Chapter 200 Sister
When Lin Yu heard Cecilia's words, he opened a door of space without waiting for her to continue.

"Entering here is St. Freya Academy, where Kiana goes to school, and the principal is your old friend Teresa."

Lin Yu knew without guessing that Cecilia wanted to take a look at her daughter Kiyana.After all, they have not seen each other for more than ten years, so Lin Yu opened the door of space without saying anything.

"Thank you!"

Although Cecilia was a little surprised, she still thanked Lin Yu.

"You're welcome, but I hope you will be careful not to be discovered by them. After all, Teresa and the others don't know that Feather Blade was founded by me."

It is not the time to explain the situation to Teresa and the others, so Lin Yu and the others cannot reveal their identities yet.

"I understand, I just need to take a look at Kiyana."

Cecilia also learned some stories about him and Teresa from Lin Yu, so she could understand the reason why Lin Yu did this, and she was very satisfied after taking a look at Kiana.

Soon after, Saint Freya Academy.

"Ha~ get out of class is finally over!"

Kiyana yawned, as if she had just woken up.Then she ran to Mei, took her hand, and said:
"Mei, let's go back quickly. My stomach is already growling with hunger."

"Stupid Qiyana, you're hungry now after eating so much breakfast? Are you an idiot?"

Although this scene happened several times, Bronya still taunted Qiyana mercilessly.

"Okay! I'll make you something to eat when I get back."

Mei also agreed in the face of Kiyana's strong request to shake left and right, after all, this is not the first time.

"Mei-san, you are too used to Kiyana-san. If this continues, she might be raised as an animal by you."

From Fu Hua's point of view, Mei is really a little too used to Qiyana.Because once Kiyana finds Mei when she is hungry, Mei will basically not refuse, and will cook a lot of delicious food for her.

Over time, Fu Hua began to worry about Qiyana's future.

After leaving the teaching building, several people walked towards the dormitory talking and laughing.

In the distance of the teaching building, Cecilia was watching Kiana silently.

"Qiana has grown so big!"

This is also impossible, after all, her consciousness has been in the core of Heiyuan Baihua for more than ten years.

Beside Cecilia, Lin Yu sighed secretly in his heart after seeing Cecilia's gentle eyes looking at Qiyana.

"Sigh~ Should I tell her about Kiyana?"

You know, the current Kiyana and the Kiyana that Cecilia saw before her death are not the same person.

At this time, Qiyana is just a pawn used in Otto's "Sirin" plan to "resurrect" the Second Herrscher, and is not the real Qiyana at all.

But even so, Lin Yu did not allow Otto to act recklessly like this.He didn't care whether this Qiyana was real or not, he only knew that this white haired dumpling was the Qiyana he knew, and he was one of the important partners he knew in the third Honkai.But for anyone who wants to hurt them, Lin Yu will never let them go.

Even if this person is Otto, the bishop of the world's largest organization, Mandate of Heaven!
As for where is the real Qiyana, why does Lin Yu care so much?Does this have anything to do with him?He didn't know her.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Lin Yu can't think so much now, after all, their first task now is to prevent the progress of the "Xilin" plan, and then to fight against their greatest enemy-Hengkai.

"time to go!"

After seeing Qiyana and the others walking away, Lin Yu also reminded Cecilia.After all, this is St. Freya Academy, if you stay for a long time, you may not know what will go wrong!

"Oh, I see."

Afterwards, Cecilia followed Lin Yu and the others and left St. Freya Academy.

"Brother, how are you going to make Noelle and Sister Lulu recognize each other?"

On the way back, Fei Yuwan asked Lin Yu a very important question through mind communication.

You know, Noelle still retains all her memories, but Novalu has forgotten the memory about Noelle.If Novalu sees Noelle, it is estimated that Novalu's first reaction is that she does not know Noelle.

"Oh! I almost forgot about it!"

After being reminded by Fei Yuwan, Lin Yu slapped his head suddenly.

He patronized Noelle and Cecilia to come out, but forgot about it.

"Xiaofei, take Cecilia back to the base first. I have to explain the situation to Xiaoai, otherwise I don't know what to do after the two of them meet."

Then Lin Yu opened two doors of space, and then led her into one of them under Noelle's astonished gaze.

"Huh? What is Lin Yu doing?"

Cecilia expressed doubts about Lin Yu's sudden behavior.

"My brother still has some things to explain to Noelle, don't worry about them, let's go back to the base first!"

Hiyumaru knew that Lin Yu was looking for a place to explain to Noelle about Novalu, so she took Cecilia back to the base directly.

In a certain abandoned ruins, a door of space suddenly opened, and two figures walked out from it.

"Brother Lin Yu, what are we doing here?"

