Chapter 161 Action Code
Minutes after the collapse in Manila.

"The current Honkai energy value has risen to 900HW, and it is still rising slowly!"

Yae Rin held the Houkai Energy Detector and kept an eye on the numerical changes on it.After all, she has no way to compare with Fei Yuwan and Phil!

"I thought it would only be a collapse of five or six hundred HW! How did it become like this!"

Fei Yuwan had just finished communicating with Lin Yu, and she was looking helpless at this time. Who told her that the scale of the collapse here would be small!
The reality hit her hard!

"Currently, the rate of increase of the Honkai energy has weakened a lot, and the highest should not exceed 1100HW!"

Phil carefully felt the rising trend of the Honkai here, and roughly calculated the upper limit of the Honkai outbreak.

"Now there are Honkai outbreaks and dead men appearing. According to what my brother said, let's go and solve them first!"

Although reality gave her a head-on blow, Fei Yuwan still planned to continue to implement what Lin Yu entrusted to her.

"no problem!"

Phil and Yae Rin have prepared their weapons and are ready to go at any time.

Phil had already equipped the Phoenix Claw, and Yae Rin had already put his hand on Sakura Luoxue's handle.

Yingluoxue is naturally a transformed 3rd holy relic.After the transformation, its appearance has changed a lot, and it is similar to Sakura Fubuki in many places, so Yae Rin gave it a new name.

"Wait a minute! Sister Lulu has sent a message!"

Just as the three of them were about to set off to deal with the Houkai Beast, Novalu's contact came from Higokumaru's communicator.

"Xiaofei! Lin Yu said, this mission is the debut show of our Yublade organization, you should perform better!"

Hiyumaru immediately realized what Novalu meant, and suddenly became energetic.

It seems that Nuovalu has successfully integrated the core of Herrscher, so he has to come here in person!

"Then let's show off more!"

The three of Phil were instantly full of fighting spirit after reading the news.

It's the first official debut of the Feather Blade organization, so what if they don't perform well?

"By the way! Just a reminder, we must be called by our action code during the mission, and our names must not be revealed!"

Before leaving, Hiyumaru said very seriously.

Then I clicked on a file and showed Phil and Rin Yae the list of action codes.


When Phil and Yae Rin saw the list of action codes, they were stunned.

"What do these action codes mean?"

On the other side, Nuovalu also looked at the operation codes with a puzzled face after sending out the message, because she couldn't understand what they meant.

Featherblade organization member action code:

Number zero: Lin Yu;
No. [-]: Novalu;
No. [-]: Yae Sakura;

No. [-]: Karen;
No. [-]: Yae Rin;

No. [-]: Feiyuwan;

No. [-]: Ji Lin;
Number seven: Danzhu;
Number eight: Cangxuan;
Nine: Phil.

"What? Do you not understand what those code names mean?"

Lin Yu saw her doubts from Nuova Lu's expression, and asked in a very strange tone.

"Who can understand these?"

Nova gave Lin Yu a white look.

Who knows what the order of numbers means?It is estimated that no one knows except Lin Yu, the person involved.

"That's the order in which I met you!"

Hearing what Lin Yu said, Nuova Lu suddenly realized.

It turns out that there is such an important meaning behind these simple action codes!

"Of course, the current code name is just a simple one, and you can think of another one for yourself later! For example, I have already thought of it myself, and it is called the blade of the end-wing!"

Lin Yu had told Siegfried about the name Yi a long time ago, so he continued to use this name.As for Ultimate Feather, it was naturally his code name.

"Then do I have to be called Space Blade?"

Although Nuovalu didn't know why Lin Yu had to use the final name, but now she doesn't dislike these two words too much.After all, Lin Yu has nothing to do with the Ultimate Lawrence Man at all.

"Isn't that just up to you?"

Lin Yu said that he can decide his own action code name, and he will not interfere.

"Alright then! That's my decision! I am the space blade of the Feather Blade organization—Novalu!"

Novalu seems to be very satisfied with this code name.

"By the way! Can I entrust you with the Honkai in Manila? After all, the Honkai power is only about 1000HW."

There are no Herrschers born in Manila, and the maximum number of Honkai Beasts that can appear as Honkai Emperors is already the limit.So Lin Yu felt that there was no need to go there by himself.

"No problem! Leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Nuovalu opened a door leading to the space of Hiyumaru and the others.

Now she also has the power of space, so she can open the door of space naturally.So she no longer needs to bother Lin Yu and Phil when she goes in and out of the void in the future.

"Then it's time for me to go back and rest!"

Lin Yu watched Nuovalu's figure disappear from the gate of space, and then opened the passage leading back to the void.

Lin Yu has been guarding Novalu here for two days!He didn't have a good rest, which is one of the reasons why he didn't want to go to Manila.Another reason is that Lin Yu is very relieved to hand over the four of them to Nuovalu.

