Chapter 164 Arrival
After activating the propelling wings of the Moon Soul Armor, Ulandal flew towards Manila at a speed far exceeding that of the battleship.

"The matter seems to be more serious than what is described in the report!"

Urandale found that the collapse here was far worse than previously reported when he was flying some distance from Manila.

This is also impossible!After all, when the second Honkai broke out, the Valkyrie team stationed here were still on rescue missions, so they had no time to report to the Destiny headquarters!

Ulandal, who started to land, saw more than a dozen Valkyries leading the wounded retreating towards the outer area where the Honkai broke out, and immediately rushed there.

On the other side, Anna, who was going to rescue people, had already found the injured person and was helping him to evacuate here.


The man supported by Anna looked very weak.

"Hold on...don't give up! You will survive! Hold on! You must hold on!"

Anna kept repeating the same words, using her already exhausted body to support the man with all her strength.

She looked very cautious, and her nervous expression was palpable. After all, they were still in the central area of ​​Houkai, and Houkai beasts or dead soldiers might appear at any time.However, her words of constant encouragement seemed to be a hint to herself, so that she could muster up the courage to move on.

The man looked at Anna, and from her expression, he could tell that the Valkyrie was trying to restrain her inner anxiety.

"Are you...scared?"


Anna was taken aback by the man's question.

"Your hands are shaking!"

The man could clearly feel that the hand of the Valkyrie supporting him was trembling slightly, which was probably the result of her utmost restraint!

"It's not... this... I..."

Anna tried her best to explain something, but couldn't figure it out.

"This disaster is indeed terrible. Human beings turned into monsters and attacked each other, and strange beasts ran rampant on the streets..."

"It's Honkai!"


Obviously, the man had never heard of these two words.

"Well! But don't worry, I am the Valkyrie of Destiny! It is my duty to protect you from the collapse! Ah... sorry! This is difficult for ordinary people to understand!"

It was only then that Anna remembered that this man was an ordinary person, and he couldn't understand talking to him so many things.

"So that's it, I thought it was the same thing as in the zombie game!"

Although the man couldn't fully understand what Anna said, he could still get a little bit of information.


"Yes... They are rotten and have a stench. Common methods cannot kill them. They can only destroy their heads or burn them into coke. What's more frightening is that if you are bitten by them, your body will also start to mutate .losing their minds...becoming a walking dead like them. And what's more terrifying..."

"…do not talk."

Anna suddenly interrupted the man's words.


"Stop talking—" Anna's voice suddenly became louder, and said, "Why are you talking about such a topic suddenly, and this creature that is more disgusting than a dead man...?"

"...Are you afraid of this?"

The man seemed to have guessed something.

"No! I didn't say I was afraid, it was just disgusting..."

Anna defended herself.

"It looks like a Valkyrie is no different from an ordinary girl." The man didn't listen to Anna's continuation, but said his name:

"My name is Chen Tianwu, what about you?"

"Anna...Anna Shaniat."

Anna said her name.

"Anna... thank you!"

"No, you're welcome!"

After that, Anna led Chen Tianwu to continue walking forward.


"Are you all right?"

After closing the propelling wings of the Moon Soul Armor, Ulandal landed beside the dozen or so Valkyrie.

"It's Lord Youlandelle!"

When the dozen or so Valkyries saw Ulandal's arrival, they knew that they were all right.

"Go and join the support troops first, treat the wounded! I'll go over there to see the situation!"

After confirming that these people were fine, Ulandal immediately rushed to the central area of ​​Honkai, ready for the next task.

"Rita, several Valkyries are injured here, send a few teams that have arrived here to pick them up!"

While Ulandal was heading to the central area, she didn't forget to ask Rita to send someone to pick up the wounded Valkyries.

"I see! Master Ulandal, please be more careful!"

At this time, Rita was already preparing to land with the Immortal Blade team.Once they land, they immediately join the fight.

"Is that the center of the Honkai outbreak?"

Ulandal looked towards the center of the city, from where she felt a very strong wave of Houkai energy.

Without any hesitation, Ulandal immediately rushed over there, and dealt with the Honkai Beast and the dead along the way.

"No! This speed is still too slow!"

Ulandal thought it was too slow to move towards the central area while cleaning up the Honkai beasts and dead soldiers.So, she deployed the propelling wings of the Moon Soul armor again, preparing to fly directly to the center of the city to eliminate the source of the collapse.

After all, if the source of this collapse is not eliminated, there will be no end to the collapse of beasts and dead soldiers.

As the propelling wings on both sides of the moon soul skirt spread out, Youlandal turned into a blue comet again.

This kind of thing can only be done by Youlandal, the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny. After all, this set of Bright Knight Moon Soul armor is not something ordinary people can control.

