalu did not elaborate, but just let Lin Yu collect more soul steel materials if he had the opportunity.

"Lulu, what is this last function?" Lin Yu suddenly said something after Novalu finished speaking.

"Ah? What did you call me?" Nuova Lu in the space was surprised when Lin Yu called her.

"Uh... Lulu! What's the matter? I think I just called it that way!" Only then did Lin Yu realize that the name he called Nuova just now was different.

It's up to you Nova blushed in the space, but Lin Yu couldn't see it.Then Novalu explained to Lin Yu: "This function is impossible to realize now, I will tell you when you have collected enough soul steel!"

"Okay! I will try my best to collect it!" Now Lin Yu probably doesn't know how rare soul steel materials are in this world, and he will definitely be desperate when he knows.

"That's all for the current changes in Star Language! I guess this is almost the limit. If you want to upgrade again, you need a more advanced core! But I guess you can't get it!"

Novalu was right about this!What is more advanced than the Herrscher Core is the Herrscher Core!Want the current Lin Yu to deal with Herrscher?Ha ha!That's purely looking for death!After all, Lin Yu almost killed him by defeating an incomplete quasi-herrscher.

"Then I'll use it after the star language upgrade is completed! It is impossible for me to get the advanced core!" Lin Yu can't do the death-seeking thing.

"Then let's do this first! My time is almost up!"

"What time is it?"

"You don't think that a pseudo-hersher core can support me to communicate with you all the time? There must be a time limit, and it feels like it's only about an hour. But if I recover some more, there should be some time!"

"Then recover well!"

"By the way! If you have time, put some information about this era in the Star Language space. I don't want to be an idiot of this era. And it's best not to disclose the secrets of the Star Language to anyone. Things with unknown potential will inevitably attract The spying of others! This principle will not change no matter what era it is!" The last few words of Novalu were obviously very serious, and then she stopped talking and went back to recover.

"Understood!" Lin Yu replied, although Novalu didn't hear it.As for the last few words, he can know without Novalu teaching him, at least no one knows the secret of Star Language right now.

『Lulu was pretty boring in that place too.After leaving this city, she needs to find something for her entertainment! 』Then Lin Yu remembered the feeling when he entered the soul steel space for the first time, the empty darkness, only the memory "movie" of Nova Lu was constantly playing in a loop.If Lin Yu stayed in that place for a long time, he would probably suffer from depression.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yu seemed to have remembered something.what is it then?

"Oops! Forgot about De Lisa!" Only then did Lin Yu realize that he had forgotten De Lisa.

Looking at the rising sun, it is estimated that Teresa should wake up too!But maybe still asleep!Thinking of this, Lin Yu thought that it has been delayed for so long anyway, so it's not too late.

"If Teresa asks, she will say that she is going to collect food! Just go to collect some supplies!" Lin Yu took all the food he ate before from "Starry Sky", and now the star language is still being upgraded!Lin Yu could only run nearby to collect a little.Although he doesn't have any weapons, Lin Yu still has stigmata. This little thing can't trouble Lin Yu now!

 Guess what is the last function of Star Language?As for the reminder, only the soul steel material is needed!whee!Guaranteed to exceed your expectations!You are welcome to write your guesses in the comments!If you like this novel, please reward a few recommendation tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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