In Tianming headquarters, the central control room, the Houkai energy alarm has sounded.

"Master Bishop, the collapse of the Manila area has broken out! According to the fact that the current Valkyrie troops stationed in Manila are not enough to deal with it, should we send some more troops there!"

Amber briefly sorted out the information about the outbreak in Manila and then reported to Bishop Otto on the side.

"Send a corresponding number of Valkyrie troops to support according to the scale of the collapse. Let the Immortal Blade stand by at any time, and decide whether to dispatch according to the situation!"

While analyzing the situation in the Manila area, Otto talked to Amber about the countermeasures for Manila.

"Yes! My lord bishop!"

After receiving the order, Amber immediately issued a notice to various combat units.

"Although the scale of the collapse this time is not as large as the one in Changkong City, the damage caused may not be small either!"

Otto looked at the data on the collapse of Manila on the big screen and made some simple analysis.

"My lord, do you want to inform the people in the Far East Branch about this?"

Rita, who had been waiting for a long time, asked Otto about it.

"No need! There is no need to bother my precious granddaughter with such a trivial matter."

In Otto's view, this kind of trivial matter can be solved by their destiny, and there is no need for Theresa to be dispatched.

Of course, the more reason for this is that this guy Otto is a granddaughter.How could he be willing to let his precious granddaughter do these things!

"I see, my lord bishop!"

Rita didn't say anything else, she bent slightly towards Otto and left.

She also has to go out and assemble the Immortal Blade team!Maybe they will be dispatched in a while!
In the central area of ​​Manila Honkai, there are more Honkai beasts and a larger population.Therefore, the three of Hiyumaru took the lead in cleaning up the Honkai Beasts in this area.

"watch out!"

Phil used the claws of the phoenix to kill several advanced Honkai beasts gathered together at once.

"Falling Cherry Slash—San Hua!"

Yae Rin did not flinch in the face of a knight-level Honkai beast, and smashed the Honkai spear in his hand with a blow of Sakura Slash.

"The level of the Houkai beasts here is not high, but there are quite a lot of them!"

Higokumaru, wearing a fox mask, walked over with Jizo Yuhun who had just extinguished the black flames. Behind her was the corpse of the only temple-level Houkai beast here.

At present, the three of them have dealt with nearly a hundred Honkai Beasts, but they haven't seen the Valkyrie troops of Destiny come over.

Hiyumaru thought that if they waited until they arrived, most of the people here would probably have died because of the Houkai Beast.

"The efficiency of these people in Tianming is too low!"

Hiyumaru shook his head helplessly.

It's hard to imagine how many casualties there would be if Hiyumaru and the others hadn't come here.

"Sister Xiao Fei, the Honkai Beasts are almost cleaned up! The Valkyrie Troop of Destiny will arrive soon!"

Phil and Yae Rin, who were wearing masks, also solved the Houkai beast in the area they were in charge of at this time.

They are not afraid of meeting people with destiny, but they are worried about showing their faces!If Tianming knew what they looked like, wouldn't they be able to come out to play casually?

This is a big deal for a few people!

"You guys did a good job! You almost finished the Honkai Beast so quickly!"

At this moment, a voice came from above to the ears of the three of Fei Yuwan.


The three looked around and found a long-haired girl with a white lance and a mask sitting on the side of a building.

It was none other than Novalu.

In fact, she had arrived a few minutes ago, but she saw that Yae Rin and the other three were very motivated, so she didn't bother them.

"Sister Lulu, you won't sit on it and watch the show all the time, will you?"

According to Hiyumaru's understanding of Novalu, she felt that Novalu could do such a thing.

After hearing Higokumaru's words, Phil and Yae Rin immediately focused their attention on Novalu.

"I don't want to disturb you? If I make a move, then you have nothing to do here! Then how can I train you!"

Nuo Valu spread her hands and found an excuse for being lazy.But this is not all an excuse, after all, it is true to train them.

Afterwards, Nuova Lu lightly jumped, jumped down from the tall building, and landed firmly beside Hiyumaru and the others.

"You guys did a great job! Next time, you must perform well!"

Nova gave the three thumbs up after landing, expressing her affirmation of the three people's performance just now.While the four of them were chatting happily, a questioning voice came.

"Who are you guys? Why did you appear in the central area of ​​the Honkai outbreak!"

Hiyumaru and the others knew without guessing that the voice belonged to the Destiny Valkyrie team.

It's just that after hearing this voice, the four of Nuovalu remained unmoved and continued to chat, completely ignoring the Valkyrie team of Tianming!
 In the next chapter, Feather Blade will have its first confrontation with Destiny (uh...not in the physical sense)!

(End of this chapter)

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