As the fourth generation of all-field god-killing armor, Bright Knight Moon Soul is much stronger than the god-killing armor of the same generation, such as White Knight Moonlight, Shadow Knight Moon Wheel, etc.

In order to realize the design concept of "capable of responding to various types of emergencies", at the beginning of the design, the Destiny Research Institute equipped the Moon Soul armor with tactical modules that have been used by different armors such as Moonlight, Moon Wheel, and Moon Soul.

However, such collocation also caused the design energy to greatly exceed the sum of the requirements of each module, and the collaboration efficiency of the system could not meet the standard.To make matters worse, each tactical module not only cannot achieve the original operating power, but even interferes with the operation of the basic armor module.In order to solve this huge problem, the scientists of Destiny put forward a bold idea—let the user of the armor become the intermediary that connects various systems and handles energy diversion.

It's just that it's almost impossible to find any Valkyrie in the Tianming headquarters that can withstand the huge load generated by the joint operation of so many tactical components, let alone deal with energy diversion.

In the end, when the Bright Knight Moon Soul Armor was completed, the only person who could successfully use it was Yolandal.It can be said that apart from Ulandal, no one can use this set of strongest god-killing armor.

"Huh? The strength of the Houkai energy has weakened?"

When there was still a little distance from the center of the Houkai, Ulandal suddenly noticed that the strong Houkai energy reaction in front of him was slowly weakening, as if the source of the Houkai had been eliminated.

After Ulandal arrived at the center of the Houkai, she saw an astonishing scene - a huge Houkai beast was falling there.

Judging from its shape, this is probably a Honkai emperor who is evolving towards the emperor level, but the evolution process was abruptly interrupted by someone.Its empty core says it all.

"Who solved this Houkai beast?"

Ulandal looked around, trying to find someone who could deal with this quasi-emperor-level Honkai beast.After all, this Houkai beast has not completely disappeared, which means that the person who destroyed it has not gone far.


The detection device on the Moon Soul Armor seemed to have discovered something, and Ulandal immediately looked in the direction of the reaction.

I saw four figures standing on a tall building.

"That's the most powerful Valkyrie, Youlandelle?"

Higokumaru seemed to be very interested in Youlandelle who was standing beside the corpse of the Houkai Beast in the distance.After all, all the information she saw when she entered the Destiny system described how powerful Ulandal was.

"Don't fight her. If we don't use a certain amount of Herrscher's power, we may not be able to beat her!"

Novalu's keen intuition told her that this Ulandal's strength is very strong. Based on her current strength, without using the power of Herrscher, the outcome is at most [-]-[-].

"Sister Nuonuo, Youlandelle is here!"

Yae Rin reminded immediately when she saw Ulandal flying towards this direction.

"Xiao Jiu, take Xiao Si back first!"

Novalu let the two go back first, after all, like Hiyumaru, she was very interested in this Valkyrie with the strongest destiny.

"Roger that!"

Phil immediately pulled Yae Rin and jumped from the other side of the tall building, but when he fell, a space door suddenly appeared, and the two fell steadily into it.

"Next, let us meet this Valkyrie with the strongest destiny!"

Novalu and Hiyumaru stood on the tall building and waited for Yolandelle's arrival.

"who are you?"

After flying to the tall building, Ulandal immediately asked the identities of the two, but did not ask where the other two had gone.At the same time, she also held the lance in her hand, which was the equipped weapon of Bright Knight Moon Soul—Helel of Eternal Silence.Although it is not as good as the Sixth God's Key, Heiyuan Baihua, but it is already very close.

"Who are we? I can't believe it wasn't mentioned in the report you received!"

Novalu didn't make any moves when facing Ulandal, and Hiyumaru did the same.

"Are you... from Feather Blade?"

Before setting off, Ulandal naturally read the reports sent by the Valkyrie squads, which mentioned that people from the Yuren organization rescued them.

"if not?"

Hiyumaru gave Youlandelle a direct look, but because of the mask, Youlandelle didn't notice.

"Okay! Okay! Our business is over! It's time to go!"

After all, they have achieved their goal of preventing the collapse, and it is time to go back.As for Youlandelle, Novalu and Hiyumaru didn't want to talk to her, so they also chose to jump directly from the tall building!

"Hey! You..."

Seeing Hiyumaru and Nuo Valu jumping off the tall building without any measures, You Landai was startled, and immediately ran over there to check the situation.But as soon as she reached the edge, she was caught by a silver-white light.


When Ulandal looked down again, the two had already disappeared.

 The plot in the London area is about to start, which is the plot in the comics!Goose home! PS: After tomorrow, the continuous update will end!Details will be announced in the group!
(End of this chapter)

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