Lin Yu clearly said before that he was going back to the base, but this place doesn't look like the base no matter what!Noelle couldn't help being puzzled by this.

"It's like this, Xiao Ai. Before you fully recovered, I hid some things from you considering your situation, and now I have to tell you these things before I can take you back to the base."

Before Noelle hadn't fused her body, Lin Yu was always afraid that telling her about Novalu would stimulate her too much, so he didn't tell her.But now Lin Yu has to bring Noelle back to the base, and he must meet Nova Lu, so don't say no!

"What's the matter?"

Noelle was also a little curious about this.

What is it about her that makes Lin Yu so cautious?
"This thing is..."

On the other side, in the void, Higokumaru had brought Cecilia to the courtyard of the Yae Shrine.But what greeted them was...

"Hey! Welcome to Feather Blade to add new members!"

As soon as the two came out of the gate of space, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu exploded the surprise fireworks in front of them, which directly made them freeze in place.

Not far from the two of them, a table was filled with delicious dishes.

"Sister Cangxuan, Sister Danzhu, what are you..."

After regaining consciousness, Fei Yuwan asked Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu about it.

"Didn't you say before you left that you would bring Cecilia back! So they took this opportunity to hold a welcome party!"

At this time, Yae Sakura came out with a plate of freshly cooked dishes and explained to Higyomaru.

"This time the protagonist is this one, come here quickly!"


Before Cecilia could react, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu pushed Cecilia to the side of the table.

"Sister Hiyumaru, this way!"

"Sister Fei, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Phil and Yae Rin also brought Hiyumaru to the table, and then sat down together.

"Huh? Where's Lin Yu? Why didn't you see him come back?"

Novalu also found that only Hiyumaru and Cecilia came back, and Lin Yu was not seen at all.

"Lin Yu brought..."

"Brother, he still has something to do, so he will have to wait a while before he comes back."

Without waiting for Cecilia to explain, Higokumaru stood up directly.

No idea!If she doesn't stop, Cecilia will definitely tell Noelle.

"Isn't Cecilia all right? What else can Lin Yu do?"

Ji Lin was also very puzzled by this.

Isn't Lin Yu's purpose of going out this time is to integrate Cecilia's consciousness and body!Is there anything else?

"Let's wait for my brother to explain this to you when he comes back!"

It's impossible for Higokumaru to tell about Noelle directly!
"Okay then! Let's just wait for him a little longer! I hope we won't be kept waiting for too long!"

Everyone didn t say much about this, after all, once Lin Yu went out, he would always find something to do.Who knows what he did this time!
"Sister Cangxuan, Sister Danzhu! My brother will bring someone back later, so you have to greet him!"

Fei Yuwan contacted Cangxuan and Danzhu using mind communication. She just said that Lin Yu would bring back another person, but did not say who this person was.

"Bring another person back? Could it be that Feather Blade will directly add two new members this time?"

"Of course! It's just that I'll wait for my brother to come back and explain the details to you. I can't explain it all at once."

Then Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu prepared fireworks again, ready to welcome Lin Yu and Noelle at any time.

"Oh? Cangxuan, Danzhu! What are you two doing?"

Seeing that the two of them were preparing for a "surprise" again, Novalu couldn't help asking.

"Of course good things come in pairs!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu simply said this.

Seeing that she didn't get an answer, Nuovalu shifted her gaze to Hiyumaru again, wanting to get an answer from her.

Who told her to go out with Lin Yu?
"My brother will bring another person back, and that person will also join Feather Blade, so we will add two new members here."

After being explained by Fei Yuwan in this way, everyone understood why Lin Yu came back so late.


I saw a space door reappeared in the courtyard of the shrine.

"I am back!"

Before Lin Yu's figure appeared, his voice came over in advance.

"Congratulations to Feather Blade for adding a new member!"

As soon as Lin Yu's figure stepped out of the door of space, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu opened the fireworks.


A startled sound suddenly sounded.

Of course, this was not Lin Yu's voice, but the voice of Noelle next to Lin Yu.After all, Lin Yu already knew what was going on at the door when he opened the door of space, so how could he be frightened!

"Xiao Ai, it's okay! They are welcoming you!"

Lin Yu explained to the frightened Noelle, and then said to Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu:

"You scared Xiao Ai!"

"Hey! Sorry sorry!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu said in embarrassment.

They also didn't expect this new member to be so timid and so easily frightened.

"Xiao Ai, come and meet all the members of Feather Blade!"

Lin Yu pulled Noelle out from behind, preparing to introduce her to everyone present.But when she saw Novalu sitting at the table, she suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:
"elder sister!"

 The update has resumed, and the previously owed updates will be slowly made up over the weekend. PS: The number of votes in the past few days is terrible! ╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

(End of this chapter)

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