Chapter 153
After Lin Yu placed the Second God Key and the little armed doll, he continued to perform the task of finding the sphere.

"The power in this core seems to be a bit different from that of Novalu!"

On the way to the position of the sphere, Lin Yu carefully felt the power drawn from the core of the Second God's Key.

You must know that Lin Yu had integrated Novalu's Herrscher core of the sky early, and was very familiar with the power contained in it, so he also felt the difference in power in the two Herrscher cores at the first time.

The power in Novalu's Herrscher core is that it can open the door of space for teleportation, and it can also attach the power of space to weapons, and even create a certain size of space, just like the void created by Lin Yu ; and the power in the core of the Second God's Key also opens the passage to the quantum sea, it cannot open the door of space for teleportation, and it is impossible to attach its power to weapons, but it can create a certain size of space .

In the final analysis, the essential power of the two Herrscher cores is still the power of space, but the direction of use is different.

"Let's see if we can modify the Herrscher's power inside! Otherwise, Lulu might not get used to it!"

Anyway, it is all formed by the power of space, Lin Yu wondered if he could modify the power contained in this new core to the power in Novalu's core.

Although Lin Yu has assimilated and integrated this power into his own space core after obtaining it, Lin Yu is still not fully sure to complete the transformation of the Herrscher's core, but it is worth a try.

As long as Lin Yu doesn't break the core, it is no different from a toy in Lin Yu's hands, and he can only let him play with it.

"Let's find the sphere first! Let's transform it when you have time!"

This search mission is estimated to last for another two or three weeks, so Lin Yu has enough time to transform this new core.

In the next two months, the three-way team looking for the sphere spent three weeks looking for it, and then gave themselves a week off.Otherwise, they would be bored looking for the sphere all the time.

Fortunately, in the past two months, the three-way team has found a lot of spheres.

The team led by Cang Xuan found twelve spheres, the team led by Dan Zhu found eleven spheres, and Lin Yu found 22 spheres.I have to say that the power of space that Lin Yu possesses is really convenient for finding things.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yu found sixteen spheres in the first month, and it was completed under the condition of transforming the new core.In the second month, Yae Rin no longer followed Danzhu, but chose to follow Lin Yu to find the sphere, which made it not so convenient for Lin Yu to act, but he still found more than others.

And Danzhu and the others did not bring Yae Sakura and Karen with them in the second month.Because they couldn't stand these two people anymore, they simply let the two of them stay together in the void, and then took Ji Lin to find the sphere together.And Cangxuan didn't say anything, after all, she had been with Ji Lin for a month, so she didn't care about it, and continued to search for the sphere with Novalu and Phil.

Two months later, in the computer room in the void, a suspended computer group composed of 82 spheres is automatically rotating regularly.

"The task of finding the sphere is basically over now, there are still six left! Let's find it slowly when you have time!"

Danzhu lay on the side table, looking at the floating computer group, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Dan Zhu, don't think that this is the end of the matter!"

Lin Yu looked at the computer group composed of 82 spheres, his face looked a little dignified, and he seemed to have something to say.

"Lin Yu, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

Danzhu asked.

"Brother Lin Yu and I were looking for the sphere, and found that the sphere in one of the ruins had disappeared, and it might have been taken away first!"

Yae Rin said what Lin Yu wanted to say.

That was the position of the last sphere she and Lin Yu looked for in the second month.Originally, they were happily planning to take the sphere and return to the void, but when they went in, they found that there was nothing inside, not even a single piece of damaged equipment in the shelter.

"We also found one here!"

Novalu also encountered the same situation as Lin Yu's side.

"How? How could someone find those spheres before us?"

Danzhu looked in disbelief.

"Danzhu, don't forget, we have encountered people of destiny several times in the process of searching for the sphere!"

Cang Xuan said with a serious face.

Obviously, she was also angry that someone else took the orb she had sealed away.

"Who else can there be besides Tianming! Look!"

After speaking, Fei Yuwan showed the information that he found from the database of Tianming headquarters to everyone.

What is displayed on the light screen are exactly two spheres, which are marked by the Mandate of Heaven as the legacy of the last era, and are products of technology that their current technology cannot understand.

"Huh~ It's okay! The seals of these spheres haven't been lifted yet!"

Dan Zhu carefully looked at the picture sent by Fei Yuwan, and found that the seals on the two spheres owned by Tianming are still there, only one sphere has been broken by two layers of seals, while the other is intact.It is estimated that the information of other spheres obtained by Destiny is interpreted from the sphere that broke the two layers of seals!

