Chapter 197 For You
Chiyuan saw Teresa and Yolandelle say a few words and came to her side.

"Phil, put this on!"

Chi Yuan conveniently took out two half-covered masks from the weapon space of her stand-in, kept one for herself, and handed the other to Phil.

The mask was bought in a commercial street before, and it only serves as a temporary cover.Anyway, now Lin Yu and Phil are not afraid to expose their appearance, because Hiyumaru has already controlled the surveillance of the entire St. Freya Academy.

What's more, when Lin Yu is fine, he will never use Chi Yuan's substitute to go out for a walk, unless he has a brain problem.As for Phil, she just needs to change back to frost form and she'll be fine.

"Sister Chi Yuan, they are here!"

As soon as Phil took the mask and put it on, he saw Teresa walking towards her.


Forget it, Chi Yuan also gave up completely, and Phil can call it whatever he likes!

"Huh? Who are those two people?"

Fu Hua immediately noticed Lin Yu and Phil who were waiting for them in front.But at the same time, Teresa and the others also saw the two of them. After all, their clothes were too conspicuous in the academy, and it was hard not to notice them, let alone right in front of them.

"Who are these two people? Why haven't I seen them in the academy before?"

"Bronya doesn't know them either."

"Looking at their clothes, they don't seem to be students of Saint Freya Academy?"

Qiyana, Bronya and Mei also looked puzzled after seeing Chiyuan and Phil.

"Aren't you two students? Who are you? Why did you appear in St. Freya Academy?"

Teresa immediately asked Chi Yuan and Phil to explain the origin.You must know that not everyone can enter St. Freya Academy, as soon as a stranger comes over, they will be blocked.If you break in by force, it will only trigger the alarm.

It's just that the whole system is under the control of Hiyumaru, so it's not a piece of cake for Chiyuan and Phil to come in!As for the alarm or something, it's just a decoration!
"Principal Teresa, hello!"

At this time, Chi Yuan could only pretend to be seeing Teresa for the first time, so she had to greet her first.

"You haven't answered my question yet!"

Teresa looked at Chi Yuan and Phil very vigilantly.She was almost certain that the two people in front of her were definitely not from her academy, and they probably got in by some unconventional means.Just like how anti-entropy once broke into the underground cathedral of St. Freya Academy quietly.

"I think this Miss Ulandale should be able to guess something!"

Chi Yuan cast her eyes directly on Youlandelle.

"Me? How do I know who you are?"

Ulandal was baffled by this, and she had never seen these two people before, so how could she know who they were.

"Take out what you got in London before and show it to Principal Teresa, and you'll know."

Chi Yuan casually took out a silver-white crystal pendant and shook it in front of several people.This pendant is exactly the crystal containing the power of space that Lin Yu just gave to Teresa and the others and Nana to Youlandelle.

"That is……"

When Chi Yuan took out the crystal pendant, Teresa and Youlandel were stunned for a moment.Because everyone present has one!

Then she continued:

"I think you are all familiar with this thing, right? Can we have a good chat!"


Teresa glanced at Chiyuan, and then at Youlandelle.Seeing that Youlandal just nodded silently, she said to Chiyuan and Phil:
"Follow me to the meeting room!"

On the way to the conference room.

"Brother, I said that if you do this, you are not afraid that they will blame you when they find out?"

At this time, Phil also used telepathic communication to talk to Chi Yuan.In this case, Phil would no longer refer to Lin Yu as Sister Chiyuan.

"How can I manage so much! The most urgent thing is to let them know that I'm fine. After all, I haven't contacted Teresa and the others for a long time."

"Huh? How are you going to let them know? Is it possible that you want to reveal your identity, brother?"

"Haha! You think too much."

What Phil was thinking was pure fantasy, and Lin Yu couldn t do this kind of thing.


After everyone arrived in the conference room, as soon as Lin Yu and Phil sat down, Teresa slammed the table and shouted, "Who are you guys? Why is there that pendant?"

To Teresa's sudden question, Chi Yuan didn't make any answer, but Ulandal did speak.

"Theresa, what does this crystal pendant represent? Why do you all have such a big reaction to it?"

After speaking, she also took out a silver-white pendant that was exactly the same as before from her pocket.

"Hey - how do you have this thing?"

Kiyana screamed when she saw Ulandal also took out the pendant.This surprised everyone in the conference room.

"Stupid Kiyana, why are you screaming so loudly?"

Bronya was the first to react and stopped Kiana from screaming.

"Qiana, calm down first!"

Mei also quickly calmed down Qiyana.

"This pendant was given to me by an armed doll belonging to Feather Blade when I was on a mission in London. She told me that I can find the answer I want here."

Ulandal truthfully told the origin of the pendant in her hand.

"Huh? The Featherblade gave it to you?"

Teresa and the others were stunned for a moment.

