Chapter 17 A New Beginning

Thousands of miles above the sky, the Hyperion battleship shuttled through the clouds and sailed towards an isolated island, which was the extreme eastern branch of Destiny: St. Freya College.

After driving for a long time, Huberian finally arrived at the waiting area of ​​St. Freya College.

In front of the waiting area, there was a girl with long gray hair waiting. She was wearing a pair of blue-rimmed glasses and a combat uniform that was easy to move. She looked very heroic.

After Lin Yu, Mei Yi and the others followed Ji Zi and left Huberian.The gray-haired girl came over and said, "Welcome back! Major Ji Zi! Principal Teresa!"

"Thank you! Fu Hua! I still need you to pick us up!" Ji Zi beckoned to Fu Hua.

"Jizi! Lin Yu and the others will be arranged by you tonight! I'm going back to rest!" Teresa left without delay after explaining a sentence.

"I can't help it! It's so late, I can only let you stay at my house first!" Ji Zi shook her head helplessly, she had nothing to do with Teresa.After that, he said to Fu Hua: "Fu Hua, you take them to my house first, and I will report on this mission!"

"Yes! Major Ji Zi!" With that said, Fu Hua took Lin Yu and the others away.

With the addition of these little guys, it feels like St. Freya College is about to become lively Ji Zi looked at the back of Lin Yu and the others leaving and said to himself.

St. Freya College, inside the dean's office,

Theresa was sitting at a desk where only half of her head could be exposed, making a mission report.It seemed that she didn't go to rest as she said before, and her complexion looked serious at this time, as if she was thinking about something.

At this moment Ji Zi pushed the door open and walked in.Looking at Teresa, who only showed half of her head, Ji Zi couldn't help teasing: "Ah! Dean, you are here! You are so petite and cute, I almost didn't notice you!"

"Stop talking! What about the report?" Teresa said angrily.

"Is there anything to report on this mission! I discovered the Houkai herd, but it was already solved by someone when I rushed there!" Ji Zi moved the chair and sat opposite Theresa.

"Do you know who solved it?"

"The three of Mei and the others said that their companions solved it, that is, the little brother who was with you!"

"Well! I know!" Teresa knew how powerful Lin Yu was. It was not easy to defeat a person who resembled a herrscher and a group of Houkai beasts.

But if Lin Yu knew that Theresa thought so, he would definitely settle the score with Theresa.After all, he was on the verge of dying after he dealt with the Horn of Beasts. If Yae Sakura hadn't appeared in time, would he still be alive?

"So, how do you plan to write your report this time? Are you going to report truthfully?" Ji Zi stared at Theresa.

"No!" After thinking about it carefully, Teresa finally denied the decision to report truthfully.After all, she promised Yae Sakura to protect Lin Yu, and she couldn't let Lin Yu's ability be exposed all of a sudden.

"Just leave the report to me! Go back and arrange for them first!" Teresa said to Ji Zi while preparing the materials for the report.

"Okay! Okay! You can write the report whatever you want. I'll go back first. I'm exhausted from running around these days!" Ji Zi stretched her body and got up to leave.

"You can't let the headquarters know about this, I have to change the report!" Theresa started busy reporting.

In the academy, Fu Hua had brought Lin Yu and the others to Ji Zi's dormitory.

"This is the dormitory of Major Jizi. Due to mission requirements, Major Jizi lives in the academy! There are spare rooms here, you can allocate them yourself! The major will talk about the rest when he comes back." Fu Hua said left.

After Fu Hua left, Lin Yu turned around and glanced at several empty rooms, and then said to Mei and the others: "There are enough rooms here. The old rules, you choose first, and the rest are mine!"

"I'm still with Mei tonight!" Kiyana hugged Mei without saying a word.

"Stupid Kiyana, with you here, sister Mei can't rest well!" Bronya told the truth.

"What are you talking about? You little one!" Kiyana became unhappy when she heard this, and started arguing with Bronya again.

Looking at the scene he hadn't seen for a long time, Lin Yu didn t stop them, but thought it was good.

"Mei, let's choose first! These two guys may be controversial!" Lin Yu walked over and said to Mei, who was watching Kiana and Bronya.

"Okay!" Mei replied with a smile.

Although Lin Yu and Meiyi chose first, Lin Yu deliberately left both sides of Meiyi's room for Kiana and Bronya, and chose a room closest to the living room.

"What's going on? I heard the quarrel at home from a long way away!" Ji Zi pushed open the door and walked in, and heard the quarrel between Kiyana and Bronya from a long distance away.

"Major, please don't mind, the two of them like this." After hearing Himeko's voice coming in, Mei immediately walked out of the room and explained.Then he turned around and patted both Kiyana and Bronya on the head, and said, "Hurry up and clean up in the room, you all sleep by yourself tonight! If you don't clean up, you won't be able to sleep!"

