The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 174 The 3rd God's Key

Chapter 174 The Third God's Key

"Sister Karen, pay attention! Although I have blocked all electronic devices, there are still many Valkyrie patrolling in the headquarters of Destiny!"

While Kallen continued to sneak into the depths of the Destiny headquarters, Hiyumaru hidden in the Destiny system was constantly reminding her through consciousness communication.

After all, this place is destiny!
"I know! Don't worry! It's not the first time I've done something like this!"

This actually made Kallen recall some of the "robbing the rich and giving to the poor" things she did when she became a strange thief more than 500 years ago.Although it is not "robbing the rich and giving to the poor" now, it is also getting back what they should get back.

It's just that the technology of more than 500 years ago can't be compared with the present!If it weren't for the help of Hiyumaru, Kallen might not even be able to enter the destiny!

"Karen, Yae Sakura and I are nearby to meet you. Remember, retreat quickly after getting the sphere!"

Ji Lin and Yae Sakura are not good at sneaking in, so the two of them can only help out.

"Don't worry! I will retreat as soon as I get the sphere!"

Karen will not do unnecessary things, after all, their first goal is only those two spheres.If you do superfluous things, you might expose yourself!

Directly below the Floating Island of Destiny Headquarters.

"I don't know if Xiaofei and the others are progressing smoothly!"

Lin Yu did not go directly to the Tianming headquarters, but waited on the ground a few kilometers away from the Tianming headquarters.

It is enough for a few of them to go to this mission, if there are more people, they may be discovered by the destiny.So he's still waiting on the ground!
"Xiao Fei, send me a copy of the structure diagram of the Destiny Headquarters, and I'll see what the structure of the Destiny Headquarters looks like!"

"Okay, brother!"

Lin Yu had nothing to do here anyway, so he simply asked Fei Yuwan to send the structural diagram of the Tianming headquarters.Just take advantage of this time to study it, maybe it will be useful when you go there later.


London Airport.

"Wow! It's London!"

A girl with long chestnut hair was very happy after coming out of the airport exit, and ran out directly.It's just that she didn't run very far and she fell into confusion:
"Wow... where is this place?"

This girl is none other than Suzana, a member of the phosphorus sand team who participated in the Dubai Honkai incident but had no chance to join the battle.

"Wow... wow... I'm so dizzy!"

Suzana, who was completely lost, was in a bad mood and started to feel a little dizzy.

As a result, one accidentally fell down.Fortunately, someone caught her before she fell.

"Are you OK?"

The person who caught Suzana was none other than Youlandelle.

"Wow! Lord Youlandelle! It's Lord Youlandelle!"

Suzana became very excited when she saw Ulandal. You must know that Ulandal is a legendary Valkyrie!So Suzana immediately hugged Youlandelle and said:
"Do you remember me? I'm Suzana, a member of the Phosphorite Squad that you helped in the Dubai Honkai Incident!"

"...I have no impression!"

In the Dubai collapse incident, their phosphorus sand team did not appear at all. How could Ulandal have an impression of her?
"That's right..."

Suzana seemed to remember that they retreated without even showing up, and she was a little embarrassed.

"It seems that this is the Valkyrie sent by the Bishop!"

Beside the two, Rita looked at Suzanne and guessed that Suzanne was the assistant Otto mentioned before who came to assist her.

"Miss Rita!"

Patronously focusing her attention on Yolandelle, Suzana didn't notice that Rita was by her side at all.So when I heard Rita's voice, I turned around and said to her, "I am the B-rank Valkyrie Suzana, who was ordered by the bishop to assist you in the investigation of the God's Key!"

"Please advise!"

Rita smiled slightly.She didn't care about Suzana's performance just now, after all, many Valkyrie admired Ulandal very much.

So, it's normal!

"Rita, since you've already received someone, you don't have to send me off!"

Seeing that the two met, Urandale was about to leave.

"Oh? Isn't Master Ulandal with us?"

Suzana was a little puzzled when she saw that Ulandal was leaving.

"I'm just here for vacation, and now the headquarters is urgently recruiting me to go back to deal with the Houkai Beast, so Rita is begging you!"

Ulandal briefly explained to Suzana, then turned around and prepared to enter the airport.

"Yes! Don't worry! I will definitely live up to your expectations and do my best to assist Miss Rita!"

Susanna replied very seriously.After Ulandal entered the airport, she sighed instantly:
"Ah—Master Ulandal is really handsome!"

"Cough! It's time for us to go!"

Rita reminds Suzanne that it's time to go on a mission.


"Huh? Some areas don't indicate what they are used for?"

After Lin Yu looked at the structure of Tianming headquarters several times, he found that some places were not marked on the structure diagram.Looking at the mysterious areas on the structure diagram, this inevitably aroused Lin Yu's interest.

There must be something confidential about the places that are not marked.Lin Yu didn t need to think about it to know that it was something very important to the destiny.

"When Kallen and the others are about to get the sphere, go to these places to see what mysterious things are there. Maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

Lin Yu stepped into the door of space directly, and was going to go to London to see how Hiyumaru and Phil were doing.