Phil, who was sitting on the side, had already taken out a box of snacks at some point, and was eating while watching the "performance" of several people.And Chi Yuan also took out a set of tea sets, brewed a pot of tea and sipped it slowly, then looked at the few people silently.

She won't interrupt at this time, let's wait until they figure things out!
After communicating for a long time with Qiyana, Teresa, Ulandal and others, they finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.And this time Teresa also explained everything to Fu Hua, and clearly "warned" her not to tell her grandfather, the Catholic Bishop Otto, about this matter.

"I see! I won't tell Otto!"

After knowing that Lin Yu was fine, Fu Hua probably guessed the reason why he left St. Freya Academy, and more importantly, this also confirmed her guess.

With Lin Yu's strength, it's okay!
"But, where did that judgment-level Honkai beast go?"

The fluctuations of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast detected at that time were not fake, even its figure was photographed, this is an undeniable fact.So after Fu Hua knew that Lin Yu was fine, he couldn't help but began to wonder what happened to the judgment-level Honkai Beast.

"That means Xiao Yu is fine now? It's just that he left St. Freya Academy?"

This is great news for Youlandelle.She originally thought that Lin Yu was "absent" after that incident, which was really a surprise.

"Theresa, do you have a way to contact Xiao Yu? I need to see him now!"

After knowing that Lin Yu was fine, Youlandal couldn't wait to meet Lin Yu.

"I'm sorry, Youlandelle! So far, Lin Yu has been unilaterally contacting us, and we have no way to contact him at all!"

Teresa expressed helplessness, because Lin Yu had contacted them three or four times since leaving, and reported to them every time that they were safe.It also made them less worried about him.

"But this thing was given to us by Lin Yu during the New Year, so it should be useful!"

Teresa also took out her pendant.Although she didn't know what this thing was, they all carried it with them all the time. After all, it was something Lin Yu gave them.

"But why did Ulandal get this thing from Feather Blade?"

Fu Hua also had doubts about this.

"I think only they can answer all our doubts!"

As soon as Teresa finished speaking, everyone turned their eyes to Chi Yuan and Phil who were leisurely drinking tea and snacks.

"Is it finally over?"

Chi Yuan slowly put down the tea cup in her hand after drinking the tea, but she complained secretly in her heart:

"I really convinced these people! It took nearly 10 minutes to say something that can be clearly stated in two sentences."

"Sister Chi Yuan, they finally remembered that we are still here!"

Phil used that title again.


Chi Yuan directly chose to ignore it, and then said to Theresa and the others: "Everyone should have a lot of questions, but unfortunately I don't have time to answer them one by one. After all, I came here with a mission this time."

As she spoke, Chi Yuan took off her mask, revealing her beautiful face.Seeing that Chiyuan had done this, Phil took off the mask and threw it aside.

This mask just prevented her from eating!

After seeing Chi Yuan's appearance, several intermittent images suddenly appeared in Fu Hua's mind.But at this moment, her head suddenly hurt, which made her only remember a few vague pictures.

"Does it seem to be useful? Danzhu's method is really useful!"

After seeing Fu Hua's reaction to her current appearance, Chi Yuan also guessed that she was thinking of something, but she was interrupted due to a headache.

"Let me introduce myself, I am a member of Yuren, Chiyuan! But I am not a fairy, please distinguish me from the Chiyuan fairy in the legend of Shenzhou. And the person next to me is also a member of Yuren , Phil."

Chi Yuan also said the name of her stand-in, and introduced Phil by the way.However, Phil only cared about eating and didn't take it seriously at all. After all, she wasn't the main character this time.

"So Lin Yu is in your hands?"

Based on the information obtained from previous exchanges, Teresa came to such a conclusion.

"The one named Lin Yu is indeed with us, but this is also the condition we saved him in the first place. After all, the judgment-level Honkai beast is not so easy to deal with."

Chi Yuan started her "script" directly. After all, if she directly said that Lin Yu was the leader of Yuren, no one would believe it!
"Brother, you're using me as an excuse again!"

Phil complained secretly.


No way, who made this a "script" need!

"Then let him come back! I don't believe he hasn't thought about coming back for so long."

Teresa yelled at Chi Yuan directly, but Chi Yuan didn't give her any answer.

"Then, Chito. What is your purpose for coming to St. Freya Academy this time?"

"You really deserve to be the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, Youlandelle, so straightforward!"

Chi Yuan also admired Youlandelle's straightforward character, and then turned her gaze to Youlandelle and said:
"Miss Ulandle, this time I'm here just for you! No, maybe I should call you—Miss Nana!"

After hearing the name Nana, Ulandal was stunned for an instant.

Because only Xiao Yu would call her that!
 After the next chapter, due to special reasons, it needs to be interrupted for a few days, and I hope everyone understands! PS: For detailed notice, see the announcement in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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