"It's okay! I have absolute confidence in my seal, it's impossible for them to break the last seal!"

Cangxuan has absolute confidence in his sealing technique, because this last seal is different from the other layers, if something goes wrong, the entire sphere will be scrapped directly.She didn't believe that the destiny would let the sphere that was finally found be scrapped just like that.

"Put those two spheres at the Destiny's place first, and let them keep them for us. When we have enough strength in the future, we will go directly to get those two spheres back!"

Seeing that Cang Xuan was so confident in his sealing technique, he didn't say anything.After all, Lin Yu knew how powerful Cangxuan's sealing technique was.He also didn't believe that anyone other than him and Cangxuan Danzhu could undo all the seals of the sphere.

So Lin Yu took it as Tianming to help them keep the sphere, and when they were strong enough, he would go to Tianming himself to get the sphere back.

"That's right! We will definitely get the sphere back at that time!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are also full of confidence in this.

After all, their Feather Blade organization has not fully grown up yet!Once they are allowed to grow up, even the destiny should not stop them easily.


Lin Yu took a deep breath and put the matter aside for the time being.

"Now that the spheres are almost found, everyone can enjoy some free time! You can do whatever you want!"

There are only four spheres left outside, and Lin Yu is going to get them back after a day of rest, otherwise he will be taken away first by the destiny at that time, it will be bad.

"Yeah! Finally, I don't have to travel long distances for these spheres!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu shouted happily.

You know, the team they lead is not as easy as Lin Yu to find the sphere. Except for the first time they walked out of the void and were directly teleported to the vicinity of the location, they needed to rush to the rest of the locations by themselves.

So they are extremely envious of Lin Yu!But Lin Yu's abilities are beyond their grasp!

After Lin Yu said this, he returned to his room first, and began to do the final processing on the new space core.

During the two months of searching for the sphere, Lin Yu has successfully converted the power of the second God's Key core into the power of Novalu's core.However, it consumes a lot of Lin Yu's energy every time he switches, so he can only do it slowly.

But now, the transformed power in this core has already exceeded 90.00% five, only this last time is over.

"Hurry up and end it! This way, Lulu can adapt to this new core sooner!"

To be honest, Lin Yu is still looking forward to Novalu's peak strength.Even when he and Higokumaru fell into the space of the Herrscher at the beginning, he didn't see the full strength of Novalu. After all, Novalu's opponent was her sister Noelle at that time, so Novalu still had the ability to attack. Hold on.Otherwise, the last blow would definitely destroy Herrscher's body directly.

"That's right! It will be the Chinese New Year in a while, and this new core can just be used as a New Year's gift for Lulu!"

While Lin Yu was thinking about something in his heart, the new core in his hand had been converted.

"In this way, I can hand it over to Lulu!"

Lin Yu checked the new core several times, and after confirming that there was no problem, he included it in the star language.

After a while, Lin Yu walked out of the shrine and saw only Dan Zhu assembling something on the table in front of the shrine.

"Danzhu! It will be Chinese New Year in a while, do you have any plans?"

Lin Yu walked over, sat opposite Dan Zhu and asked her if she had any plans for the New Year.

"That's right! I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me!"

After being reminded by Lin Yu, Dan Zhu realized that the Chinese New Year is approaching.

"The New Year in Shenzhou is a very important day! We must prepare well!"

Danzhu had always lived in Shenzhou before, so every new year was very lively, and the first new year after this "rebirth" was naturally no exception.

"Have you thought about where it was?"

"I can't think of any good ideas for a while, why? Lin Yu, do you have any good ideas?"

Dan Zhu felt that Lin Yu had said that, so he must have had an idea a long time ago.

"I have really thought about the location! And you should be satisfied with that place!"

"Where is it?"

Danzhu looked puzzled.

"How about a place where you, Cang Xuan and Ji Lin can see Chi Yuan?"

"What? You're not going to be..."

Dan Zhu guessed where Lin Yu was talking about at once, and was immediately surprised.

"That's right! I plan to spend the New Year with you at St. Freya Academy!"

 After the new year, there will be a small episode about the collapse of the Philippines, and then we will enter the holiday chapter.This time it's real, no more delays! PS: I'm going to do double consecutive changes during the holidays. How many days it will last depends on the number of votes.Starting from tomorrow, I can exceed the highest record of 42 votes at the starting point several times, and I will continue for a few days! (Only during the holidays!)

(End of this chapter)

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