England, near Gladstone Pot.

"Wow - the scenery here is amazing!"

As soon as Suzana came here, she was surprised by the beautiful scenery here.

"It's beautiful, but don't forget our work!"

Rita reminded Suzanne Dao.

"Miss Rita, don't worry!"

As Suzana said, she took out a box that she brought with her.Here are the high-tech tools she specially prepared for this mission, which will definitely come in handy.

So, while humming a song, she sorted out the tools, and prepared to probe here.Catherine, who was standing aside, was also waiting for Suzana to get ready, to see if there was anything she could do to help.

In a mysterious base.

"The Valkyrie of Destiny has arrived at the designated location, we can start to implement the plan."

"I didn't expect to be hooked so easily. It's really hard work for you."

The woman wearing the mask of Anubis sitting on the chair received a mysterious notification, immediately felt that it was time, and responded:

"In this case, let us treat the Valkyrie of Destiny well!"


Somewhere in the distance from Glastonbury.

"Ha~ Elder Sister Lin, why do we follow the Valkyrie of Destiny to run here?"

"I don't know either! Sister Cangxuan and Sister Danzhu told us to pay attention to the movements of that S-rank Valkyrie Rita, saying that the cat might come to her on its own initiative."

Since Yae Rin and Phil sent the report back to Cangxuan and Danzhu, the two of them were asked to follow Rita quietly to see if the Houkai beast would appear again.And Novalu was also sent to perform the task alone.

"Huh? Wait! Why is there another person there?"

When Phil and Yae Rin were paying attention to the situation on Glaston Castle, they suddenly found a man in a black cloak lying there in the distance.And it seems that they are also paying attention to the situation of Rita and the others.

"Who is that person?"

Yae Rin also noticed the black cloaked man in the distance with binoculars.She is different from Phil, her eyesight is not as good as Phil's, so she has to rely on external force to see things that are too far away.

"That person doesn't put on some disguise? Just stay there like that and not be afraid of being discovered?"

Phil used all the power of space he could control to hide her and Yae Rin's figures from the sky.

After all, there is no power of space in her power attribute at all, and this power is left by Lin Yu in her quasi-herrscher core!Its power is far from enough to open the door of space, and can only be used to do some simple things, such as hiding one's body shape.Coupled with the fact that the flames of erosion wiped out the breath of the two of them, even if someone walked past the two of them, they wouldn't notice anything.

"Huh? What's going on? Why does that gun give me an extremely dangerous feeling?"

When Yae Rin looked at the purple-black gun in the hand of the man in the black cloak, he was suddenly surprised.

You must know that Yae Rin's abilities in all aspects have improved after fusing the Sakura core, including intuition.She had a hunch that if the gun was aimed at her, she would either die or be disabled.

"I also feel that the gun is very dangerous! Sister Lin, why don't we tell Sister Danzhu and the others about this!"

Phil and the others didn't know much about weapons, so they decided to seek help from Cangxuan and Danzhu who were in the void.

As a result, the work of Phil and Rin Yae became one paying attention to the situation of Glaston Castle, and the other paying attention to the situation of the man in the black cloak.


Tall buildings near Tower Bridge in London.

"Lulu, are you so relieved to let Phil and Rin carry out the mission?"

Lin Yu came over directly after getting Novalu's position, but he didn't see Phil and Yae Rin.After getting to know Novalu, I found out that the two of them were sent to carry out the mission alone.

"There's nothing to worry about! Even if they lose, no one can stop them!"

Nuo Valu has great confidence in the two of them, after all, Nuo Valu also knows the strength of the two of them.If Phil wants to retreat with Yae Rin, even the S-rank Valkyrie can't stop them.

"So you just sit here and have nothing to do?"

"How is it possible! Haven't I been watching to see if there's anything going on with the Second God's Key!"

Nuovalu is not idle, she has been guarding the Second God's Key at Tower Bridge for the past few days, worrying about any accidents here.

"What could happen? Destiny hasn't even found many clues to the Second God's Key!"

Lin Yu is not worried about the Second God Key at all, even if Destiny finds the Second God Key, it doesn t matter, there is an extremely powerful little guy guarding it!
"Hey! What does that look mean?"

Seeing that Lin Yu's expression suddenly became a little strange, Nuova Lu immediately said with a look of disgust.

"'s nothing!"

After being reminded by Nuovalu, Lin Yu realized that he hadn't controlled his expression well. After all, he was just imagining that little one was beating up the Valkyrie of Destiny just now.

"Lin Yu! There is an emergency and you need to be dispatched!"

While Lin Yu was chatting with Novalu, Cang Xuan suddenly sent an emergency contact, as if something urgent had happened.

"what happened?"

As soon as Lin Yu saw this emergency contact, he knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately asked Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu what it was.As a result, the answers of the two of them really frightened Lin Yu.

"We found the third God's key!"

 What will the protagonist group think when they discover the third key of God?You can let go of your imagination, someone will definitely guess it! PS: There are not many book friends in the group now, those who have not joined the group can join as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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