After hearing Mei's words, Bronya and Kiana had no choice but to obediently enter the room to pack their things.

Looking at the two obediently after being "rebuked" by Mei, Ji Zi said to Mei: "It seems that you can cure them!"

"It's really troublesome for you, Major!" Mei hurriedly bent down to apologize for the behavior of the two of them.

"It's okay!" Ji Zi waved her hand casually, she didn't take this matter to heart anyway.

Then Ji Zi walked to her room, and when she was about to enter the room, she didn't forget to give Mei a word.

"Tomorrow the dean will talk to you, so get some rest early!"

"Thank you Major!" Mei thanked again.

"You don't need to call me Major, just call me Sister Jizi!" As the elder, Jizi is an A-level Valkyrie, but she is really a very casual person, and she doesn't have too strict requirements on addressing.

"Understood! Thank you, Sister Ji Zi!"

After that, Himeko went into the room to rest, and Mei also started to tidy up her room.

In the room where Lin Yu was on the other side, Lin Yu was lying on the bed at this time!Although he heard the sound of Ji Zi coming in, when he was about to go out, he heard Mei's voice, so he simply handed it over to Mei and didn't go out by himself.

"I haven't been able to rest well these days! I can finally sleep well today!" Lin Yu looked very comfortable lying on the bed.There is no way, I have been in the area where the Houkai broke out before, not only have to beware of the Houkai beast and the dead, but also have to be careful of any emergencies.If only he could sleep comfortably in that situation.

But Lin Yu looked back and thought, it seems that Mei, the others and De Lisa are resting well!What's the situation?Under my vigilance, everyone else had a good rest, but I didn't have a good rest.

"Forget it! I'd better have a good rest tonight!" Thinking to himself, Lin Yu planned to close his eyes and go to sleep.

"Hey, hello! Lin Yu, the upgrade of the star language has been completed! Do you want to take a look?" Just as Lin Yu was about to sleep, Nuovalu's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Huh? The star language upgrade is complete?" Upon hearing the news, Lin Yu lost his tiredness all of a sudden, sat up directly, and asked Novalu: "In other words, the things in the star language space can be taken Out!"

"Of course!"

Hearing Nuovalu's reply, Lin Yu thought, and the long-lost (although only one day) Ying Fuxue appeared in his hands.

"Hey..." Returning to Lin Yu's hand again, Ying Chuixue uttered a happy sword cry.

"Sakura Chuixue, we have already avenged Sakura!" Lin Yu stroked Ying Chuixue's sword body and said.

"嘤嘤嘤" Upon hearing the name Sakura, Ying Chuixue's originally happy sword cry suddenly became sad.

Sensing the change in Sakura Chuixue, Lin Yu also comforted it: "Don't worry! Sakura hasn't left us, she has always been by our side!"

After listening to Lin Yu's comfort, Ying Chuixue's mood calmed down.

"After working hard for so long, you should also take a good rest!" For Lin Yu, Ying Fuixue also had a lot of credit for defeating the Pseudo-Hurrser.Then Lin Yu put Sakura Chuixue on the cabinet next to the bed.

"Why are you so sad? Judging from what you said before, that Sakura is not dead!" Nuova Lu said after listening to Lin Yu's previous words.

"I know! She has always lived in my heart!" Lin Yu said a little sadly.

"It's strange to live in your heart! She obviously lives in the stigmata space behind De Lisa, but her soul has fallen into a deep sleep!" Novalu analyzed what Lin Yu told her before and made her own judge.

"What? Sakura's soul is still there?" After hearing what Nuovalu said, Lin Yu was really shocked.

"Why are you yelling so loudly?" This of course does not refer to Lin Yu's voice, but also refers to the voice in Lin Yu's heart communicating with Nuo Valu.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Lin Yu immediately apologized for his behavior just now.

"Humph!" Nuovalu snorted lightly, without blaming Lin Yu, and continued: "She should be in a similar state to me now, but her consciousness is complete!"

"That means there is a way to rescue Ying?" Lin Yu couldn't wait to confirm with Novalu.

"Theoretically, it should be possible, but the premise is that her consciousness can be guided, and a carrier that satisfies her attachment must be found!"

"Great!" This news is undoubtedly good news for Lin Yu.

"Okay! I'll tell you the details later, you should rest first! It's not easy for you these days!" Nuova Lu still didn't forget to care about Lin Yu.

"Oh, I see!"

After answering Novalu, Lin Yu finally lay on the bed completely relaxed.

"Great! There is hope for Sakura to be resurrected! I want to start a new life too!"

 As an academy chapter, there are fewer scenes involving battles in the content! PS: This is Chapter 1 of tonight's update, and there is another chapter.Since I checked a lot of information and wasted a lot of time, the next chapter is slightly delayed!Guaranteed to be delivered by eleven o'clock! ( ̄[-] ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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